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Exclsuive: U.S., Brazil protest Thailand's pesticide ban over impact on wheat, soy exports - documents


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Exclsuive: U.S., Brazil protest Thailand's pesticide ban over impact on wheat, soy exports - documents

By Patpicha Tanakasempipat



FILE PHOTO: Workers spray insecticide at a maize field destroyed by Fall Army Worm at Pak Chong district, Nakhon Ratchasima province, Thailand June 12, 2019. REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun/File Photo


BANGKOK (Reuters) - The United States and Brazil lodged separate protests with Thailand over its ban on two farm chemicals earlier this month, documents reviewed by Reuters show, saying the "restrictive" and "serious" move could hurt key agricultural exports.


Bangkok's pesticide ban could hit U.S. and Brazilian exports of wheat and soy that are worth more than $1 billion a year, according to United Nations data, potentially setting up a diplomatic showdown with Thailand, a leading importer of the commodities from both countries.


The knock-on effect on Thailand's food chain could also add tens of billions of dollars to costs while slashing millions of jobs, according to one Thai industry estimate.


Thailand added weedkiller paraquat and insecticide chlorpyrifos to its list of most hazardous substances on June 1, citing a need to protect human health. The move triggered another health regulation banning imported food products containing residues of prohibited chemicals.


The import ban has been drafted pending comments from interested parties up to July 18 and will become law once published in Thailand's Royal Gazette. There is no apparent legal mechanism to derail the ban without first amending Thai health law.


The United States and Brazil challenged Thailand's move in separate letters in late May after Thailand informed the World Trade Organization (WTO) of the pending import ban. Both the United States and Brazil suggested the Southeast Asian country lacked new scientific evidence, as required by the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), to justify a measure that could restrict international trade.


"We have general concerns regarding the notified actions which appear to be more trade-restrictive than necessary," Russ Nicely, Agricultural Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, wrote in a letter reviewed by Reuters.


Thailand imports nearly all of its soybeans from the United States and Brazil. In 2019, Thailand was the world's eighth and fourth largest importer of U.S. and Brazilian soybeans, worth $525 million and $602 million, respectively, according to the United Nations Comtrade database.


Thailand, also the 10th largest market for U.S. wheat, uses millions of tonnes of both crops each year to produce a range of products from cooking oil, noodles, to animal feed.


The U.S. and Brazilian embassies in Thailand did not immediately comment.



Mananya Thaiset, a Thai deputy agriculture minister who championed Bangkok's ban, has said the rationale is to protect human health at all costs. Mananya's office declined to comment to Reuters for this story.


Paraquat, which has been linked to Parkinson's Disease in various research, is banned in the European Union and China, while Brazil itself is also prohibiting its use later this year. Several studies have also linked chlorpyrifos, banned in Europe and U.S. state California, to impaired brain development in children.


But Brazil and the United States both urged Thailand to continue allowing imports of goods under Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) according to Codex, the international standards used for acceptable residue levels in traded food commodities.


Many countries that ban paraquat or chlorpyrifos domestically still allow imported foods under MRL standards.


"The Thai authority's approach disregards risk analyses in the setting of regulatory measures that may have serious impact on trade," said Brazil's agriculture ministry, in a letter reviewed by Reuters defending the use of insecticide chlorpyrifos.


The latest tensions on farm chemicals come in the wake of a spat last year when the United States protested Thailand's plan to ban glyphosate, used in Bayer AG <BAYGn.DE>'s contentious weedkiller Roundup, the subject of many U.S. lawsuits claiming it causes cancer.


Thailand later backed down on glyphosate, but proceeded to ban the other two pesticides.



Thailand would be one of few major markets for agricultural goods to impose zero tolerance on imports of commodities containing residues.

About 10 million Thai farming households are already facing up to the impact of the ban, especially on paraquat.


"Other chemicals are expensive and do far more damage to main crops than paraquat, while killing weed with less efficiency," said Sarawut Rungmekarat, an agronomist at Kasetsart University in Bangkok.


Thai agribusinesses also argue the import ban would create ripple effects that disrupts the domestic food chain, from animal feed to livestock, fishery, food industries.


The import ban would cost Thai companies 1.7 trillion baht ($55 billion) and 12 million jobs, said the country's Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking, which urged Thailand's prime minister to introduce a grace period until end-2021.


Thailand's animal feed industry relies almost entirely on importing 5 million tonnes of soybean and 1 million tonnes of wheat per year.


"If you cut our supplies today, we simply can't continue," Pornsil Patchrintanakul, president of the Thai Feed Mill Association, told Reuters.

"If we fall, everyone falls with us."


(Reporting by Patpicha Tanakasempipat; Editing by Kay Johnson and Kenneth Maxwell)



-- © Copyright Reuters 2020-06-22
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Hey Mr. Pornsil Patchrintanakul, those countries mentioned would be happy to export their uncontaminated organically farmed soy beans and wheat to Thailand as well. Furthermore it would spur the organic farming of soybeans and wheat, which is done by the two countries Brazil and the U.S. already, i.e. the U.S. responsible for 15% of all organic farmed soybeans on the world market, China 58%. Just change the supplier, then Thailand is all set. You might miss out the brown envelope from the current suppliers, but I believe that is bearable.

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1 hour ago, grumbleweed said:

As for the USA and Brazil, maybe they should consider these studies instead of squealing like stuck pigs when countries reserve their right not to poison their citizens. 

I guess they prefer to poison the environment. 

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4 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

This answers a lot of questions, not least why people voted for Trump.


As for the USA and Brazil, maybe they should consider these studies instead of squealing like stuck pigs when countries reserve their right not to poison their citizens. 


Well done Thailand

When the chemicals are used properly there's No problem and no poisoning of the people/animals. 

It's like Anything else in this country , Must Aducate the people who are using the chemicals not punish the countries food & feed  Industry.  

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12 minutes ago, digger70 said:

When the chemicals are used properly there's No problem

In Thailand it's plain as day they aren't used properly and have no chance of that so why even bring that up? We need a study to tell us all the bad things that happen when it is overused like the Thai's do.


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21 hours ago, webfact said:

The knock-on effect on Thailand's food chain could also add tens of billions of dollars to costs while slashing millions of jobs, according to one Thai industry estimate.

mhhhh, going green and more healthy will cost jobs


what kind of logic is that ?


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4 hours ago, canopy said:

In Thailand it's plain as day they aren't used properly and have no chance of that so why even bring that up? We need a study to tell us all the bad things that happen when it is overused like the Thai's do.


Why bring it up? Education of the public one Has to start Somewhere , Right? No? you don't seem to care .

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41 minutes ago, digger70 said:

Education of the public one Has to start Somewhere

That's a good one.

But, have you ever been some hours in Thailand in the sun on a field?


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8 minutes ago, Yom said:

That's a good one.

But, have you ever been some hours in Thailand in the sun on a field?


What's that got to do with Education ? Spraying is More effective and take Less time in the field than Manual extermination and Cultivating/weeding. 

Yes I am in the sun and weather a few hrs every day working in Our Veg Garden. 

Mowing the Lawn and surrounding areas

I start at Day Break and stop around 11  am .sometimes a bit later .  :wai:

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1 hour ago, digger70 said:

Education of the public one Has to start Somewhere , Right?

I am just trying to be realistic when I say that I am afraid education has no chance of working. If you need to understand the challenges involved, try educating a few farmers and see what happens. Will they eagerly listen, the light bulb turns on, and they get right to work to become model farmers? Or will they tell you plainly it's their land and they do as they damn well please? Thailand is right to skip over the touchy/feely awareness and education types of steps and go right to tough enforcement. These poisons are already banned elsewhere for a long time because they are harmful to the poor farmers health, the environment, and the consumer.


15 minutes ago, digger70 said:

take Less time in the field than Manual extermination and Cultivating/weeding. 

If you gave them cheap radioactive waste to control weeds they'd gladly use it liberally because as you say "take less time". They'd never use it at recommended levels, people would get sick and die of radiation poisoning, and yet the farmers would protest giving it up for other types of weed control. This is to put in perspective how nonsensical this whole thing is.


I would love to see manual weed control because it would create a huge amount of new jobs in Isaan and elsewhere with good wages for so many poor who have nothing and no chance at anything. These people would demand more than minimum wage and by gosh, working in the hot sun rain and mud they'd fully deserve it. And if the rich people have to pay another baht for their plate of rice to support these poor people and their jobs, then I'm all for it. That's win win as you have clean food for all and money breathed into the pockets of the poor. But note the government is not advocating such a healthful approach at all. Instead they are promoting alternative chemicals that are sort of a lesser of evils with what is known about them so far. So don't worry about anything I said. Business as usual.


Edited by canopy
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26 minutes ago, digger70 said:

What's that got to do with Education ?

Educated or not, many Thai farmers have to work hard to plant rice, corn

or water melons. - To get money.

While knowing they'll get little money, whatever they are planting.


For a lot of money they bought herbicides and/or insecticides.

They trust their local merchant. They can't read the instructions

in English or in Chinese. 

The sun is shininh bright.

They are tired.

They might be hungry.

Or thirsty.

So what?


It's the fault of the farmers !?



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1 hour ago, Yom said:

They trust their local merchant. They can't read the instructions

in English or in Chinese. 

Well wrong, all instructions on chemicals are in Thai, it is the law ,and one that is upheld .

Just look at the stuff you buy from Big C ect ,all foreign  imports have Thai translation on the packet  .

As for Chinese never seen that on chemical containers ,and why would Chinese be on they, this is Thailand 

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The farmers in our village don't buy their stuff at BigC.

If there is Thai language to find on any bottle, it's smallest print.

Many rural farmers have difficulties to read.

Older farmers need glasses.


Would be nice you could make some photos of common pesticides available.



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16 hours ago, Yom said:

Educated or not, many Thai farmers have to work hard to plant rice, corn

or water melons. - To get money.

While knowing they'll get little money, whatever they are planting.


For a lot of money they bought herbicides and/or insecticides.

They trust their local merchant. They can't read the instructions

in English or in Chinese. 

The sun is shininh bright.

They are tired.

They might be hungry.

Or thirsty.

So what?


It's the fault of the farmers !?



They Can be educated If they Want  to be educated .

No one died from working hard . 

 They can read Thai.

Herbicides and/or insecticides.  Have Thai Writing, 

How do I Know ? I Got Them.


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16 hours ago, canopy said:


I am just trying to be realistic when I say that I am afraid education has no chance of working. If you need to understand the challenges involved, try educating a few farmers and see what happens. Will they eagerly listen, the light bulb turns on, and they get right to work to become model farmers? Or will they tell you plainly it's their land and they do as they damn well please? Thailand is right to skip over the touchy/feely awareness and education types of steps and go right to tough enforcement. These poisons are already banned elsewhere for a long time because they are harmful to the poor farmers health, the environment, and the consumer.


If you gave them cheap radioactive waste to control weeds they'd gladly use it liberally because as you say "take less time". They'd never use it at recommended levels, people would get sick and die of radiation poisoning, and yet the farmers would protest giving it up for other types of weed control. This is to put in perspective how nonsensical this whole thing is.


I would love to see manual weed control because it would create a huge amount of new jobs in Isaan and elsewhere with good wages for so many poor who have nothing and no chance at anything. These people would demand more than minimum wage and by gosh, working in the hot sun rain and mud they'd fully deserve it. And if the rich people have to pay another baht for their plate of rice to support these poor people and their jobs, then I'm all for it. That's win win as you have clean food for all and money breathed into the pockets of the poor. But note the government is not advocating such a healthful approach at all. Instead they are promoting alternative chemicals that are sort of a lesser of evils with what is known about them so far. So don't worry about anything I said. Business as usual.


Yes it would be great to have manual weed/pest control but that seems to be impossible . 

Weed control maybe but the farmers don't have the money to employ sufficient amount of people to do the job properly. 

Manual pest/insect control can't see that happen that would be impossible.

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