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Protesters burn down Wendy's in Atlanta after police shooting


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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Mr. Brooks should not have been shot dead in the back. 




It’s not complicated: Rayshard Brooks should be alive

You're right. He should be alive. Unfortunately, the ex-con decided to become violent with police and steal one of their weapons.

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THE most disgusting thing that i have seen in my 72 years of life. White America ,you should own-up to your evil past. Just look at your offspring, now marching in the streets with their human friends who happen to have colored skin. White Americans, you don't control the world to create a better one for everyone. This is the fantasy that your white leaders know that you will fall for. You actually create a continuous world of conflict to satisfy the needs of your white Billionaires.

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57 minutes ago, gazza4 said:

THE most disgusting thing that i have seen in my 72 years of life. White America ,you should own-up to your evil past. Just look at your offspring, now marching in the streets with their human friends who happen to have colored skin. White Americans, you don't control the world to create a better one for everyone. This is the fantasy that your white leaders know that you will fall for. You actually create a continuous world of conflict to satisfy the needs of your white Billionaires.

Please ! Racism is in every country,blacks on black murders and injustices that they commit to their brothers and sister in their community.  It  will be till the end of time. So how does one country deal with it and make a difference! 

Some think, have all black police chiefs, is the answer! Black Politicians in the cities and even as President will surely solve the race issue.

America has come along way in recognizing that all people <deleted>,pee and bleed the same.


 A few bad apples in  every culture or a profession have always tainted the batch and will exist! To think they could possibly change  whats been happening since the beginning of time is ...



That man in many ways shows the need for law and order, black or white! 


Shooting the guy in the back  imop wasn't justified for his actions!

I would of like to have seen him knock those legs out, similar to what cops do when they shoot out a car's tire when in pursuit! 



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28 minutes ago, riclag said:

Please ! Racism is in every country,blacks on black murders and injustices that they commit to their brothers and sister in their community.  It  will be till the end of time. So how does one country deal with it and make a difference! 

Some think, have all black police chiefs, is the answer! Black Politicians in the cities and even as President will surely solve the race issue.

America has come along way in recognizing that all people <deleted>,pee and bleed the same.


 A few bad apples in  every culture or a profession have always tainted the batch and will exist! To think they could possibly change  whats been happening since the beginning of time is ...



That man in many ways shows the need for law and order, black or white! 


Shooting the guy in the back  imop wasn't justified for his actions!

I would of like to have seen him knock those legs out, similar to what cops do when they shoot out a car's tire when in pursuit! 





If you had watched the video and saw how the offender discharged the Tazer at the policeman, seeing it pass over the head of the policeman.
The policeman could have been blinded and/or incapacitated whereby the offender could have come back and taken his firearm. Shot the policeman dead and tried for the partner.

Me I'd rather see the criminal take the fall. I want my law enforcement to go home safe each night.
Policemen are not taught to wound when they shoot. It's just too risky and for non-involved people.

As an example I was a casual shooter for a pest destruction board and one night I was out with a heavy dew on the grass. Taking aim at a running pest I let off a couple of rounds. Missed with both but heard 2 sharp thacks.. What the...?

300 metres or so in the background was a bamboo hedge. My rounds were skimming off the wet grass and hitting the bamboo. When I looked closer there was a house on the other side. The bamboo saved my bacon and maybe their's too.

When you fire at running legs the target is small. What happens in the background should someone be out of your sight with a ricochet?
Perhaps the offender doesn't die but an innocent does. That makes me the policeman feel better about it?

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On 6/14/2020 at 9:02 PM, giddyup said:

Let them burn all the fast food franchises in their neighbourhoods, might do wonders for their waistlines.

Both white and black waistlines. Maybe the BLM can pay a visit to Beach Road in Pattaya and get rid of the scourge of foreign fast-food joints, which apparently don't threaten the livelihood of Thai people, nor the Thai "culture." It's rather the falang pensioner having inappropriate relations with indigenous women and bearing offspring that is the real threat, and which demands ever more stringent immigration policies.

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5 hours ago, sirineou said:

I am not saying that there are unjustified violence. and when it is it should be investigated and prosecuted. and if it is not I will join hands with anyone willing to join hands with me and peacefully protest.

Is there racism , sure there is, what segment in society does not have racism? Don't the black community have racism?   Is there more racism in the Police community than in general society. I would say NO , why because there are systems that try to weed it out.

  Are these systems always successful?  Certainly not!! What system is?? 

These unjustified incidents are a minute proportion of police involvement.  and should be handled as such.

  How does burning down a Wendi's help anything?  What about the guy who sunk his savings and maybe mortgage his house to buy the franchise? How about all the black people that worked there that now don't have a job?  How about all the taxes the community will not collect? 

  People react based on perceptions. Will  the next cop who is hired for that position have better perceptions of that community or worst? Will he or she be more relaxed or more defensive? 

I am of the opinion of doing things that make things better , and not doing things that make things worst. Do you really think anything that has happened in the last few week or last few years with same type of reactions has made things better?  

 Or perhaps should we try a different approach of cooperation and community involvement?  Perhaps if the community saw the police as a partner rather than as an enemy thinks would be different.  

People in America are constantly conflating classism with racism; and to a degree this is understandable given that blacks in America are disproportionately disadvantaged in this respect. They suffer the worst of this classism. Believe me, how you are treated by American police officers has a lot more to do with your perceived economic status than it does your race. White trailer park "trash" in America are not exactly treated with much respect. Just watch some episodes of "Cops" if you don't believe me. The moment the police enter the wealthier suburbs--which admittedly are more predominantly white--their whole attitude and methods change. But this is fundamentally an economic bias, and not entirely unjustified. Unfortunate as it is. Now, the BLM would absolutely give no credence to my argument, because with them it is all about racial identity. Not even poor white people and poor black people and poor brown people can find any sort of solidarity, because the racial identitarians of the Left have co-opted this struggle and turned it into a race war.

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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He didn't need to be stopped. They had his car. He could easily be arrested later. 

What if you'd been walking along innocently chomping on your Wendy's burger that night; would you like to have bumped into a drunk violent man armed with (at the very least) a taser?

They couldn't just let a man like that roam around the streets on the assumption they might pick him up later.  

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Ok. My 2 cents:

All this shooting and talking I see year after year and nothing really changing. So I did my own research:  police is independent ruling class and that's the main problem and action should be--

ban police unions,

ban pension plans,

ban mandatory pay raises,

introduce mandatory licenses.

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On 6/14/2020 at 10:48 PM, Eric Loh said:

Pity that the idea of warning shots has been prohibited for decades in policing even though it is allowed in police documents. It should be thoroughly re-examined and brought back with better rules and training. 

Every year people die due to idiots shooting their firearms in the air, especially on the 4th of July. In America you can get charged with manslaughter for doing this. Bullet goes up it must come down, with enough terminal velocity to kill.

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15 hours ago, Tug said:

Well well well turns out it was a white woman who torched the hamburger stand and she’s involved in that boogaloo group of white supremacist folks same ones that murdered 2 cops during a blm protest well well well looks like someone’s trying to push folks past the edge I wonder who........

Link to support claims, please.

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3 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Yes, we all saw how cooperative the child-beating parolee was when he assaulted the cops and stole one of their tasers. Wow. Just WOW.

And the good news is the child-beating parolee didn't take the lives of one or more of the officers in attendance and the perp remains dead.  

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