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Thailand’s success in containing the coronavirus may not help its economy much


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12 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:


Very good Spidermike! Nobody should panik! But, it's not only about you, and it's not only about Thailand. It's about others in the country, and about what the propaganda machinery here tells the people about the rest of the world.




1. The Thai government lies about everything. Everybody knows this. So it is given that they lie about the Covid numbers in Thailand as well. Simply obvious. The statistics about excess deaths give a better impression what really happens. No domestic Covid cases for 80 days is a fairytale. They don't test, and if they test, since end of February already they censor the numbers.

2. Nevertheless, to make ont thing clear, the Covid situation in Thailand is well under control! Partly due to the lockdown from March till May, partly due to the way of transmission of the virus by exhaled aerosoles. Wherever there is no AC in a closed room, people in Thailand open the windows, which strongly reduces the contamination in the air. And whereever there is an AC (my theory), the AC reduces the humidity, hence the aerosolse condensate, and the virus concentrations goes down as well. Both was not the case in Europe and other countries during winter time there. That's why the situation there was serious before. Nursery homes with closed windows and no AC, but with douzens of vulnerable old people having their lunch together in a closed room, as we have in the northern hemisphere during winter, they don't have in Thailand. Carneval parties or apres-ski parties in closed rooms? Not in Thailand. These are the real reasons for the success in Thailand.


3. The Thai government uses Covid as a political tool. To create panic and paranoia, to show the people that only they can control the crises, and to justify their emergency law. Quite successfuly they do this. So many Thais are panicking, asking to keep the borders closed, etc. And many expats follow suit these arguments and panic as well, demanding to keep the borders closded. BS!

4. But, with numbers of excess deaths in European countries now on par with those in Thailand, and with one digit number of people now dying per day from/with Covid in European coutries, the arguments of the Thai government regarding their Covid-policies are simply wrong. They only have political reasons for this! Again, there are no scores of bodies on the roads. Nowhere in Europe. And after the first disaster in Italy, Spain, UK in March and April, everthing is back to normal now. Borders and airports are open! People spend there holidays and their money now in Europe. 


I feel safe everywhere in Europe now, and would feel safe as well everywhere in South East Asia as well if I were there now. Nobody should believe the propaganda of this government here. It would be better if Thailand learns somethig from Europe now.

The growing numbers in Europe during the recent days are still far lower than they were before, and R is around 1 still. The governments in Europe handle everything in a very trnparent way. They are alerted now, and they warn the people. But this how it should be. It's now the dance after the hammer.  


Again, I do not talk about Brazil and the US, and not abour India and the Arab coutries. That's another story. And I am aware that Covid is a serious issue. When I was in Thailand last time February and March, other than many Thais, I used already good face masks whenever I was outside.




I'm sure there are millions of Thai's that think the Emergency Decree is not necessary

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