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No curfew from tonight


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4 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

Curfew was my favourite thing about all this mess. No nutcases on motorbikes racing up and down the road all night, no drunks having brawls downstairs at 3 am, just peace and silence. But it was a pain for many so for their sake it's good to see it go away.

Sounds like you live in the wrong place. How about moving to a moo baan or somewhere quiet, like a remote mountain village.

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2 hours ago, DaRoadrunner said:
9 hours ago, Bob A Kneale said:

The curfew finishes at 00:00 and normality starts at the same time.

Normality?.... Have you forgotten where we are?

I haven't forgotten anything.  Have you forgotten that you need to read comments in order to understand the context?  "Normality" was not a word that I chose, it was this poster's...

10 hours ago, OneeyedJohn said:

If u wanna be totally literal about it, the curfew should finish at 23:59 tonight and normality should resume at 00:01 hours Monday morning.

There is no such time as 00:00.

Edited by Bob A Kneale
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13 hours ago, colinneil said:

No curfew from tonight.:cheesy: I find that hilarious.

We have had motorbikes, pickups passing our gate every night, locals here have taken no notice what so ever of a curfew, just been business as usual.

My window is right above Sukhumvit and Asoke BTS. This week it looked like a si fi movie. Not one person car or voice anywhere. total silence.

Absolutely nothing. 

Tonight some very light traffic. 

Edited by NCC1701A
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9 hours ago, drbeach said:

I agree with the other guy about human rights being infringed upon but if he's angry about that temple or buses not allowing foreigners on board (although they will starting tomorrow) I say - get over it. Maybe buy a car or just wait it out a bit. I wouldn't want to visit a tourist attraction now anyway, even if I could, due to all the ridiculous measures they make us go through. Better to stay home or only go places where this doesn't apply.

On the other front about Thailand "not being the same anymore" not sure what is meant by that. I don't find Thais to have been more welcoming of foreigners 20 or 30 years ago. Quite the opposite - back then if you had a child with a Thai national, the child was not eligible for Thai nationality unless the foreign parent was a woman. Applying for Thai citizenship has become simplified and is much more straightforward than at anytime in the past. Similarly, Thai women lost the right to own land after being married to a foreigner - no longer now. Back in the day, foreigners were charged more for street food - nowadays, not anymore.

Are there still issues and is xenophobia being ramped up recently? Yes, but I wouldn't expect things to be any better anywhere else in the world during the current times.

Eggsactly, I’m finding the locals more receptive every year.This year when the lockdown started some Thais from each Moo went house to house.distributing food parcels on instructions by the Phu Yai Ban.When they came here I said no it’s ok I have enough food I don’t want their reply was you must take everyone gets one so I took it and gave it to a needy family in my Moo.My point is they could have gone past my house if bias existed. The posters on here that say Thailand has changed yes they are right but forward not backward.......Life is what you make of your actions and surroundings.

Edited by Silent Number
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11 hours ago, drbeach said:

Sounds like you live in the wrong place. How about moving to a moo baan or somewhere quiet, like a remote mountain village.

Unfortunately I couldn't ask my company and hundreds of staff to move as well...

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6 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

Of course he is member of the "don't like it go home club"


There are so many of them, all living in denial. Not one of them will hear a bad word said about their precIous Thailand. I am convinced it's because they have been stupid enough to relocate without giving themselves the option of an exit should it go wrong, so obviously they don't want to hear that Thailand is not what it once was as it not a nice place to be anymore,,, there are much better options available and that message is spreading globally, its why the tourist trade was suffering before the virus and will continue to suffer afterwards. The recent reports on the "no foreigners" sign at the temple and constant breaches of human rights will absolutely effect peoples desire to travel there... 

No society is perfect, but at least most of them will allow their citizens to complain about something that does not seem right. That is why there is a system called Democracy, that is not a fake democracy where the results are decided before the vote!


Apart from Health Minister Anutin's ludicrous out bursts against "dirty unwashed farangs", there are various signs springing up everywhere that shows their contempt for foreigners. One Immigration Office that I know of has a sign  on the front of an IO's desk that says "Be Quiet!"  (Not "PLEASE be quiet!")  A Government that has a Department solely devoted to try to persuade foreigners to holiday here (and spend their money!) TAT, whose statistics and interpretation of them are legend, and a Health Minister who appears to want exactly the opposite.! Where else would you have a Government Department repeatedly insisting that the tourist arrivals are are up by xx%  - REPEATEDLY, -  when it is perfectly obvious from the deserted bars, restaurants and hotels that the opposite is true? This was happening long before the Coronavirus came along, and "The man from the Government said it so it must be right!" seems to be the logic. 


The latest "forecast" is that after July 1st, tourists will be flocking back to Thailand in their thousands, which I doubt because (a) many people across the globe haven't got the money to spend on holidays, and (b) the prospect that a great number of these "tourists" will be from China will in itself be a deterrent. And no, I'm not being racist, but many people worldwide blame China (rightly or wrongly) for Covid-19, and psychologically look upon them as people to be avoided - that and the well publicised "feeding frenzies" and appalling eating and hygiene habits that some of them are famous for will probably dissuade many "farangs" from holidaying here (Those that have the money!)


Anyway, rant over - I can get a drink with my meal tonight, and not have to rush home by 10 pm. I also feel safe in the knowledge that Covid-19 is well under control here compared to my home country, and I won't get involved with people wanting to throw statues in the Chao Phraya river! 






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20 hours ago, Silent Number said:

if you have such dislike for Thailand and it’s expats why are you even commenting on here take up knitting or macrame do something useful with your time. Some of us don’t have a problem with the rules and regulations of the powers that are in control.I personally don’t get overexcited at signs on temples like some and as for human rights try looking at a news channel problems are everywhere.So I would suggest instead of getting all worked up about such a rotten place go to one of those better options places. No malice intended.Muah

Did you get a badge when you joined the club? ????

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2 hours ago, sambum said:

No society is perfect, but at least most of them will allow their citizens to complain about something that does not seem right. That is why there is a system called Democracy, that is not a fake democracy where the results are decided before the vote!


Apart from Health Minister Anutin's ludicrous out bursts against "dirty unwashed farangs", there are various signs springing up everywhere that shows their contempt for foreigners. One Immigration Office that I know of has a sign  on the front of an IO's desk that says "Be Quiet!"  (Not "PLEASE be quiet!")  A Government that has a Department solely devoted to try to persuade foreigners to holiday here (and spend their money!) TAT, whose statistics and interpretation of them are legend, and a Health Minister who appears to want exactly the opposite.! Where else would you have a Government Department repeatedly insisting that the tourist arrivals are are up by xx%  - REPEATEDLY, -  when it is perfectly obvious from the deserted bars, restaurants and hotels that the opposite is true? This was happening long before the Coronavirus came along, and "The man from the Government said it so it must be right!" seems to be the logic. 


The latest "forecast" is that after July 1st, tourists will be flocking back to Thailand in their thousands, which I doubt because (a) many people across the globe haven't got the money to spend on holidays, and (b) the prospect that a great number of these "tourists" will be from China will in itself be a deterrent. And no, I'm not being racist, but many people worldwide blame China (rightly or wrongly) for Covid-19, and psychologically look upon them as people to be avoided - that and the well publicised "feeding frenzies" and appalling eating and hygiene habits that some of them are famous for will probably dissuade many "farangs" from holidaying here (Those that have the money!)


Anyway, rant over - I can get a drink with my meal tonight, and not have to rush home by 10 pm. I also feel safe in the knowledge that Covid-19 is well under control here compared to my home country, and I won't get involved with people wanting to throw statues in the Chao Phraya river! 






You're right, no society is perfect, it's just some are worse then others. Psuedo democracy, breaches in human rights, obvious foreigner hatred / racism plus many other things are completely undeniable in my view and they make Thailand a bad place to be, which is a terrible shame compared to how it once was and could have been today.


Still enjoy your drink with your meal..

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9 hours ago, Silent Number said:

Eggsactly, I’m finding the locals more receptive every year.This year when the lockdown started some Thais from each Moo went house to house.distributing food parcels on instructions by the Phu Yai Ban.When they came here I said no it’s ok I have enough food I don’t want their reply was you must take everyone gets one so I took it and gave it to a needy family in my Moo.My point is they could have gone past my house if bias existed. The posters on here that say Thailand has changed yes they are right but forward not backward.......Life is what you make of your actions and surroundings.

Sorry but you are both in terrible denial. Progression on certain things may indeed have happened.. However the country has gone backwards in so many ways,, There is evidence everywhere around you everyday and you are both in my opinion living in denial.. I absolutely do not buy the idea to ignore things you don't like when they are infringing your rights as a human being,, that is NOT progression is it.. Anyway, there are many of you who live in denial of what is really going on,, ignorance is bliss as they say.

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19 hours ago, drbeach said:

I agree with the other guy about human rights being infringed upon but if he's angry about that temple or buses not allowing foreigners on board (although they will starting tomorrow) I say - get over it. Maybe buy a car or just wait it out a bit. I wouldn't want to visit a tourist attraction now anyway, even if I could, due to all the ridiculous measures they make us go through. Better to stay home or only go places where this doesn't apply.

On the other front about Thailand "not being the same anymore" not sure what is meant by that. I don't find Thais to have been more welcoming of foreigners 20 or 30 years ago. Quite the opposite - back then if you had a child with a Thai national, the child was not eligible for Thai nationality unless the foreign parent was a woman. Applying for Thai citizenship has become simplified and is much more straightforward than at anytime in the past. Similarly, Thai women lost the right to own land after being married to a foreigner - no longer now. Back in the day, foreigners were charged more for street food - nowadays, not anymore.

Are there still issues and is xenophobia being ramped up recently? Yes, but I wouldn't expect things to be any better anywhere else in the world during the current times.

blimey, the country you are living in is infringing your rights and your answer is "get over it", terrible.. At what point will you care? How bad will it have to get for you before you do grow a pair? If the authorities in my country started to behave like that the entire country (including locals) would be up in arms wanting someones head removed,, in Thailand the locals don't care about you so will say nothing and the authorities see no problem in plonking you in second class citizen status and infringing your basic rights,,, 

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10 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

blimey, the country you are living in is infringing your rights and your answer is "get over it", terrible.. At what point will you care? How bad will it have to get for you before you do grow a pair? If the authorities in my country started to behave like that the entire country (including locals) would be up in arms wanting someones head removed,, in Thailand the locals don't care about you so will say nothing and the authorities see no problem in plonking you in second class citizen status and infringing your basic rights,,, 

We dont have any rights in regarding going into Temples or getting on buses

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1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

We dont have any rights in regarding going into Temples or getting on buses

what do you mean? If you have no right to go on buses or enter temples because you are foreign then that is a problem, do you not think? Are you saying that because Thailand says you have no rights to these things  so they are not an infringement of your rights? ????

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8 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

what do you mean? If you have no right to go on buses or enter temples because you are foreign then that is a problem, do you not think? Are you saying that because Thailand says you have no rights to these things  so they are not an infringement of your rights? ????

You are an alien in a foreign country your rights aren’t being infringed.Soon you will be afforded the PRIVILEGE of attending these venues and riding on PRIVATE transport.

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11 hours ago, Silent Number said:

Eggsactly, I’m finding the locals more receptive every year.This year when the lockdown started some Thais from each Moo went house to house.distributing food parcels on instructions by the Phu Yai Ban.When they came here I said no it’s ok I have enough food I don’t want their reply was you must take everyone gets one so I took it and gave it to a needy family in my Moo.My point is they could have gone past my house if bias existed. The posters on here that say Thailand has changed yes they are right but forward not backward.......Life is what you make of your actions and surroundings.

Yes and they're much more used to us now. 30 years ago when you left Bangkok or Chiang Mai to visit the villages, everyone stared at you and kids would follow you wherever you went, like in Bangladesh or India. That doesn't happen anymore. Young kids might still give us a collective wave or say hello when a foreigner goes to a village where they don't see many foreigners, but that's about it.


I personally prefer being ignored rather than treated like something special because I have white skin. The uncomfortable stares and being paraded around like royalty I received when I visited the Hani food festival in a southern Yunnanese village back around 2010 is not something I would want to experience every day. It's weird.


So yeah, Thailand is OK. The government may at times not appear to be that welcoming, but were they ever really more welcoming in the past? Not from my experience. I've had countless interactions with government officials such as customs officers at land borders (over the years I've crossed most of them) and 95% of my encounters have been positive. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for my dealings with Cambodian and Vietnamese officials, who have generally been more surly and in a couple of cases downright intimidating (in the case of Vietnam). Lao officials - a bit of a hit and mess, but generally pleasant in recent years.

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28 minutes ago, Silent Number said:

Diddums feelings get hurt sorry I didn’t realise you were so sensitive.And no I don’t get badges I supply them.

Why would my feelings be hurt????? did I touch a nerve? You burnt all your bridges and stuck in a dump? ????

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26 minutes ago, Silent Number said:

You are an alien in a foreign country your rights aren’t being infringed.Soon you will be afforded the PRIVILEGE of attending these venues and riding on PRIVATE transport.

So, you have zero rights as a human being living in Thailand until they decide to give you the privilege of accessing BASIC public facilities? And you want to live in a place like this? I guess you cannot have kids of a young age. It's not right my friend, stop making excuses for your (adopted country) leaders appalling behaviour and grow a pair.

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1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

Why would my feelings be hurt????? did I touch a nerve? You burnt all your bridges and stuck in a dump? ????

Wow you are one bitter individual .I love this country and it’s people and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else now.So the answer is no You didn’t and no I’m not. So move on with your bitter hateful ravings on another post cupcake.

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1 minute ago, Silent Number said:

Wow you are one bitter individual .I love this country and it’s people and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else now.So the answer is no You didn’t and no I’m not. So move on with your bitter hateful ravings on another post cupcake.

Glad you love the country sweetcheeks, just a shame they don't feel the same about you. Enjoy, if you can see anything with all that sand surrounding your head. ????

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1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

So, you have zero rights as a human being living in Thailand until they decide to give you the privilege of accessing BASIC public facilities? And you want to live in a place like this? I guess you cannot have kids of a young age. It's not right my friend, stop making excuses for your (adopted country) leaders appalling behaviour and grow a pair.

Man you need help try the Good Samaritans they are very helpful with anger management.Maybe they can fix stupidity also good luck.

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2 hours ago, Silent Number said:

You are an alien in a foreign country your rights aren’t being infringed.Soon you will be afforded the PRIVILEGE of attending these venues and riding on PRIVATE transport.

How are buses PRIVATE transport, they are the definition of public transport. Same goes for temples. Sorry but your point doesn't make sense and repeating yourself using CAPS doesn't strengthen your point to me... Imagine if you were home (wherever that is) and your local authority said "no foreigners on buses, no foreigners in churches",, unimaginaeable right? Why is it you can't see that? Have you been in Thailand too long?

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18 minutes ago, Silent Number said:

Man you need help try the Good Samaritans they are very helpful with anger management.Maybe they can fix stupidity also good luck.

Just reading your post with my friend here, thank you for the laugh... enjoy your day in "paradise" ????????

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6 minutes ago, Silent Number said:

You have a friend ...I can’t believe that does he sit on your shoulder and whisper in your ear.

If that image makes you feel better then ok.. I am not trying to convince anyone that a bus is PRIVATE transport! Catch a bus and you will see it is full of members of the public, all strangers to each other paying their own fares,, oh wait you can't can you!..????

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