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Tension, infighting roil Trump White House as coronavirus strategy sputters


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Trump or as I think of him as,  Doctor Death, since 140,000 plus people have died so far from

Corona virus, with likely this much more by November, well what else can this guy be called,

President Death? My opinion of the present American leader.


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On 7/22/2020 at 5:59 PM, Boon Mee said:



It's like the whole Chinese Virus is Trump's fault? 

. Some people need to get a grip on reality... 


"Some people need to get a grip on reality..."


Practice what you preach.

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On 7/21/2020 at 7:06 PM, mtls2005 said:

I thought that mike pence was "in charge"?

When DT puts someone "in charge" it means they have to do what he says.  If things work out well he steps to the fore and takes the credit, if it fails he blames the person "in charge."


Notice that whenever someone suggests something he does just the opposite.  I figure that's because he thinks everyone is against him and is trying to cause him to fail -- seems there are a few in his cabal he doesn't feel this way about, like Jared and Ivanka.



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3 hours ago, bendejo said:

When DT puts someone "in charge" it means they have to do what he says.  If things work out well he steps to the fore and takes the credit, if it fails he blames the person "in charge."

Notice that whenever someone suggests something he does just the opposite.  I figure that's because he thinks everyone is against him and is trying to cause him to fail -- seems there are a few in his cabal he doesn't feel this way about, like Jared and Ivanka.

Dr. Birx was recently caught in a "hot microphone" situation discussing a dozen cities in a state of elevated concern. Has 45 mentioned this in any of his recent campaign rallies virus briefings?


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Well dr birx is now on the chopping block for sure with that tape surfacing so let’s see Fauci spoke truth gone,attempts to smear,dr Birx will be slandered at the next brefing I’m sure for daring to be caught speaking truth que up the next boot licking yes man Qualifications un nessary only blind loyalty 

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3 hours ago, Tug said:

Well dr birx is now on the chopping block for sure with that tape surfacing so let’s see Fauci spoke truth gone,attempts to smear,dr Birx will be slandered at the next brefing I’m sure for daring to be caught speaking truth que up the next boot licking yes man Qualifications un nessary only blind loyalty 

Dr. Brix is hardly to be pitied. As a NY Times deep dive into the Trump administration's decision making process showed, it was Brix who offered the reassuring scenarios that her advisees wanted to hear.

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1 minute ago, galenflagler said:

Dr. Brix is hardly to be pitied. As a NY Times deep dive into the Trump administration's decision making process showed, it was Brix who offered the reassuring scenarios that her advisees wanted to hear.

It will always be a balm to my soul to remember the look on her face as 45 was asking her "Whaddya think about injecting disinfectant?"

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