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Don’t put profit before safety by allowing foreign tourists to return to Thailand too soon, warns doctor


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19 hours ago, warcy said:

Thai people are too paranoid. The chances of them dying from road accidents is higher than the virus.

There are many who are getting tired of comparing two entirely different circumstances, but I am not among them. I would bet all I have that there is not one single family in Thailand who does not know of someone who has been killed or seriously injured on the roads. They could not say the same regarding knowing someone who has had or been killed by the virus.

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19 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

Another fearful harp player who plays the apocalypse. The virus is there, but far from the end of the world. Instead of destructive hysteria, it is better to think about solutions. 

And the hysterics are mostly those who don't suffer economically, like this doctor.


The solution of the Philippines for the revival of tourism, I find a good solution. Not unnecessarily long quarantine times.


And if the countries or the airlines could still agree on a quick test before departure, as is currently practiced in Austria, it would be even better.


The task is to find a good balance between security and economy.


I had predicted at least one country in the region would decide to take the massive-numbers of foreigners who have no desire to return to their passport-countries.  It was a huge pile of money sitting on the board - and the Philippines are going for it.  Good for them


I am so glad so many here in Thailand,  now facing an unknown "What Happens on July 31," with closed borders / no way to get Visas, and/or unwilling to pay $1000+ into the "immigration/agent fund" for an extension they qualify to receive under the "published requirements," but cannot due to corruption, now have another option.


Of course, this PI change could also help "encourage" a better Thai option before July 31 - we can only wait and see.

Edited by JackThompson
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The next wave showing up is BLM movement. Spain and Thailand are on the radar. US and UK are organizing plans for organizing outside the country when flights resume. I don't think Thailand is in a position for flights from Europe, Australia, or America. Alot more than the virus now. Distraught groups creating destruction of person and property who could care less about the consequences. Saying something unintentionally can create total public destruction beyond anyones control.

Edited by Winky Wilson
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7 hours ago, BestB said:

Would it be too hard to have the new normal of covid test prior to arrival or on arrival ? Add extra $200 to the ticket price. People get tested on either side, airlines back in business, countries back in business, pharma companies making billions and labs making a nice profit .


Beats the 14 day quarantine

Big Pharma is holding out for the Trillion-Dollar "on-patent" vaccine - which will probably be much more dangerous than the virus to 99% of those forced to take it - but they don't care, just want that payday.

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5 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

I am so glad so many here in Thailand // unwilling to pay $1000+ into the "immigration/agent fund" for an extension they qualify to receive under the "published requirements," but cannot due to corruption, //

??? No idea what you are talking about. Never heard of anyone having to pay such an amount for an extension! No need of an agent either. An Extension is 1'900B. You must be in a rare case or very bad location...??

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5 hours ago, Scouse123 said:



Obviously a massive Trump supporter in our midst.


Even his own party are distancing themselves from his rhetoric. I have listened to him myself when he has been disagreeing with all the evidence and at one stage he was implying it was no worse than a bout of seasonal cold and flu. Well, in the USA it's turned out a lot more than that hasn't it unfortunately!


Regards testing, Trump is now annoyed at the amount of testing going on as it is showing the virus is spreading far greater than he said it would. Furthermore, holding indoor rallies for his re election and refusing to wear a mask in public is hardly setting a good example for the rest of the nation to follow.


A bit ' wide of the mark ' calling my comments, which are shared by many more ' a salacious lie ' A plain daft response in fact by a person in denial.


Anyway, if it continues, let's hope it doesn't, maybe Biden can sort it out better.

His "own party" hated him From Day One.  They opposed his candidacy, which was based upon restoring the policies which had made the USA a Great Place for working-people to live, until those policies were reversed in the 1980s and 90s - leading to 3rd World levels of wealth-concentration, even worse than during the Great Depression. 


Both parties in the USA had been 100% pro-globalist / anti-American-worker for decades, and Trump was the first presidential-candidate in all that time who promised to oppose those national-suicidal policies.  No one is saying, "Golly, I won't vote Trump if country-club Republicans like Lindsey Graham or Marco Rubio don't like him."  It's quite the opposite - his popularity was based on opposing them.


The problem with Trump, is he did not do what he said he would do on ANY of those issues for 3 years - caved each and every time (except in tweet-land).  THEN, he bought-into ALL the fear-mongering Gates/WHO/Faucci CCP-Virus snake-oil, leading to 42 Million Americans being forced out of work by his virus-shutdown.


Then, even after that, he continued "fast tracking" foreign-worker visas to Replace the last decent-paid Americans for Transnational-Inc's labor-savings profits, while continuing to NOT order the prosecution of businesses that are employing Illegal-Aliens in place of Americans.

Edited by JackThompson
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4 hours ago, John CS said:

???? No but maybe one of the many BL4 Labs exported from the States ( too many dangerous releases occured in USA ) into the rest of the world performing gain of function experiments on Corona Virus (weaponizing them making more susceptible to humans ) All funded by CDC & Gates , you may know of the Wuhan Lab in China.

It is international.  some USA-citizens like Gates and Faucci were involved, But it is not an "American" operation; globalist = anti-American.  Many of the Chinese scientists who worked on "gain of function" in the USA relocated to the Wuhan lab, after a terrifying lab-experiment led to this research being banned in the USA, because the CCP had no such restrictions.


I say Globalist because WHO were very strong in supporting China's method of trying to control the virus (Lockdowns), which strangely the free world then adopted, except for a few enlightened countries that saw the scam and Control of POWER it was..

The WHO recommended NOT suspending travel - he and his minions attacked Trump as "xenophobic and racist" for stopping travel from China (other than USA citizens / green-card holders).  Trump's error was not stopping the "back door" of Europe, which was still open to infected Chinese visitors.


They did support China's track/trace/lockdowns in affected areas - though at the point that began, it was not done over a wide-enough area.  Hubei province was cut-off from China, but left open to the world.


I hear the BAT story , but its almost impossible for a virus to cross species ( evolution tends to take care of this)  unless WE have had a hand in helping this to occur, via poorly controlled experimentation , genetic manipulation or introduction via Vaccines themselves,as has been proven with Retroviruses.????

Viruses do cross-species - how many enter the human population.  BUT, you are partially correct, as when they do cross-speces (SARS, MERS), they tend to NOT be highly-contagious, as they are not adapted to human tissue.  At least, not at first.


Passing them through a series of ferrets (who share a key receptor with humans) in a lab, as was done in with an H5N1 lab experiement (a terrifying 60% fatality virus - I referred to above), is how viruses can be artificially-adapted for humans. 


The high-spread rate of this virus in humans, from first-emergence - and it's "genetic distance" from any related viruses, leads some to suspect this, or similar, was done.  Proving that conclusively will be difficult, given who controls the research-funding; they are unlikely to out-themselves as the culprits. 

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20 hours ago, warcy said:

Thai people are too paranoid. The chances of them dying from road accidents is higher than the virus.

The chances of being killed by a terrorist is far lower than either but it wouldn't be a good idea to relax all anti-terror activities. Or is that being paranoid?

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59 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

??? No idea what you are talking about. Never heard of anyone having to pay such an amount for an extension! No need of an agent either. An Extension is 1'900B. You must be in a rare case or very bad location...??

1900 Baht is the "retail price" rate - which works for those needing certain types of visas, in certain conditions.  If you need unobtainium "landlord docs", or your income isn't from a "state pension source," or you work here, and they just added a pile of new documents never needed to prove income before, then you must use an agent.  Those are just the methods of denial of legit-extensions I have personally experienced - are many more, if you read the visa-forum regularly.


Bangkok is the more expensive area - about 5K more than most offices (20K for retirement-type vs 15K or less in Jomtien).  But everywhere, it's 10K Baht extra if you are extending based on Thai family - they have your Thai family to use against you for extortion-leverage, so require a "district level" sign-off, not needed for retirement, edu, etc.  That guy evidently charges 10K per signature - a nice little earner.

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1 minute ago, phantomfiddler said:

Allowing people in first, who are already sick, just does not sound like a very sound idea to me ???? Let the healthy happy tourists in first ????

Might as well test everyone entering - and pre-departure.  That's what the PI is doing.  Unless old or sick already, they won't need any medical care - and unlikely to be spreaders (recent data indicates) - but a simple precaution that should make everyone happy.

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20 hours ago, Scouse123 said:



You are right but at the moment they are like a child learning to swim.


They know there is going to be some unpleasant experiences before they master it, but if they don't take the plunge, when stormy waters hit the economy, they will be a fish out of water or a government out of its depth.


They cannot win every time. Either they accept some increase in cases or the economy suffers and stagnates.


They need to put it some regulations such as face masks in flight, social distancing where possible, temperature checks, personal hand washing and people being aware of surroundings and large groups.


You cannot isolate a nation forever and they won't be able to get all the previous preferential deals with the West as they have had for many years as emerging economies,  as the West has been harder hit than Asia,  and will not be able to subsidise goods and services like they have done in the past.


A balance has to be reached between economics and safety.




Social distancing is already forgotten. At the mall groups of people hanging out. People pulling tables together that are meant to be separated. People waiting in line as usual.


Then we have the people making good not wearing masks and not washing their hands after exchanging money. It’s a mess. I hope they don’t open up to tourists anytime soon because all it takes is a few people to slip by and this place will look like America or Brazil.

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21 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Why do people compare Thailand, with no "alleged" internal cases for 33 days, with a country pretty well ravaged by Covid-19 ? It just doesn't make any sense at all.

Cause the people who that just love fear mongering

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I do not think Thailand should be taking advice from abunch of faranges from a few countries that have been complete failures at the covid-19 game, mainly the US and Great Britian. Just because the Thais are cautious doesn't make them stupid they have seen what opening too soon causes, Hong Kong and Singapore. Calm down boys the Thais will do as they please and you bunch are just flapping your keys.

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3 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

Fab response!






3 hours ago, smudger1951 said:

Agreed, following the logic we should lockdown all road vehicle traffic until there are no accidents for a month or more, then gradually open up..


That sound like a plan that the government would cook up and then wonder why it failed.


And how will you be able to eat or drink because if there is a lockdown on all road traffic then no food or anything else for that matter will be delivered, people will empty the shelves, assuming that they can get to the shops before they are emptied. Thailand will grind to a halt in a couple of days.

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21 hours ago, sezze said:

Sure , but road accidents are not infectious .

Oh yes they are you get hit head-on by a drunk driver they'll put it down on your death certificate death by cv if your pos on a blood test during the autopsy 

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21 hours ago, Paiman said:

What the good doctor said is covid 19 groundhog day repetition.


Another one on the bandwagon for an ego - boost in the social media.

Where's this dr getting his information from. I don't take anything for granted any longer 

21 hours ago, sezze said:

Sure , but road accidents are not infectious .

Oh yes they are you get hit head-on by a drunk driver they'll put it down on your death certificate death by cv if your pos on a blood test during the autopsy 

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20 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Oh yes they are you get hit head-on by a drunk driver they'll put it down on your death certificate death by cv if your pos on a blood test during the autopsy 

Not in Thailand, though - only countries they are blowing up the stats. 

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23 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Why do people compare Thailand, with no "alleged" internal cases for 33 days, with a country pretty well ravaged by Covid-19 ? It just doesn't make any sense at all.

What sets Thailand apart is the comparison with the likes of Texas. For those that don't see it its listening to doctors like him that makes the difference.

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14 minutes ago, bipper said:

What sets Thailand apart is the comparison with the likes of Texas. For those that don't see it its listening to doctors like him that makes the difference.

It was going to get there (and everywhere) sooner or later.  Better if the vulnerable could be isolated while everyone else gets it. 

The "protests" - to which which "over 1000 medical professionals" gave their seal of approval - clearly led to a bump in spread.  The only time it becomes a "public health issue," is if/when hospitals cannot treat those needing intensive-care. 

Edited by JackThompson
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23 hours ago, warcy said:

This doctor is probably too rich to realise that many people in Thailand are poor. Many have considered suicide because they don't have enough money to survive.


These people should be left with no money to know how it feels.

Sssssssure, a Thai doctor working in a Hospital is just dumb and ignorant and "too rich" to realise the problems about his fellow Thai citizens. You on the other hand, are the current expert and finely tuned in with the citizens of your beloved new home country.


Nice touch to suggest "these people" (doctors who are battling corona?) should be stripped of their money. classy!


Can't make this sheet up. 

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On 6/27/2020 at 10:12 AM, Thaiwrath said:

Why do people compare Thailand, with no "alleged" internal cases for 33 days, with a country pretty well ravaged by Covid-19 ? It just doesn't make any sense at all.

A few things

"alleged" is the operative word

USA: 1.3 million active cases = less than 0.5% of the total population of 330 million - ravaged is relative as we are not talking about the plague which killed 30% of the population during that time

USA: about 95,000 tests per million inhabitants - Thailand 7,000 tests per million


Another fact is that destroying the economy will not eradicate the virus - countries need to learn to live with proper precautions but preventing every single infection is an illusion (as we see cases increase in France, Australia, Germany, UK)

For Europe to Survive, its Economy has to Survive (Angela Merkel)


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34 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

It was going to get there (and everywhere) sooner or later.  Better if the vulnerable could be isolated while everyone else gets it. 

The "protests" - to which which "over 1000 medical professionals" gave their seal of approval - clearly led to a bump in spread.  The only time it becomes a "public health issue," is if/when hospitals cannot treat those needing intensive-care. 

Finally someone who is mentioning the "protests" - I was wondering whether I was the only one in the country seeing an increase in cases happening in mid-June after watching the protests without masks, distancing etc in the USA, Europe, Australia at the beginning of the month (Houston - big spike, and also a funeral with singing, no masks, crowded church etc etc)

In Miami, the mayor closed the beaches for July 4th weekend - but demonstrations are allowed.  Nobody can explain why it is more dangerous being outside on the beach with much more distance than being outside in a protest without distancing and no masks being required (or enforced - technically, in Miami you have to wear a mask, if closer than 6 feet to someone else)


Flattening the curve was supposed to protect hospital capacity, which it has done in the USA - it never was supposed to prevent every single infection (but that seems to have become the goal)



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