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Temperature guns and retina damage?

law ling

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Don't know if this has come up before ...

Some  months ago I noticed a very distracting, donut-shaped "floater" in one eye.

I'd previously had temperature gun beams (lazers) hit my retina - by lazy, indifferent staff here, weilding their activated gun at me, even before I got into position - and I suspect that that's the cause of it.

If I'm right on the causal link, be warned to approach the guns with care: head down and turned away.

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A digital infrared thermometer only receives, it does not send anything.


a quick translation: "The infrared thermometer works on the basis of infrared radiation. Every substance (medium) emits infrared radiation. The lens of the infrared thermometer collects this radiation. The amount of radiation received is a measure of the measured surface temperature."



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