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Interview with the British Embassy Consular Team in Thailand - August 2020

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 I’m surprised no one has mentioned one of the big issues. Many Brits have been illegally abducted and imprisoned by Thai police without the embassy being notified. It happened again just recently in Phuket.

  This is a completely illegal act by the police, and yet the so-called “consul” stubbornly refuses to confront the police about it. I can only guess he has orders from London.

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3 hours ago, stouricks said:

No way. Who know how many Bht 135's I , or you, or anyone has left to go. Stop worrying and cut out those two big bottles of Singha on a Friday night.

If you cut out the big bottles of Singha, life will not be worth living !   It would be like living in the UK

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1 hour ago, Millcx said:

While I accept these guys arnt rolling in riches there still has to be an understanding of the feelings of U.K. Citizens that would worry about issues

Referrals to websites doesn’t cut the mustard

I had to leave Thailand and return to U.K. recently (48hrs to go on self isolation) but now find myself as a displaced U.K. citizen with no network

I was lucky that a friend new someone who took me in for 5 weeks but after that it’s on the streets for me ... Why?

Because there is no information that helps me understand the system of Housing or how much budget your entitled too for finding rented accomodation

Universal Credit is a fair process but when it comes to accommodation it’s a nightmare

There should be a simple download to help expats returning to U.K. who have nothing

Its gonna be interesting and a serious worry for me over these next few weeks as I find myself on the streets due to Covid

Before I left Thailand I emailed the Brit Embassy with a couple of simple questions and all I got was referral to website that told me nothing

Interesting being another Veteran having to sleep in a shop front because nobody told them where to get proper advice (With no long drawn out <deleted> to follow

Unfortunately , you do not get any  special benefits when returning from Thailand , the UK Gov will not house you , you will have to find your own accommodation and then apply for U.C.

   You seem to be wanting something that doesnt exist, I.E a Gov department  that will provide you with a home , food and money .

  You do not just fly back to the UK after a long absence and get given a house or even any place to live

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1 hour ago, mlmcleod said:



The American diplomatic corps is useless and their primary effort is to kiss the bums of the current rulers while offering little if any help to their citizens.  


That is also the primary function of the British diplomats !   I had that explained to me once , straight from the horse's mouth  (a Consul)



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1 hour ago, colinneil said:

You clearly have difficulty reading, read my post# 5, it says just out of a month long coma.

Instead of accusing me of not having my visa in order, you should read, know the facts first before making crazy comments.

My retirement extension expired  7 days into my coma, please as you seem should a wise guy, tell me how i would have been able to renew it?

Yes, as you visa had expired, your visa wasnt in order .

You didnt have your visa in order , I was correct about that .

Anyway , the outcome was that your visa had expired, The British Embassy didnt help you, you DIDNT get deported ; So, what are you complaining about ?

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44 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

The Thai Police can legally arrest people who have been caught drink driving 

  Yes, they can, and if that person happens to be British the law requires that the police inform the embassy “without delay”, usually taken to mean within 24 hours. If they bring a British citizen to court without first informing the embassy then that court hearing is illegal. Guilt or innocence has no bearing on it.

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47 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

The Thai Police can legally arrest people who have been caught drink driving 

 The police must also follow “Law no. 71”, which requires that they allow a prisoner to contact a friend or representative. If they have not allowed you to make a phone call then again, any court hearing is illegal under Thai law.

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I was arrested and remanded to prison pending an investigation.  Eventually, the RTP notified the British Embassy who sent someone to visit me.  The guy was totally condescending and, as well as siding with the Thai police, gave misleading (false) reports back to my family and friends.  The Embassy ignored my weekly letters and did almost nothing to help.  A friend, based in BKK, did far more and helped me enormously.  I was eventually released and deported.  Subsequent follow up emails were sent but simply ignored.  My experience is that all the British Embassy, as with all UK Government Departments, agencies and officials are just going through the motions rather than adding any value.  In short, the majority are a waste of rations or fresh air thieves.    

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12 minutes ago, Stoker58 said:

 The police must also follow “Law no. 71”, which requires that they allow a prisoner to contact a friend or representative. If they have not allowed you to make a phone call then again, any court hearing is illegal under Thai law.

It wasn't reported as to whether he was offered a phone call or not , he may have refused the offer of a phone call 

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10 minutes ago, Stoker58 said:

 The police must also follow “Law no. 71”, which requires that they allow a prisoner to contact a friend or representative. If they have not allowed you to make a phone call then again, any court hearing is illegal under Thai law.

My phone was stolen by the RTP when I was arrested and I was not permitted to call anyone before being remanded to prison for 90 days pending a police investigation.  The investigation took 4 months, contrary to Thai law in my understanding, but I continued to be held on remand and was denied the monthly CCTV discussion with the Court, which is also apparently in breach of the law.  


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4 minutes ago, sambum said:

I asked a question re the requirement of Immigration of a letter from the Embassy/Consulate regarding my pension - where is the answer? Buried somewhere within these 7 pages,  or not got round to it yet?

Shouldnt you contact the UK pensions department ?

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"In this first update, the Consular team, headed up HM Consul Paul Kaye, answer questions on a variety of topics including visa amnesty, pensions, income letters, what to do regarding the death of a British national in Thailand, and how British nationals can access mental health support"


All I can see are additional comments/questions from Thai visa readers - where are the "answers on a variety of topics from HM Consul Paul Kaye?" 

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4 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

It wasn't reported as to whether he was offered a phone call or not , he may have refused the offer of a phone call 


4 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

It wasn't reported as to whether he was offered a phone call or not , he may have refused the offer of a phone call 

 Highly unlikely. You get arrested and slung in a Thai prison alone. No one knows you’re there. Your family are searching all over social media. The police ask you if you want to call your friends or embassy........

.......you don’t say “Nah, I’m good thanks”.

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8 minutes ago, Stoker58 said:


 Highly unlikely. You get arrested and slung in a Thai prison alone. No one knows you’re there. Your family are searching all over social media. The police ask you if you want to call your friends or embassy........

.......you don’t say “Nah, I’m good thanks”.

Maybe he didnt want to call home and say  "Hi, I'm in jail, got done for drink driving " or maybe he called one of his friends in Thailand 

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1 hour ago, stouricks said:

So you should have gone back to UK, claimed your rightful pension, and not told 'em you came back.

I heard stories of that. Of people claiming to live in the UK, but on holiday back from Thailand receiving a knock on the door from the pension people demanding to look at their passport. Resulting in a prison sentence. With new technology I'm sure they know where you are. Is it worth losing sleep over?

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9 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

At first it seemed good they they are willing to stick their heads up and be seen. Now it just appears to be some kind of PR stunt.

Hiding behind "data ptotection" as usual and it's a pathetic excuse. If I give them my explicit permission to access data held about me from my pension provider, bank or any other body/organisation in order to verify it, how difficult is that? How about these clowns actually start saying to expats "we hear your difficulties and we will look into resolving the situation and being of service to our citizens"? No. They can't be a@sed!

They dodged or deliberately misunderstood the question about lobbying Thai authorities regarding those stuck outside Thailand with visas/extension nearing expiry. "We won't be lobbying Thai governemnt" Tosh!


I probably should have worded above; "If I give my pension provider, bank or another body/organisation permission to release my data to the British Embassy/Consul, Bangkok in order to verify it" Surely then there is no data protection issue. I can already give my bank permission to share my data with another financial institution (if appyling for a loan or mortgage) so why not to the British Embassy?

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1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

Yes, as you visa had expired, your visa wasnt in order .

You didnt have your visa in order , I was correct about that .

Anyway , the outcome was that your visa had expired, The British Embassy didnt help you, you DIDNT get deported ; So, what are you complaining about ?

So pray tell us from where could @colinneil have purchased a crystal ball which would have enabled him to foresee the "positive" outcome to which you refer in advance? Lazada certainly don't seem to sell any.

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10 minutes ago, OJAS said:

So pray tell us from where could @colinneil have purchased a crystal ball which would have enabled him to foresee the "positive" outcome to which you refer in advance? Lazada certainly don't seem to sell any.

I believe that there is a special visa for people who are hospitalized and cannot get to immigration 

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13 minutes ago, soi3eddie said:

I probably should have worded above; "If I give my pension provider, bank or another body/organisation permission to release my data to the British Embassy/Consul, Bangkok in order to verify it" Surely then there is no data protection issue. I can already give my bank permission to share my data with another financial institution (if appyling for a loan or mortgage) so why not to the British Embassy?

The British Embassy would be a third party, rather than directly involved 

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:

I believe that there is a special visa for people who are hospitalized and cannot get to immigration 

Once again another clueless comment..... Coma, maybe you can find someone who will explain to you about comas, because it appears you are clueless.

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38 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

I heard stories of that. Of people claiming to live in the UK, but on holiday back from Thailand receiving a knock on the door from the pension people demanding to look at their passport. Resulting in a prison sentence. With new technology I'm sure they know where you are. Is it worth losing sleep over?

I met a Brit in Thailand in June this year. Affable guy in his late 60's and we were talking usual chit chat and circumstances. He told me he never paid any UK tax ever, no NIC contributions either. Yet here he was enjoying a very comfortable retirement. I suspected what he was doing and he told all. £378 per week, every week from UK public funds, no checks and no nothing. No assets to lose. Maybe, if caught, he would spend time at Her Majesty's pleasure (unlikely). He wasn't concerned in the least.

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12 minutes ago, soi3eddie said:

I met a Brit in Thailand in June this year. Affable guy in his late 60's and we were talking usual chit chat and circumstances. He told me he never paid any UK tax ever, no NIC contributions either. Yet here he was enjoying a very comfortable retirement. I suspected what he was doing and he told all. £378 per week, every week from UK public funds, no checks and no nothing. No assets to lose. Maybe, if caught, he would spend time at Her Majesty's pleasure (unlikely). He wasn't concerned in the least.

Sounds like he was renting his property out and the Government funds by the way of someone else receiving housing benefits/UC  and paying him rent money .


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58 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

I heard stories of that. Of people claiming to live in the UK, but on holiday back from Thailand receiving a knock on the door from the pension people demanding to look at their passport. Resulting in a prison sentence. With new technology I'm sure they know where you are. Is it worth losing sleep over?

I am waiting for that knock on my door at an address I left 10 years ago.

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