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Thailand approves $6.9 billion borrowing plan for revenue shortfall from COVID-19


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On 8/19/2020 at 10:34 AM, M71 said:

Wow the Central Banksters / IMF have Thailand by the balls as well as every other country on the planet. In debt up to the taxpayers eye balls.


Welcome to the new terrorist on the block - no it ain't Bin Laden, no it ain't the Communists - it's COVID-19 ! - the unseen worldwide terrorist you can't see, can't hear, can't touch and can't confront.


Stay scared sheeple - and do whatever your told - or we'll come get ya!



Where/who will Thailand borrow from.


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On 8/19/2020 at 12:08 PM, sandyf said:

Domestic tourism would have to be eradicated for that statement to be valid. Domestic tourism accounts for about 8% of GDP so the borrowing is not far short of the income from international tourism.

Are you trying to say that domestic tourism, or any other form of income, just cannot be increased. 


One thing for sure, they don't need expat pensioners with their income, this is indicated by the O-A visa insurance scam.


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On 8/19/2020 at 4:33 AM, sammieuk1 said:

Sell some watches they are only borrowed empty the swiss vaults flog the London penthouses sell the tanks subs and planes is another plan ????


     Be reasonable . 

     just increase the Foreigner/ Aliens , visa costs .

     PS , there are few penthouse suites in London ,, owned by Londoners ...


Edited by elliss
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On 8/20/2020 at 12:12 PM, heina said:

This is Bank of Thailand game. They do prints, they issue debt.

Government borrow from banks. Who Bank of Thailand belongs to?

It is not Thailand, it is not government.

I do believe it's a Jewish family by the name of Rothschild. https://newspunch.com/complete-list-of-rothschild-owned-and-controlled-banks/

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