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I don't drive cars in Thailand though I have Thai permits for car and motocy (which I ride).

I'd like to know how much it'd cost to rent a car with driver for about ten days out of Ubon or Khon Kaen.

A private car not a van.

Anyone has any idea?

9 minutes ago, petermik said:

A private car with a competent driver...is this possible here I wonder :unsure:

 First part easy, second part be prepared for a very long search  :omfg:


Most offered is van! Taxi service's offer some kind "road trips" normaly more expensive than hole van. Maybe can negotiate some price if long trip. I paid 10000 bth hole van for 3 days trip ! From Loei to Bangkok include all! Even one police stop whit "coffee" money lol! That was last year.


from experience, not worth the hassle dealing with drivers, they're troublesome lot at best and pests at their worst, drive yourself and save money and headaches...

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You can hire a Thai driver for about 500 THB a day.  But - you've hired a "Thai Driver" with all of the bad driving habits that goes along with every Thais driver that I've ever met

  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Driving too slow for conditions (for example, not accelerating and coming up to speed on highways; driving 50km/hr in the right (fast) lane of a 4 lane highway to prepare to U-turn 2 kilometres up the road)
  • No understanding on how to safely merge
  • Aggressive driving
  • Non-attentive driving
  • Inability to maintain a lane
  • Passing on blind corners and hills
  • Not turning on lights when it's dark
  • Literally driving from shoulder to shoulder while mountain driving
  • No concept of what "right of way" means or who actually has the right of way
  • Not stopping for red lights
  • Etc, etc, etc......

Bottom line - I have never met as much as one Thai driver who has the same level of training and understanding of driving a vehicle that you find in the West.  So you end up on the edge of your seat half the time and you've literally put your live into the hand of someone who will never be a competent driver.
Using Western standards you are not going to find a "competent driver" who is Thai.

I suggest one of two approaches.
1.  Driver yourself,  or

2. Hook up with another Westerner or TV member in your area who would be interested in 'touring' with you and have them drive as their share of "cost sharing" the trip. 

I hired a Thai driver one time when i first got to Thailand over a decade ago.  I'd never do it again.
Best of luck.

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Once or twice a year for many years I have hired a van with owner-driver for 1,600 Baht per day plus gas.  This from Bangkok to many places in Thaland normally 4 to 5 day trips.  Sometimes have to pay for some place for driver to shower like a cheap hotel room.  Being the driver owns the van they drive carefully and also sleep in the van during the travels to protect it.

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18 years ago I was lucky I met a lady got to know here fairly well we decided to drive from  Bangkok via kore Samui then onto Phuket then return back to Bangkok.  We took just over a week using her own car I paid for petrol and condoms and accommodation + food.  Trip went well but by the time I got back I decided she was not for me long term you know when it is not for you do you not ???? Give it a go you never know. 

On 8/31/2020 at 9:29 AM, watgate said:

There is a great driver we used on several occasions to drive throughout Thailand and his driving skills are impeccable. Never once did we feel scared during our trips with Sutthi and he is the consummate professional. We toured from chiang mai up to maehongson and even with the 1000's of twisting turning curves never did we feel scared. Sutthi speaks excellent english and has a great sense of humor. He is actually from Khon Kaen and has a private tour company in chiang mai. He took us around in a very nice SUV and it was a very pleasureable experience. He can be reached at his email address: [email protected] or his cell phone: +66 899534407 or +66 876608955. His name is Sutthi Hampitak and the name of his tour company is chiang mai driver guide.  He was also very reasonable in his prices when we utilized his services.  Good Luck

Very helpful. Thank you.

On 8/30/2020 at 3:07 PM, ezzra said:

from experience, not worth the hassle dealing with drivers, they're troublesome lot at best and pests at their worst, drive yourself and save money and headaches...

Rubbish. Generalizing much! That may apply for some but not all.

I don't blame the OP for not wishing to drive themselves in LOS. I nearly died a few times from maniac drivers.


To the OP, find a travel agent that has vans available to rent with drivers. Make sure they are insured. You will have to pay for their accommodation and food, or pay large.


Edit. Just re read the OP and saw he wants a car, not a van- good luck with that. Try the car hire places.

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On 8/30/2020 at 4:08 PM, connda said:

You can hire a Thai driver for about 500 THB a day.  But - you've hired a "Thai Driver" with all of the bad driving habits that goes along with every Thais driver that I've ever met

  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Driving too slow for conditions (for example, not accelerating and coming up to speed on highways; driving 50km/hr in the right (fast) lane of a 4 lane highway to prepare to U-turn 2 kilometres up the road)
  • No understanding on how to safely merge
  • Aggressive driving
  • Non-attentive driving
  • Inability to maintain a lane
  • Passing on blind corners and hills
  • Not turning on lights when it's dark
  • Literally driving from shoulder to shoulder while mountain driving
  • No concept of what "right of way" means or who actually has the right of way
  • Not stopping for red lights
  • Etc, etc, etc......

Bottom line - I have never met as much as one Thai driver who has the same level of training and understanding of driving a vehicle that you find in the West.  So you end up on the edge of your seat half the time and you've literally put your live into the hand of someone who will never be a competent driver.
Using Western standards you are not going to find a "competent driver" who is Thai.

I suggest one of two approaches.
1.  Driver yourself,  or

2. Hook up with another Westerner or TV member in your area who would be interested in 'touring' with you and have them drive as their share of "cost sharing" the trip. 

I hired a Thai driver one time when i first got to Thailand over a decade ago.  I'd never do it again.
Best of luck.

I've hired a van and driver twice and no complaints.

You must have been unlucky.

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