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Trump says he will name Supreme Court replacement for Ginsburg by Saturday


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On 9/26/2020 at 1:11 PM, Morch said:


So you're somehow alleging pollsters are "BLM/Antifa type 'liberals'"? That is, disregarding your dishonest lumping together of BLM, Antifa and liberals.


You know as well as i do I meant no such thing!  I refer to many voters who will not SAY who they will vote for because they are afraid of backlash. As for BLM, Antifa and Liberals, yes they, more or less, belong in the same paradigm.

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On 9/26/2020 at 1:19 PM, polpott said:

Nowhere near as nasty as the KKK, white supremacist groups, NRA and various other groups supported by Trump.

I am against KKK, white supremacists as much as I am against BLM/Antifa for they are ALL braindead thugs and do not represent the vast majority of humanity.

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16 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

You know as well as i do I meant no such thing!  I refer to many voters who will not SAY who they will vote for because they are afraid of backlash. As for BLM, Antifa and Liberals, yes they, more or less, belong in the same paradigm.


No, I do not know that. Based on your words and past contributions, wouldn't be surprised by any nonsense. Your current explanation is no explanation - what 'backlash'? From whom? They only talk correspond/talk with pollsters.


As for your last bit of nonsense, no - BLM, Antifa and Liberals do not hold the same paradigm, or goals. That is either ignorance on display or intentionally spreading incorrect information. Pick one.

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9 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

I am not pro-Trump I am non-political. I also support woman's choice, legalizing weed etc. I am anti-violence and rioting WHOEVER does it.


Of course you are 'non-political'. It's just your posts on here which are pretty consistently 'pro-Trump'.

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


No, I do not know that. Based on your words and past contributions, wouldn't be surprised by any nonsense. Your current explanation is no explanation - what 'backlash'? From whom? They only talk correspond/talk with pollsters.


As for your last bit of nonsense, no - BLM, Antifa and Liberals do not hold the same paradigm, or goals. That is either ignorance on display or intentionally spreading incorrect information. Pick one.

more nonsense from you... but we are used to it

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


Of course you are 'non-political'. It's just your posts on here which are pretty consistently 'pro-Trump'.

You misunderstand, again, because I am anti-pc liberals (like you) does not make me pro-Trump. Can you switch off the 'trolling' button now?

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16 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

more nonsense from you... but we are used to it


In other words, you cannot back up or explain your 'backlash' comment. And the same goes for the false claim about BLM, Antifa and liberals holding the same paradigm.

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16 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

You misunderstand, again, because I am anti-pc liberals (like you) does not make me pro-Trump. Can you switch off the 'trolling' button now?


What you claim to be is one thing, what your posts say is another. I judge your positions based on what you post, not on what you think (which I have no way of knowing). And what you post on these topics is pretty much all pro-Trump. As for being a 'liberal', I'll have you know I've been called a fascist (and worse) more than once. I know, it's confusing.

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4 hours ago, BobBKK said:

You know as well as i do I meant no such thing!  I refer to many voters who will not SAY who they will vote for because they are afraid of backlash. 

Actually, Morning Consult conducted a poll to test for just that alleged "fear of backlash". Here's their explanation of how it worked:

"To conduct the study, all survey respondents answered a set of demographic questions online and then were randomly assigned to answer a brief, identical set of questions about politics and society either online or via a live telephone interview. By comparing these live telephone interviews with online responses, we were able to identify where social desirability bias was in effect."



The results of their research are not going to please you.


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18 hours ago, Morch said:


What you claim to be is one thing, what your posts say is another. I judge your positions based on what you post, not on what you think (which I have no way of knowing). And what you post on these topics is pretty much all pro-Trump. As for being a 'liberal', I'll have you know I've been called a fascist (and worse) more than once. I know, it's confusing.

I would never call you a fascist. I do perceive many of the ultra liberal (I won't say left wing as they are not) pc BS as being fascist as much as the white supremacist morons. There is no difference between the two IMO.

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16 hours ago, plentyofnuttin said:

Actually, Morning Consult conducted a poll to test for just that alleged "fear of backlash". Here's their explanation of how it worked:

"To conduct the study, all survey respondents answered a set of demographic questions online and then were randomly assigned to answer a brief, identical set of questions about politics and society either online or via a live telephone interview. By comparing these live telephone interviews with online responses, we were able to identify where social desirability bias was in effect."



The results of their research are not going to please you.


I only mention it because that was the excuse made by the pollsters for their abject failure in 2016. How many conceal their true voting intentions is guess work.

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28 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

I would never call you a fascist. I do perceive many of the ultra liberal (I won't say left wing as they are not) pc BS as being fascist as much as the white supremacist morons. There is no difference between the two IMO.


Never said you called me a fascist, but that others did. The point being that labeling people is quite easy, if one disregards what they post, and just applies the label to suit his current 'point'. Also, you did call me a 'liberal', which some would probably consider worse than being called a 'fascist'. Either way, none of the waffle on offer goes towards actually making the nonsense argument that BLM, Antifa and Liberals follow the same paradigm.


Obviously, no meaningful comment on the 'backlash' thing either.

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31 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

I only mention it because that was the excuse made by the pollsters for their abject failure in 2016. How many conceal their true voting intentions is guess work.


Nothing to do with your original comment regarding fear of 'backlash'.

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6 hours ago, BobBKK said:

I only mention it because that was the excuse made by the pollsters for their abject failure in 2016. How many conceal their true voting intentions is guess work.

pollsters were in aggregate off by 2 percent. Fivethirtyeight.com which aggregates polls, gave Trump a 28% chance of winning. 

In 2018 fivethirtyeight did another aggregate of polls, modified by the results of the 2016 election. They predicted a 40 seat gain for the Democrats in the House and a 1 seat loss in the Senate. They got it exactly right.

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6 hours ago, BobBKK said:

I only mention it because that was the excuse made by the pollsters for their abject failure in 2016. How many conceal their true voting intentions is guess work.

The polls before the election were correct

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23 hours ago, Morch said:


Never said you called me a fascist, but that others did. The point being that labeling people is quite easy, if one disregards what they post, and just applies the label to suit his current 'point'. Also, you did call me a 'liberal', which some would probably consider worse than being called a 'fascist'. Either way, none of the waffle on offer goes towards actually making the nonsense argument that BLM, Antifa and Liberals follow the same paradigm.


Obviously, no meaningful comment on the 'backlash' thing either.

You are arguing being called a 'liberal' is same as 'fascist'?  never heard that before. Yes they are the same paradigm these days - never used to be but they are now (in USA).

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1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

Backlash from friends, family or community who 'may be' radical Libs.


Your original comment was about not answering truthfully and such to pollsters. Unless you want to claim that the pollsters advertise the identity and replies of specific people and communicate them to their "friends, family and community", your current deflection is not better than previous ones.

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1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

You are arguing being called a 'liberal' is same as 'fascist'?  never heard that before. Yes they are the same paradigm these days - never used to be but they are now (in USA).


No, I'm saying that different people can see either as an insult. Not that they are actually the same thing. Your original claim was that BLM, Antifa and Liberals all use the same paradigm - no support for this was offered, no explanation given, and not even a clear indication of what this "paradigm" is included. The post above is nothing more than a baseless 'yes, it is'.

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On 9/22/2020 at 10:32 AM, Nadia6 said:

The 3 largest states are all LIBERAL and the most populated thank god there is the electoral college or they would be pushing their liberal agenda on very conservative states who  live the exact opposite of their lives.

The fact remains it is the States that decide the President not the majority of the majority of the population and it has worked perfectly for 200 odd years for the USA 

And it will work PERFECTLY again in November when whoever wins will win the Electoral College because nothing else counts.

Neither in terms of population nor area is that true. California and Texes are the 2 largest states in terms of population and electoral votes. New York and Florida come next and are tied.  Are you claiming that Florida and Texas are liberal? Maybe you should reserve judgement about the USA until you get a little better acquainted with reality there.

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