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Murdered British backpacker’s parents ‘GRATEFUL’ killers’ death sentences reduced to life in jail


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Murdered British backpacker’s parents ‘GRATEFUL’ killers’ death sentences reduced to life in jail

Dan Keane



The bodies of David, right, and Hannah, left, were discovered on a beach on the tourist island of Koh Tao in September 2014. Credit: EPA


THE parents of a British backpacker murdered in Thailand have said they are "grateful" after their son's killers had their death sentence reduced to life in jail by a royal pardon.


Burmese migrant workers Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Tun were sentenced to death in 2015 after being found guilty of murdering David Miller, 25, and murdering and raping 23-year-old Hannah Witheridge.


The bodies of David and Hannah were discovered on a beach on the southern tourist island of Koh Tao in September 2014.


David's parents Ian and Sue Miller have now said they are "grateful" to Thai King Vajiralongkorn for commuting the sentences.


They said in a statement: "We are grateful to His Majesty the King of Thailand for showing his clemency to the murderers of our son David.


"Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo finally admitted to the rape and murder of Hannah Witheridge and the murder of our son.


"The final admittance of their guilt has allowed this act of clemency to become possible."


The killers, both hailing from Burma, had previously denied the crimes.


Full story: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12417958/murdered-british-backpackers-parents-grateful-killers-sentences-reduced/


-- The SUN 2020=08-17

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I once rad, long time ago that executions by machine gun in thailand has been suspended owing to shortage of suitable ammunition for said old gun, for all we know they might have similar issues and commuting sentences because of that...

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Well, the victims were delusional that Koh Tao was a "safe" place to get wasted on a "pub crawl".  It's not London.  Should have spent 60seconds on Google, kids.


If the parents believe these immigrants weren't "framed", then it sounds like the???? didn't fall too far from the ????

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1 hour ago, brucegoniners said:

They should be set free. It's pretty obvious these kids were railroaded so they could say they caught the killers.

Easy to admit to anything when someone's standing on your gonads.

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1 hour ago, Crash999 said:

Had the maximum sentence been life in prison during the trial then the result of the UK police investigation could have been released to the court instead of only the parents.

So, if that is crucial evidence, the interested persons surely can have the case re-opened since there is new evidence to be presented to the Court.

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