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OK my situation is UK citizen under 50 Married to thai national.

I am seriously considering moving back to LOS at the end of the year.

Just looking at the options there seems to be some confusion over 400k in the bank or 40K per month.

Whilst I have no problem meeting either of these conditions it would be a considerable cost to transfer 40k per month from UK funds not to mention a pain in the A**. Plus the factor that a large % of my monthly income would be via rentals etc and it is easier to arrange larger transfer sums on a less regular basis. The rest would be through investments paid annually.

An lump sum amount a couple of times a year is how I have done it in the past and makes more sense given uk interest rates and the changing bht exchange rate.

It seems it would be far easier to have 500k in a thai savings account ( I know it's low % ) and then transfer an amount accross to the account you present to show regular payments of the required 40K. Then top up annually.

Is this acceptable ? I also would probably hold 500k + in thailand anyway as a fund in case of purchases needed immediately. ( don't ask but I have found it very usefull in the past to have funds there as you never know when something comes up needing instant funds ) It seems a shame to hold this kind of money there and not be able to use it as a visa requirement somehow.

I have been following the changes but have noticed it is still very loose in being THE procedure .......


You have no bank deposit option. The only option is the 40k monthly family income. Be it you, wife or both. Deposits of 40k per month are not acceptable but if you can get Embassy to confirm you have income of 40k per month that would be acceptable (subject to immigration verification of supporting paperwork if they feel the need). For local time income it is proven by tax payments and currently believe that is last years paperwork that can be used.

Without meeting the extension of stay requirement there is the option of non immigrant O visas and in the case of Singapore they will issue a multi entry with proof of bank account so that is an option (but requires 90 day border runs).

You have no bank deposit option. The only option is the 40k monthly family income. Be it you, wife or both. Deposits of 40k per month are not acceptable but if you can get Embassy to confirm you have income of 40k per month that would be acceptable (subject to immigration verification of supporting paperwork if they feel the need). For local time income it is proven by tax payments and currently believe that is last years paperwork that can be used

Seems you are saying get a confirmation from the embassy that I have an income = to/exceeding 40k per month. Thats what I suspected. So in theory 500k, over 12 months = 41.6k per month. Interesting to see how the UK embassy will view it, although I don't see how they can argue the figures.

I already have a joint bank account with the wife in LOS btw.

I intend to start with a multi entry O from hull consulate in UK for the first time anyway..... 90 days multi is no prob and besides it's good to travel.Who knows mabe things will be clearer over the next 12 months :o

Thanks loburi3 helpful as always.

Any idea if the embassy letter will have to be renewed every year or what?


"Any idea if the embassy letter will have to be renewed every year or what? "

I've been using the same letter for a number of years.


"Any idea if the embassy letter will have to be renewed every year or what? "

I've been using the same letter for a number of years.


Some immigration offices have asked for a new letter some allow you to use the same one as long as your passport details and adress is the same.


I am in a similar position to the OP, however I am due to visit Bangkok immigration in May and apply for an extension of stay due to marriage to Thai wife. I am ex HM forces and receive a monthly pension that I hope will satisfy the 40k per month required. The British embassy should send my letter back with proof of income letter soon, I hope. Due to living in Petchabun province, I thought it would be easier to send by post!.

Like the OP I was under the impression that you had to have this 400k deposited in the bank and went through a troublesome loop of opening a bank account and transferring money from UK etc.

Perhaps I should have been reading the forums much earlier!! for info.

I could not find anything on the Thai immigration website about the 40k income.

I am in a similar position to the OP, however I am due to visit Bangkok immigration in May and apply for an extension of stay due to marriage to Thai wife. I am ex HM forces and receive a monthly pension that I hope will satisfy the 40k per month required. The British embassy should send my letter back with proof of income letter soon, I hope. Due to living in Petchabun province, I thought it would be easier to send by post!.

Like the OP I was under the impression that you had to have this 400k deposited in the bank and went through a troublesome loop of opening a bank account and transferring money from UK etc.

Perhaps I should have been reading the forums much earlier!! for info.

I could not find anything on the Thai immigration website about the 40k income.

If your pension is 40,000 Baht or more a month then you will be fine.

You will still need a bank acc. for your own bebefit, to put the money in or transfer it to.

I am in a similar position to the OP, however I am due to visit Bangkok immigration in May and apply for an extension of stay due to marriage to Thai wife. I am ex HM forces and receive a monthly pension that I hope will satisfy the 40k per month required. The British embassy should send my letter back with proof of income letter soon, I hope. Due to living in Petchabun province, I thought it would be easier to send by post!.

Like the OP I was under the impression that you had to have this 400k deposited in the bank and went through a troublesome loop of opening a bank account and transferring money from UK etc.

Perhaps I should have been reading the forums much earlier!! for info.

I could not find anything on the Thai immigration website about the 40k income.

Why don't you apply at an immigration office nearer to you and save yourself a trip to Bangkok ?

I have used Nan where they treat you very well and I am always almost alone with the 3 officers talking over a glass of water that they provide while they process the extension stamps

I am in a similar position to the OP, however I am due to visit Bangkok immigration in May and apply for an extension of stay due to marriage to Thai wife. I am ex HM forces and receive a monthly pension that I hope will satisfy the 40k per month required. The British embassy should send my letter back with proof of income letter soon, I hope. Due to living in Petchabun province, I thought it would be easier to send by post!.

Like the OP I was under the impression that you had to have this 400k deposited in the bank and went through a troublesome loop of opening a bank account and transferring money from UK etc.

Perhaps I should have been reading the forums much earlier!! for info.

I could not find anything on the Thai immigration website about the 40k income.

You need to read police order 606 for the new requirements as there web site has not been updated with the specifics. That can be found on the Immigration web site (if you search) or from the pinned items at top of this forum (easier).

OK my situation is UK citizen under 50 Married to thai national.

I am seriously considering moving back to LOS at the end of the year.

Just looking at the options there seems to be some confusion over 400k in the bank or 40K per month.

Whilst I have no problem meeting either of these conditions it would be a considerable cost to transfer 40k per month from UK funds not to mention a pain in the A**. Plus the factor that a large % of my monthly income would be via rentals etc and it is easier to arrange larger transfer sums on a less regular basis. The rest would be through investments paid annually.

An lump sum amount a couple of times a year is how I have done it in the past and makes more sense given uk interest rates and the changing bht exchange rate.

It seems it would be far easier to have 500k in a thai savings account ( I know it's low % ) and then transfer an amount accross to the account you present to show regular payments of the required 40K. Then top up annually.

Is this acceptable ? I also would probably hold 500k + in thailand anyway as a fund in case of purchases needed immediately. ( don't ask but I have found it very usefull in the past to have funds there as you never know when something comes up needing instant funds ) It seems a shame to hold this kind of money there and not be able to use it as a visa requirement somehow.

I have been following the changes but have noticed it is still very loose in being THE procedure .......

Pay tax to the amphur saying that u earn 500,000 baht and pay 2,500 baht tax.


Usana - not quite that easy. If OP try the idea of simply transfering money from 1 Thai account to another where is is earning his income (in Thailand presumeably - at least towards emmigration) without a work permit?

One way could be for the husbond to pay his Thai wife for work :o (40k/mth) not needing a work permit. That also satisfies the new requirements as the income is combined from husbond/wife. Naturally she should ensure she pays the relevant taxes on the income.

The requirement for "income-verification" varies from embassy to embassy. Most are used to seeing and verifying government and private pension incomes, while other incomes (rent, investment returns, interest from abroad) are a bit trickier. In most case all that the embassy does is to confirm what you have told them - but in other cases they will only verify pensions, as other income can be "gone tomorrow"(stock market crash, sell house Etc.).



Thanks for the answers so far people.

It's good to know that peoples letters from embassies can be used for a few years.

As I am not anywhere near 50 nor have I served in the forces I do not have a pension scheme/payment to show.

Phutoie2 I'm sure you will be fine, after all it's a Forces pension and you don't get any safer than that !

Firefan I do hope your wrong about only verifing pensions, that implies retirees only :o . After all it's just a letter and income is income as long as it's legal and can be shown. Besides If the funds run out you'd go home anyway or fail at the next application that required a new letter, especially if it was an annual requirement. ( Mabe thats the answer for the future ) seeing as UK state pensions are not indexed linked in LOS but frozen.

It's very likely that some UK retirees will NOT have enough funds as time goes on and/or the 40 K requirement inevitably goes up. :D


About the tax bit I am looking into and paying my wife a salary is also an option. However it has to be said I'd be none too happy paying tax on my earnings twice :D.Opening a small business under wifes name and doing it properly would be more satisfying too. ( before people start im aware of doing business in LOS, been there, done that and it can work if great care is taken )

Bottom line I guess is just suck it and see. The only other choice would be multi O visa which I have always used before, not that its a problem in itself as I found it much easier to use rather than reporting every time I popped out of coutry, plus I would probably return to UK once a year anyway. It would be nice to firmly put down roots and finally go for PR but it does seem to be getting more complicated as time goes by.

In the meantime I as a solvent young married man with a daughter who wishes to live in my families country, also happily create a business and jobs has to wing it and made to feel 2nd class with very limited options. I find it most frustrating being restricted from doing so much in business.

I'm sure it's been said infinate times before but the Thai Gov need to overhall the whole immigration process and stop being so Xenophobic. The rest of the world (or most of ) understand the need for immigration and skills, not to mention business,competition,more jobs and therefore more tax & a better economy for all.

Rant over :D

You have no bank deposit option. The only option is the 40k monthly family income. Be it you, wife or both. Deposits of 40k per month are not acceptable but if you can get Embassy to confirm you have income of 40k per month that would be acceptable (subject to immigration verification of supporting paperwork if they feel the need). For local time income it is proven by tax payments and currently believe that is last years paperwork that can be used.

Without meeting the extension of stay requirement there is the option of non immigrant O visas and in the case of Singapore they will issue a multi entry with proof of bank account so that is an option (but requires 90 day border runs).

Are you saying that Singapore will issue a multiple entry non immigrant "O" visa to people who have what ?

1. Marriage certificate - if so, which language.

2. 400k in the bank.

3. 40k per month.

Is that 400k subject to the same 3 month rule as per the retirement 800k ?

Does the 40k have to be tax paid in Thailand ? Can it come from inside Thailand or must it come from outside ?

Has someone done this or is it just speculation ?


Singapore has a system to issue a multi entry non immigrant O visa if you meet there specific conditions so you should check directly with them for the current requirements. It has been Thai marriage certificate and believe copy of ID card of Thai, and proof of 400k or more in a bank account to prove your ability to pay your way for the time period of the visa. It has been reported here by a number of people who have taken advantage of it.


Does anyone know if the embassies will do letter confirming income from a regular job. I work 6 weeks on 6 weeks off in Wesy Africa and have a monthly salary way abouve 40k a month.

There is a post here about paying your wife a salary and get tax paid that way. What job can that be for and how does one go about doing it.



If you have such income believe most Embassies will provide the required letter - but it appears some want you to write it up and they just sign off - you need to contact your specific Embassy.

I am in a similar position to the OP, however I am due to visit Bangkok immigration in May and apply for an extension of stay due to marriage to Thai wife. I am ex HM forces and receive a monthly pension that I hope will satisfy the 40k per month required.

Hi Phutoie2

If you are a first time applyee then you will need $40,000 plus a month, The British embassy will want to see your P60 also for your confirmation letter, they will confirm the full amount before tax.

If you are re-applying then you only need $400,000 in a Thai bank, you will be grandfathered in.

There are people here that only show $200,000 because they been here about 10 years and married to Thai.

If you are over 50 and have a Thai child with your name on birth certificate then you do not need any money in the bank.


I received a one year multiple 'O' visa from the embassy in Singapore earlier this week.

The only supporting documents I needed were a copy of our Thai marriage certificate (the original in Thai) and a copy of a letter from my bank in the US stating my balance (which in Thai baht exceeded 400K). That's it. S$220 and it was ready the following afternoon.

As my business is in Cambodia the 90-day limit per stay is not a problem and given the choice of begging the people in Suanphlu for another year's stay or flying to Singapore for another one-year visa I happily choose Singapore.


I take my "P60" (from my Pension Company) to the British Embassy every year and get a letter from them confirming my monthly Income. They even ask me if I want the letter to state income BEFORE or AFTER Tax!!

If you use Immigration in Nong Khai they will require a new letter evey year, but when I was in Pattaya they were happy to accept a copy of a letter no matter how old it was.

Seems there is so much variation as to what embassies do and dont accept.

I have just renewed my married visa, but was asked to show income, I have over 400K in the bank, and showed an icome of 500K but as I have a rubber farm Im only taxed on the land (50 rai=221 baht) farmers tax, how can I prove this income? I also pointed out that I was grandfathered and was told this can only be used once.

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