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Chiang Mai Night Safari opens in new normal style


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Chiang Mai Night Safari opens in new normal style




CHIANG MAI (NNT) - Chiang Mai Night Safari has adopted a new normal style. All visitors are required to comply strictly with COVID-19 prevention measures.


Mr Anucha Nakasai, Minister attached to the Prime Minister’s Office, has inspected Chiang Mai Night Safari, a popular Chiang Mai attraction, after it introduced the new normal style at the beginning of July on reopening. Chiang Mai Night Safari complies with measures to prevent COVID-19 according to the Amazing Thailand Safety & Health Administration which is aimed at raising standards in the tourism industry, along with sanitary safety assurances.


There is only one entrance and exit. All visitors and staff members are screened. A registration point has been set up for people to scan a QR code using the Thai Chana platform. There is also a waiting area where visitors are required to keep a distance of 1-2 meters from one another. Hand-washing alcohol gel is available all over the area. Everyone is required to adhere to the measures.



-- © Copyright NNT 2020-09-17
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Not the best of attractions. Still no tourists and dual pricing still in force?

Did actually go when it first opened but just the one time and it was not recommended to our guests afterwards particularly if you liked to see animals in their natural habitat. 


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It isn't so bad.  Not as great as many Western zoos, but certainly not as bad as others around the world we've visited; even the Los Angles Zoo was a disappointment last year for us.  Our kids like taking the trolly ride at the Safari and in general its just something to do with them outside of school and home.


Showing my Thai driver's license gets me in without the dual pricing issues.



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12 hours ago, kurtmartens said:

It isn't so bad.  Not as great as many Western zoos, but certainly not as bad as others around the world we've visited; even the Los Angles Zoo was a disappointment last year for us.  Our kids like taking the trolly ride at the Safari and in general its just something to do with them outside of school and home.


Showing my Thai driver's license gets me in without the dual pricing issues.



I just tell them im friends with Mr Behr and Mrs. Lyons to get the discount....sly, like a fox

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On 9/18/2020 at 1:21 PM, kurtmartens said:

It isn't so bad.  Not as great as many Western zoos, but certainly not as bad as others around the world we've visited; even the Los Angles Zoo was a disappointment last year for us.  Our kids like taking the trolly ride at the Safari and in general its just something to do with them outside of school and home.


Showing my Thai driver's license gets me in without the dual pricing issues.



Buy a seasons pass, not that expensive.  Even if you only go once, consider it a contribution to animal welfare / upkeep. 

Just as for humans, an animals food & medical / veterinary care is also necessary, and is not free.  

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On 9/17/2020 at 4:47 PM, brommers said:

Went there once. Saw a lot of miserable looking trapped animals, ate lousy food in a tacky food court and was charged a vast price because I am a farang. No ways am I ever going there again under any circumstances.

Never would go for farang price reason alone. 


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1 hour ago, Captain Monday said:

Never would go for farang price reason alone. 


I hear ya.  Which is why I used my Thai driver's license.  Just a quick point, Thailand isn't the only country to use double pricing.  Even when I was stationed in Hawaii  (obviously not a country) they had double pricing for residents vs tourists (military thankfully were considered residents) at most attractions.  And I am sure there are many other examples - sorry to rant, I just don't understand why so many of us farangs get upset by this when its not just a Thailand issue.



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1 hour ago, kurtmartens said:

I hear ya.  Which is why I used my Thai driver's license.  Just a quick point, Thailand isn't the only country to use double pricing.  Even when I was stationed in Hawaii  (obviously not a country) they had double pricing for residents vs tourists (military thankfully were considered residents) at most attractions.  And I am sure there are many other examples - sorry to rant, I just don't understand why so many of us farangs get upset by this when its not just a Thailand issue.



That is different. Any Thai person who goes to live legally in Hawaii, a college student. a spouse, a worker can get local ID and then get the same kamaaina as full blooded Hawaiian, it is a local discount.

Dual Thai pricing is a racist policy based on skin color, excused only by the insurmountable goal for most of of getting Thai citizenship. Thai drivers license wont work anymore at National parks and other attractions. 

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7 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

That is different. Any Thai person who goes to live legally in Hawaii, a college student. a spouse, a worker can get local ID and then get the same kamaaina as full blooded Hawaiian, it is a local discount.

Dual Thai pricing is a racist policy based on skin color, excused only by the insurmountable goal for most of of getting Thai citizenship. Thai drivers license wont work anymore at National parks and other attractions. 

I think its all a different story.  I don't think its raciest of the Thais; if you manage to get citizenship then you get the discount, regardless of your skin color.  


Personally, I stand by my overall opinion ... what does it matter?!  If you can't afford to pay "X" Baht, then don't go.  

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On 9/21/2020 at 6:17 AM, kurtmartens said:

I think its all a different story.  I don't think its raciest of the Thais; if you manage to get citizenship then you get the discount, regardless of your skin color.  


Personally, I stand by my overall opinion ... what does it matter?!  If you can't afford to pay "X" Baht, then don't go.  

I'm sure I could get Thai citizenship if I drop everything, stop flying, become an English teacher  and devote the next 10 years of my life, but i'd rather pursue a different path. So its a Nationalist policy of dual pricing not racist. Kind of like Japan that subscribes to UN refugee treaty while actually admitting 2 or 3 persons or families per year while normal signatories admit thousands or tens of thousands. A Kon drama, Thai style.


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