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An Australian world traveller


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An Australian world traveller

by Bea Toews




For three weeks while in Alamos Mexico, I wore my friend’s hat. I loved that hat and I know she would have given it to me except that it was a souvenir from her best friend from Seattle. I wore that hat to lunch, to the beach and on walks. It was light, versatile and comfortable with an adjustable rim. It was, perhaps, a little too cream to hide the dirt!


The name of the hat was The Victorian Petit. It was made by the Wallaroo Hat Company. I was convinced that the hat was made in Australia (I’m from Victoria, Australia and a Wallaroo is an Australian marsupial that is half way between a wallaby and a kangaroo.)


When I returned to Australia, I looked up the company website. I found the hat, and I ordered two. (I really, really, liked the hat!). Imagine my horror when I found that the company was based in Boulder, Colorado, that the prices were in US dollars and that they did not ship to Australia.


Crestfallen, I sent a sad email to the company and asked if they would make an exception to their not shipping to Australia.  I said:


“… your checkout cart indicates that you do not ship to Australia. I was so excited: one camel and one black and all my traveling hat problems would have been over.


No chance of sending them out here? Where the name originates from? “


Full Story: https://expatlifeinthailand.com/travel-and-leisure/an-australian-world-traveller/



-- © Copyright Expat Life in Thailand 2020-09-16
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