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Skipping Out On The Bill!


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Ps. I just figured out your name for the first time too... DOh!

me too.

Maigo, you lying ****

Always thought it was Magoo due to hime being old and bald.

Nah...I'm young and have a wonderful head of hair............maigo6

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I am so used to farang's bad behaviour that I really am not very surprised.

I have noticed in farangland they have their mouths shut even when being fed with shit but they complained about almost every bloody thing here in Asia. I am not sure but it really gives me an impression that they think they are superior to Asians.

And it is the constant denial of farang bad behaviours by farangs that pisses me off.

I don't think so, it's definitely your own inferiority complex. Want some cheese with that whine?


Not to argue that some farangs do leave a bad impression sometimes , Do you think it is only farangs we are speaking about? The topic,skipping out on a bill, not paying or trying to cheat the establishment , I have seen more NoN Farangs do this than westerners . yes Asians also try this game very often, like hiding a bill out of the bin cup, crumbling up a pool bill ( 20 baht ) and my favorite from locals is to push there drink over towards a westerners drink to make it seem like there together when the bin comes.

Best and funniest night was when a 'tourist' came into a beer bar, chatted with some other tourists and started asking what they were drinking then order one for himself, about 1 hour later he says he leaving and the cashier makes up his bill. now the funny stuff. bill was only about 400bt , he said 'i need to go get more money' oK the girl will go with you no problem, as there walking up the soi he keeps trying to get the girls to walk in front of him, then he crosses the street for no reason and the girls are completely on to him, then he says they have to go the other way to a ATM ( back down the soi and pass the same place they just came from) and after another 5 min walk down the street he bolts to a hotel and runs inside! The girls were chasing behind him and the security came over to them and ask whats wrong? they told him what happened and 1 minute latter they ( security)brought the guy back outside :D he didn't stay there just trying to hide. There was an ATM right there so finally the guy went to it and then says his card wont work. :o The girls already saw the cash come out of the ATM and she was holding the slip in her hand!! Then he gave the girl 500bt and said if you don't give me my change im calling the police . the girls said OK follow us back to the bar.

He did , and also tried to order another drink :D

Its not just farangs that try this stuff , but there are plenty of both.



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I am so used to farang's bad behaviour that I really am not very surprised.

I have noticed in farangland they have their mouths shut even when being fed with shit but they complained about almost every bloody thing here in Asia. I am not sure but it really gives me an impression that they think they are superior to Asians.

And it is the constant denial of farang bad behaviours by farangs that pisses me off.


Stop expressing such negative comments about farangs and their countries.

Can one of the mods please close this thread.

We farangs that love Thailand should not have to tolerate these ignorant insults. :o

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Pepe! Why would you want a thread closed ust because something bothers you? At the end of the day If you find it offensive, dont look. The things you see as an insult are true. Farangs/Westeners do do this. There are scum amongst us.

When people steal it might be beacuse they can't afford it, but to skip out on a bill of 300 baht knowing that the staff will have to didg it out of their pockets seems lower that a snakes belly to me.

I can't understand why someone would rob a girl that earns less per month that I would spend on a good meal.

People, pay your bill.

I was told of a story of a guy who took an empty beer bottle out of a bin so he could use the freebies in this particular bar. It's staggering that someone would do this. However, it's true.

I am stunned that folk push their bill into others bin. If someone did that to me they would require help.

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Among the many cynical and negative comments about LOS that I hear is the very frequent one that in the tourist spots, i.e. Pattaya, Phuket etc. the people who live off tourism get up early in the morning with the sole intention of rooking the tourists. The farangs list all kinds of scams, some of which must be true because I've seen them in action. I still tend to think that some of this tab dodging behaviour is in some cases based on revenge for some earlier real or imagined wrong.

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One night at a small restaurant serving various curries in a steam table,I witnessed a young newly arrived tourist walk in to the crowded place, pointed to what he wanted.... and had a seat.

Ten seconds later he was on his feet screaming bloody murder!

He was accusing his waitress of trying to kill him.....because his dish was too spicy!!

He went on and on then tried to leave without paying.

A lengthy argument ensued, cooks waitresses, customers.....a real circus.

I calmly approached the young gentleman, and asked "Is this worth 50 cents?"

He suddenly realized how foolish he was, paid.....and went to McDonalds I assume.

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Pepe! Why would you want a thread closed ust because something bothers you? At the end of the day If you find it offensive, dont look. The things you see as an insult are true. Farangs/Westeners do do this. There are scum amongst us.

When people steal it might be beacuse they can't afford it, but to skip out on a bill of 300 baht knowing that the staff will have to didg it out of their pockets seems lower that a snakes belly to me.

I can't understand why someone would rob a girl that earns less per month that I would spend on a good meal.

People, pay your bill.

I was told of a story of a guy who took an empty beer bottle out of a bin so he could use the freebies in this particular bar. It's staggering that someone would do this. However, it's true.

I am stunned that folk push their bill into others bin. If someone did that to me they would require help.

I've seen bar workers do this many times on customers who are not paying attention. It has often been run on me too but I pay attention. Customers shouldn't have to be on their guard when they're out for a quiet evening. Wouldn't you question the bill too if you suspected this was being run on you?

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I see your point Qwertz, but the fact remains. If I saw a Farand trying to push his bill on to me i would deal with it. As for staff adding bills, can I ask whta bar this is. A good bar , as I am talking about, would noy do that.

Bill padding has nevr had to me. I can add 4 or 6 beers together.

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I see your point Qwertz, but the fact remains. If I saw a Farand trying to push his bill on to me i would deal with it. As for staff adding bills, can I ask whta bar this is. A good bar , as I am talking about, would noy do that.

Bill padding has nevr had to me. I can add 4 or 6 beers together.

Fair point, DG, perhaps I need a good bar guide before I set out next time. BTW, the girls help themselves to beer or whiskey before they slip the bill to the farangs and since the women in charge have eyes like hawks, I can only assume they turn a blind eye. The question begs, are some of these farangs so hardened to these scams that they see tab dodging as tit for tat?

Edited by qwertz
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Well I have no idea about being cynical, but the fact remains skipping out on the bill knowing the staff have to pick up on your bill is wrong.

If I was scammed by a a Thai I would not push my anger onto other Thais to get my own back.

I still find skipping the bill a disgusting practice.

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I have always registered complaints where justified in the western world. I stopped doing it in Thailand after the first time when I became aware that it was not the done thing. Its always piffling amounts of money so learn not to go there again and be done with it. When I eat in a quality establishment back in blighty I would when asked,"everything ok?" give an honest answer unless with clients. And if food or drink is no good, I don't eat it and then complain. I consider how long it will take to make again and how out of synch I will be with other diners in my party and then make a considered decision about how to proceed. I never ducked a bill in my life. never even skipped a taxi fair. If you are gonna get done for theft make it a big 'un Rob a bank or something. I'd rather go to prison for something with more credibility than bill dodging...

Best regards,


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Pepe! Why would you want a thread closed ust because something bothers you? At the end of the day If you find it offensive, dont look. The things you see as an insult are true. Farangs/Westeners do do this. There are scum amongst us.

When people steal it might be beacuse they can't afford it, but to skip out on a bill of 300 baht knowing that the staff will have to didg it out of their pockets seems lower that a snakes belly to me.

I can't understand why someone would rob a girl that earns less per month that I would spend on a good meal.

People, pay your bill.

I was told of a story of a guy who took an empty beer bottle out of a bin so he could use the freebies in this particular bar. It's staggering that someone would do this. However, it's true.

I am stunned that folk push their bill into others bin. If someone did that to me they would require help.


I believe it's against forum rules genius.

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I am so used to farang's bad behaviour that I really am not very surprised.

I have noticed in farangland they have their mouths shut even when being fed with shit but they complained about almost every bloody thing here in Asia. I am not sure but it really gives me an impression that they think they are superior to Asians.

And it is the constant denial of farang bad behaviours by farangs that pisses me off.


Stop expressing such negative comments about farangs and their countries.

Can one of the mods please close this thread.

We farangs that love Thailand should not have to tolerate these ignorant insults. :o

No way 'Pepe''. This is an opportunity to make clear to 'meemiathai' that he cannot place all farangs in the same basket.

'meemiathai' in this forum you can see many farangs making comments against bad behaviour and not tolerating bad comments against Thailand or Asia. You can see that many farangs really love this country.

There is not denial, on the contrary, there is an open aknowledge that Thailand is a magnet for looser, racists and the worse kind of people from countries called "developed". These people represent the minority of farangs....it happens that they are more notorious...

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A couple years back I was drinking at a bar counter in the Sukhumvit area. Another farang and I both check-binned at the same time. I paid for my single drink with a 1000 baht note but when I got my change back it was only coins. I looked at the bin itself and realized that the bartender had by accident swapped the trays and given my change to the farang a few seats down. The moron, although receiving hundreds of baht instead of coins, had kept his mouth shut and pocketed the change. At first when the bartender asked for it back he refused and claimed he got back his correct change- it was only when I got involved and explained to the guy that the extra money he received was in fact mine that he sheepishly handed it over. What a scumbag! :o

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I suppose it would be against forum rules, that being why I haven't named any of the iffy bars, but a farang's guide to good and bad bars might be no bad thing, even if it's only by PM. As for iffy clientele - what can you do?

Edited by qwertz
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I am so used to farang's bad behaviour that I really am not very surprised.

I have noticed in farangland they have their mouths shut even when being fed with shit but they complained about almost every bloody thing here in Asia. I am not sure but it really gives me an impression that they think they are superior to Asians.

And it is the constant denial of farang bad behaviours by farangs that pisses me off.


Stop expressing such negative comments about farangs and their countries.

Can one of the mods please close this thread.

We farangs that love Thailand should not have to tolerate these ignorant insults. :o

Pepe, you asked me to stop expressing? Are you thinking that I am lying or what? Or think I am just a bigot and dislike farangs and that is why I write bad about farangs? Or do you think we should not express negative comments about farangs even if they are true? No, I don't believe so that I am a bigot. I believe I am quite an objective person. Unfortunately I have experienced more bad behaviours than good from farangs.

Well I also criticize the HK Chinese a lot. Just that I don't do it here.

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I am so used to farang's bad behaviour that I really am not very surprised.

I have noticed in farangland they have their mouths shut even when being fed with shit but they complained about almost every bloody thing here in Asia. I am not sure but it really gives me an impression that they think they are superior to Asians.

And it is the constant denial of farang bad behaviours by farangs that pisses me off.


Stop expressing such negative comments about farangs and their countries.

Can one of the mods please close this thread.

We farangs that love Thailand should not have to tolerate these ignorant insults. :o

No way 'Pepe''. This is an opportunity to make clear to 'meemiathai' that he cannot place all farangs in the same basket.

'meemiathai' in this forum you can see many farangs making comments against bad behaviour and not tolerating bad comments against Thailand or Asia. You can see that many farangs really love this country.

There is not denial, on the contrary, there is an open aknowledge that Thailand is a magnet for looser, racists and the worse kind of people from countries called "developed". These people represent the minority of farangs....it happens that they are more notorious...

I never said all farangs, did I? I don't judge people by their skin colour. And by the way, most of the bad experiences I had with farangs were not in thailand. Mostly here in HK. And when farangs are bad, they are usually worse than others coz they are really good at it.

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I am so used to farang's bad behaviour that I really am not very surprised.

I have noticed in farangland they have their mouths shut even when being fed with shit but they complained about almost every bloody thing here in Asia. I am not sure but it really gives me an impression that they think they are superior to Asians.

And it is the constant denial of farang bad behaviours by farangs that pisses me off.


Stop expressing such negative comments about farangs and their countries.

Can one of the mods please close this thread.

We farangs that love Thailand should not have to tolerate these ignorant insults. :o

Pepe, you asked me to stop expressing? Are you thinking that I am lying or what? Or think I am just a bigot and dislike farangs and that is why I write bad about farangs? Or do you think we should not express negative comments about farangs even if they are true? No, I don't believe so that I am a bigot. I believe I am quite an objective person. Unfortunately I have experienced more bad behaviours than good from farangs.

Well I also criticize the HK Chinese a lot. Just that I don't do it here.

Oh, boohoo. It seems to be a speciality of yours, complaining about farangs all the time on a farang-orientated forum. That's probably because you're soooo "objective", right?

If you're wondering why you have "experienced more bad behaviours than good from farangs", its probably because you go looking for it.... to suit your agenda.

I don't know about "bigot", but one-trick-pony seems to fit you ok. Grow up.

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Last night I took a taxi from my place to Ratchada for a party. The total was 55 baht, I only had a 20 note and 100 note. The taxi didn't have change for the 100 nor did my GF. I offered up the 20 note, just as a test to see what would happen as we were in a conumdrum. The taxi accepted and we were getting out of the taxi. I didn't hear a single work, so I popped by head in the taxi and gave him the 100.

I mean, the guy is actually doing a job driving a taxi, doing me a service, and for a very reasonable price. Atleast he's not begging on the street, or stealing.

So, I tipped the gent 45 baht, which is about $1.30 USD for his 15 minutes of work. I earn more than that walking over to the coffee pot while in the office. For those that like to stretch their income by stealing (it is stealing) from the people that are actually working and providing you a service, where would you be without them. Walking? Sitting at home thirsty? Sex-less in others cases?

Enjoy life, pay your bill.

Hey, eeze, is there a vacancy for a coffee boy at your office?

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One 'gentleman', lets say, Mr Turdsak, refused to pay the bill for his beers and his partners orange juice because, and I'm not making this up, he had ordered still and not sparkling juice.

<deleted> is "sparkling juice" ? If it sparkles it isn't OJ in my book. If I ordered OJ and got a Fanta I'd certainly send it back immediately (and refuse to pay for it).

And what's this thing about bar owners selling a glass of flat coke or sodapop off a liter bottle that has been open for days and charge more for that than you could buy a beer? What goes around comes around.

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One 'gentleman', lets say, Mr Turdsak, refused to pay the bill for his beers and his partners orange juice because, and I'm not making this up, he had ordered still and not sparkling juice.

<deleted> is "sparkling juice" ? If it sparkles it isn't OJ in my book. If I ordered OJ and got a Fanta I'd certainly send it back immediately (and refuse to pay for it).

Fair point but, and I am reading between the lines and assuming a bit, would you sit there drinking your beerS and only complain when presented with the bill? Of cours not, you'd get it corrected right away.

btw there are sparkling fruit "juices" available certainly in the UK, one brand goes by the name J2O.

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