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Face masks not necessary based on current evidence - Holland's Top Scientists conclude after review of evidence

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10 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

Based on so few cases of it here and only 58 deaths ,i will keep wearing one thanks .

Are you wearing one now?  Why?


70 days without a transmission in country, so why would you still wear one unless you have to participate in the farce to ride transportation or shop in a store?


It's a farce now.

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17 minutes ago, shy coconut said:

You have presented 3 situations where a mask can be beneficial to limit potential spreading

of a virus, so surely they can be a good thing.


I am not saying it's the ONLY way of alleviating the problem, but every little helps.


I get that some people don't like wearing them, some maybe find it impossible for

health reasons, but for folk claiming that it is part of some nefarious controlling 

conspiracy by the government need to expand on their theory and say what benefit

it to a government if everyone is wearing a mask. Protesters on the streets often wear

masks to avoid being identified by the authorities.



Surely this is easy to understand. The person sneezing or coughing has to have the virus to start with in order for there to even be a theoretical chance of getting the virus.


Do you know how many people have the virus? In Iceland the country that has tested more of its population than any other they found 0.8% of the population had the virus. Most of those will have symptoms and will not be out and about.


Irrespective of what a masks does, if the asymptomatic transmission rate is between 0 to 2.2% and 0.8% of people have the virus, then your odds of not catching Covid are excellent.


Yes, 18 million got the virus. 7784 million do not.

2 hours ago, Logosone said:

If I were trapped in an elevator with people diagnosed with Covid19 they of course would be wearing masks and should be wearing masks.


I'm not advocating that sick and infected people don't wear masks, are you off your rocker?

I understand your point about asymptomatic people rarely spreading the virus. But what about people who have the virus but only suffer low level symptoms, or people who have pretty bad symptoms but decide to get on that bus, or go buy that loaf of bread anyway because they are either unaware the bad symptoms are from Covid or they don't care? 


If everyone has to wear a mask then nobody slips through the cracks. 

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