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Do You Single Guys Come For Thai Women?


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STATISTICAL FACT: Customs in Bangkok & Phuket clear the highest percentage of single males out of overall passengers that come into Thailand than any other country/airport in the world.

However you look at it, it speaks for it's self I think.



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Well I came to Thailand for my work, and after a year I met a girl and got married. If I stayed in the west, eventually I would have married someone else. This isn’t saying I came to Thailand for the women; I never went out with anyone in Thailand before I met my wife. A friend of mine has been here for two years now, He also never dated anyone here, but he has now met a Canadian girl here and they are now engaged. If you get out of the bars you might notice that there are a few people who take relationships seriously, and have a bit of restraint.

The fact that most men will do whatever they can get away with says more about man’s nature than it does about wise choices. Being in the majority is usually a sign of weakness not strength

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STATISTICAL FACT: Customs in Bangkok & Phuket clear the highest percentage of single males out of overall passengers that come into Thailand than any other country/airport in the world.

However you look at it, it speaks for it's self I think.



Sounds reasonable to me even without quoting a source.

But I think that a large percentage of these "single" men are gay and are not coming to Thailand for the women!

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Well I came to Thailand for my work, and after a year I met a girl and got married. If I stayed in the west, eventually I would have married someone else. This isn’t saying I came to Thailand for the women; I never went out with anyone in Thailand before I met my wife. A friend of mine has been here for two years now, He also never dated anyone here, but he has now met a Canadian girl here and they are now engaged. If you get out of the bars you might notice that there are a few people who take relationships seriously, and have a bit of restraint.

The fact that most men will do whatever they can get away with says more about man’s nature than it does about wise choices. Being in the majority is usually a sign of weakness not strength


'An he's oh so good,and he's oh so fine, and he's oh so healthy in his body and his mind."

"He's a well respected man about town doing the best things so

conservitively." - Kinks :o

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Well I came to Thailand for my work, and after a year I met a girl and got married. If I stayed in the west, eventually I would have married someone else. This isn’t saying I came to Thailand for the women; I never went out with anyone in Thailand before I met my wife. A friend of mine has been here for two years now, He also never dated anyone here, but he has now met a Canadian girl here and they are now engaged. If you get out of the bars you might notice that there are a few people who take relationships seriously, and have a bit of restraint.

The fact that most men will do whatever they can get away with says more about man’s nature than it does about wise choices. Being in the majority is usually a sign of weakness not strength


'An he's oh so good,and he's oh so fine, and he's oh so healthy in his body and his mind."

"He's a well respected man about town doing the best things so

conservitively." - Kinks :D

I wanna lot out of life, but I know my limitations

Guess I want a lot of things and got my inclinations

Got my feet on the ground, and I'm standing on my own

I don't need no one

I don't need no one

I've learned a lot out of life, watchin' other folks mistakes

Funny things that they can get for finding out too late

I got my feet on the ground, and I'm standing on my own

I don't need no one

I don't need no one

Also by the'The Kinks' :o

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Haha..good point Sir, although possibly a little extreme :o

Sorry to side track from the original question, but id like to make a point about women in the west. Agreed a lot of women can step over the mark of 'equality' and turn into ball-breakers. I guess possibly some guys here may have experienced that, which is maybe why some are so down on western women. But..i dont wish to get into the reasons why, or this thread will go too far off course. I just wish to say that in the UK 'friendly' women/ polite women sometimes end up in akward situations. For example: guy says hi, woman is friendly back, and then he sees that as a cue. Then guy doesnt leave the woman alone or tries to pick her up and ..in extreme cases, gets annoyed or angry that the woman gave him the 'come on' and is a 'c*ck teaser'. Sometimes its easier to go with the flow and not respond.

As i said before, im a smiler, and i enjoy pleasantrys. This has led to problems in the past, so im cautious. Im especially cautious if im suddenly in the company of a lot of men (On the way to Laos, I was in the airport with a large group of Russian men who were drinking a little. They tried to get my attention for some time..but i kept my eyes down. Im sorry if that seems rude...but i didnt want to get into a situation that i may regret). If a woman is shy, or cautious, please dont think it always means she is a snob or has a "im too good for you" attitude. A lot of the time its just fear. A mans presence can be intimidating without him realising it.

Er..ok..sorry to go off topic.


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Haha..good point Sir, although possibly a little extreme :o

Sorry to side track from the original question, but id like to make a point about women in the west. Agreed a lot of women can step over the mark of 'equality' and turn into ball-breakers. I guess possibly some guys here may have experienced that, which is maybe why some are so down on western women. But..i dont wish to get into the reasons why, or this thread will go too far off course. I just wish to say that in the UK 'friendly' women/ polite women sometimes end up in akward situations. For example: guy says hi, woman is friendly back, and then he sees that as a cue. Then guy doesnt leave the woman alone or tries to pick her up and ..in extreme cases, gets annoyed or angry that the woman gave him the 'come on' and is a 'c*ck teaser'. Sometimes its easier to go with the flow and not respond.

As i said before, im a smiler, and i enjoy pleasantrys. This has led to problems in the past, so im cautious. Im especially cautious if im suddenly in the company of a lot of men (On the way to Laos, I was in the airport with a large group of Russian men who were drinking a little. They tried to get my attention for some time..but i kept my eyes down. Im sorry if that seems rude...but i didnt want to get into a situation that i may regret). If a woman is shy, or cautious, please dont think it always means she is a snob or has a "im too good for you" attitude. A lot of the time its just fear. A mans presence can be intimidating without him realising it.

Er..ok..sorry to go off topic.


The Dude can dig what youre saying there Eek, with a shovel

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Eek I know what you mean, there is a fine line between looking (and being) stuck up and miserable, and that of being shy and reserved but IMO any male with half his allocated braincell amount would be able to differ. I think the ones that make us males head to LOS are the ones who's eye you catch in passing, smile slightly seeing as you've made eye contact only to have their nose turned up at you. The shy/cautious girls I feel tend to smile a little back if they see it as you're not cracking onto them

Must admit since my trips to LOS (and falling in love with the place - and the girls smiles) I dont take England as serious as I used to, if I smile and get ignored I have a little chuckle to myself and think thats one more reason to make the leap to Thailand someday

A smile costs nothing but you'd think you'd asked her to perform some perverted act the way some girls respond, such a shame cos all females (except Jade Goody) can look nice if they smile

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Quote eek: I just wish to say that in the UK 'friendly' women/ polite women sometimes end up in akward situations. For example: guy says hi, woman is friendly back, and then he sees that as a cue.

Eek, I know how you feel. This happens to me a lot in LOS. Now I know I'm not young and good looking so I can only assume the ladies there think I'm rich and are out to exploit me. So you see, I know they're not after my body, so I feel as if I'm being treated insincerely and I usually do much the same as you.

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How does it make the relationship more sincere if they are after your body? Insincere people are just that regardless of if it's your body or your money they're after. Fortunately it doesn't come down to a choice between one or the other.

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I'm married and work here, but I do have to say that is much nicer to have a lobby full of foxes to look at when I stroll out to lunch rather than a bunch of jelly assed old cellulite hags back in the west :D

:D Aaah, that old chestnut again. Must admit, I did wonder when that hackneyed phrase "cellulite ridden hags" would find its way to the fore again. I'm quite impressed it took this long. Bit boring & trite, though isn't it? No new insults doing the rounds at the moment? :D:D

No, I'm sorry, I'm just being picky here, wanting a bit of variety or originality to the insults. Carry on... :o

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November Rain- I have to agree with you. I mean, Asian women are my preference but I don't get the level of hate toward western women on the forum any more than I understand the anti-Thai hate. Sure, much of it's just good fun. However a lot of it shows true venom.

Much of the anti-western women thing seems to come from the misconception that women get an unfair share of the assets when a couple splits. At least in the US, that is generally just bullshit the guy has fooled himself into believing because he can't stand it that the ex-wife took half of all the assets acquired in the marriage plus child support plus alimony. For most guys, that's been the law since way before they were married. They need to grow up and get over it. It's not the ex-wives' fault, the lawyers' fault or the court's fault. It's their fault for whining about the result of a contract they entered into voluntarily, knowing full well that either or both parties could end the deal and what the price would be. And if they did't know that, then maybe "they" are as dumb as "they" always accuse other groups of being.

But to the point, I think the overwhelming majority of single guys come for Thai women unless they already have a girlfriend. One sure wouldn't get that from the weight of the posts--didn't realize there was aushc a gang of monks, culture vultures and Thai food fans...

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I'm married and work here, but I do have to say that is much nicer to have a lobby full of foxes to look at when I stroll out to lunch rather than a bunch of jelly assed old cellulite hags back in the west :D

:D Aaah, that old chestnut again. Must admit, I did wonder when that hackneyed phrase "cellulite ridden hags" would find its way to the fore again. I'm quite impressed it took this long. Bit boring & trite, though isn't it? No new insults doing the rounds at the moment? :D:D

No, I'm sorry, I'm just being picky here, wanting a bit of variety or originality to the insults. Carry on... :o

But you have to admit, as politically incorrect as Kiakaha's comments are, the'yre also pretty true.

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i guess it couldnt happen nowdays with internet and all.

my first trip to Thailand in about 1991,

I did not know there was a sex industry here at all.

found myself in Patpong too scared to enter the bars.

later on an island a lovely girl fell in love with me,

but in the morning i could not understand why she wanted money.

it was all very confusing at the time.

this is true... not trolling youse

needless to say such a dumb innocent was cruelly ripped off so often he still went back for more coz they smiled so nicely.

ahh sweet naievity.

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I don’t believe most single guys come here for thai women only. Only some, I would call them, ……

first - the “macho” type who has the mentality of “find them, feed them, and then f*** them, and the second - men who have very specific `racialised'-sexual fantasies. They come here in order to find cheap, easy sexual access for all their fantasy needs.

With just about $20-30 a night, after all while back in the farangland, these men could not even buy a nice dinner- for- two for this sum, and of course far less obtain the services of a maid/prostitute. But while in Thailand, even with his bloated/ or well weathered face/body and receding hair lines, can have a beautiful 20s some years old in his arms and in his own words, ´like a model'. While believing that she must also find him sexually attractive (hansum man) to be offering so much for so little in return. What a laugh!

But seriously for what I’ve seen so far, other than those 2 types mentioned above, there are many many men that do not come here specifically for the thai women only, but many do enter into sexually exploitative relationships with local women as soon as the opportunity presents itself and to the point of marriage in many cases.

Also the case of the comment “bunch of jelly assed old cellulite hags back in the west”

Well I also have seen many beautiful body women here in thailand who become very ugly as soon as they open their mouth. I believe that, your personality also reflects also your intelligence. So I would rather prefer to be with a so-so looking women with a bit of good personality along with some brain any day.

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November Rain- I have to agree with you. I mean, Asian women are my preference but I don't get the level of hate toward western women on the forum any more than I understand the anti-Thai hate. Sure, much of it's just good fun. However a lot of it shows true venom.

Much of the anti-western women thing seems to come from the misconception that women get an unfair share of the assets when a couple splits. At least in the US, that is generally just bullshit the guy has fooled himself into believing because he can't stand it that the ex-wife took half of all the assets acquired in the marriage plus child support plus alimony. For most guys, that's been the law since way before they were married. They need to grow up and get over it. It's not the ex-wives' fault, the lawyers' fault or the court's fault. It's their fault for whining about the result of a contract they entered into voluntarily, knowing full well that either or both parties could end the deal and what the price would be. And if they did't know that, then maybe "they" are as dumb as "they" always accuse other groups of being.

But to the point, I think the overwhelming majority of single guys come for Thai women unless they already have a girlfriend. One sure wouldn't get that from the weight of the posts--didn't realize there was aushc a gang of monks, culture vultures and Thai food fans...

Thanks, dumspero :D

Believe it or not, I have (hand on heart) absolutely no problem with Western men preferring Asian women & coming here or to other Asian countries to be with them. As long as both parties are happy, that's great. I wish them every happiness. My only problem is with the minority of guys that in order to praise one group have to slag off another. Is it not possible to simply say "I like watching the foxy ladies at my workplace"? That hurts no-one. Why does the derogatory part about Western women have to be thrown in? :o

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After squeaky clean Germany I find a little far eastern chaos refreshing. The women there are okay too but nothing special. For what a flight costs I can have that kind of fun here but I don't get a chill out in LOS thrown in. Asian women were nothing new to me in my milieu long before I discovered LOS.

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