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American expat charged with defamation after leaving multiple negative reviews online


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14 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Little bit advice to any business in any sector: don’t have your customers imprisoned. It isn’t a good look. 

People leave bad reviews. This is life. Explain why the review is wrong or at least try to settle it with the guest. This has now just made it much worse for the hotel. 

And before people say it’s the law or the police did it, etc, once you go to the police to file charges for someone writing bad reviews, you can safely assume they’ll be arrested if the case is accepted. That’s how filing complaints with the police works. 

100% agree with you. The owners of the hotel have done far more damage to the reputation of the resort than any review from a single person could ever do. Well done.

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8 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

Correct. Sadly, there are many people here with a similar mentality as the American. 
I often wonder why these people even stay in Thailand? ... Complain every day about Thai laws and blaming everything on Thai people, but still choose to stay here..
Honesty, it's embarrassing especially when you know that Thai people come to this forum and read all of this stuff. What must they think ? 

That a lot of us are a bunch of whining and everything criticizing idio+s? 

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6 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

The problem started when he brought his own bottle of drinks into the restaurant, didn't want to pay the corkage fee and begun insulting the staff.

yes ..... he was probably half cut to begin with and refused the corkage charge, then puts misrepresentative reviews on websites because he was cheezed off.

He deserves the defamation suit.

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14 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

The yank may indeed be entitled but obviously the resort owners are entitled, privileged, ----s.


He wrote a review on trip advisor, a popular but essentially flaky online travel source. He then ends up with a 2 year jail sentence. Amazing Thailand.  :biggrin:  


Methinks this is not going to help jump start tourism to Thailand.


and this is the one of the prime differences between many 3rd world and first world countries,


3rd world seem to lack the common sense and put a priority on face to be able to comprehend that "win the battle but not the war" when it comes to service


whether its a 50/50, 25/75, 75/25, 90/10, 10/90 fault of whoever, you run a business, you are going to get difficult customers,

how you handle disputes shows a lot about the business/staff involved

Edited by hellohello123
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2 minutes ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

My point was about 'modern slavery"

What we sometime see as modern slavery are jobs that they don't get at home and often a whole family lives off the income. Even when it's not much.


Don't you think that something similar exists in first, or second world countries? 



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14 hours ago, madmitch said:

The criminal defamation laws in Thailand are an absolute joke.



I guess you did not bother to read the links will all the details! For instance the way this hotel uses his personnel was like modern slavery, it seems to me that is much more than a simple negative review!

Before going to the police the manager emailed him to find an arrangement, no answer, he also brought his own bottle of gin to drink with his friend. 

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3 minutes ago, steven100 said:

yes ..... he was probably half cut to begin with and refused the corkage charge, then puts misrepresentative reviews on websites because he was cheezed off.

He deserves the defamation suit.

Once he gets out of jail he's gunna need some corkage to help him not soil his pants every time he coughs or sneezes !

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14 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Well, if they thought business was bad before, they’re in for a nasty surprise with this regressive behaviour. 

People don’t like this sort of thing and quite rightfully so. 

disagree ....  people reading any review will see right through this. He made a problem because he didn't want to pay the corkage,  not because of bad service or food or bad quality.

Folks will go with the good reviews as corkage has nothing to do with the product provided.

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1 hour ago, polpott said:

Why bite the hand that feeds you? Or provides you with an exceptional cup of tea.

Why?Because the hand might taste better than what the hand is feeding you.I do like a good cuppa!I see good and bad behaviour from most people and also countries and I also see that it's quite easy to focus on either negatives or positives but I do see this example of judicial cluster seed in the hole (there's a word for that) as something which goes much deeper than people realise which is the the rules for posting stuff on the net.How one assembles their noughts and ones and ones concepts can cause affront to someone who expects those noughts and ones and concepts to be thus arranged.The cause for the anger lies in the having of expectations which are not met.There should be a law against expectations as they are the sole cause of anger when the are not fulfilled.

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14 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I disagree. If the guy has a genuine issue then he has the right to publish it on all media outlets and sites to tell others of his issue. After all not everybody will go to all the sites of every hotel to find his review and therefore get a false impression.


The only issue the hotel can possibly take up is having him post multiple reviews about the same hotel under different names on the same sites. That I would agree with as being defamtion. Otherwise they are fair game in my opinion to a review of the person feeling aggrieved on all review sites.


Your viewpoint is he could only complain on the BBC rather than ITV, Channel 4, 5 ABC, FOX - which is inappropriate in my opinion

Oh well to say that the way the hotel uses its staff is modern slavery for you that's just a negative review?

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7 minutes ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

Are you from North Korea?A hotel sues a paying customer for defamation and the customer ends up in prison.This is a PR disaster.The hotel will be remembered for throwing customers into jail.If you get a bad review suck it up.Since these news are already around the world Thailand is again in hot water.A country what needs tourists to survive should not throw them into prison for bad reviews.It doesn't matter if the review was bs.The owner of the hotel is probably a greedy person and hopes he can press more money out of the tourist  with a lawsuit.Reviews for Thai businesses should be scraped as long people will receive a punishment for a bad review

One bad review, or multiple bad reviews on various websites doesn't seem to be the same.


  In times of COVID where customers have many choices, it hurts when somebody's upset that he wasn't allowed to drink his alcohol that wasn't from this place.


I wrote a negative review about a hotel in Bangkok, where many things were not as described online.


The service was non existent, the computer system didn't have my name and many other issues that made my stay very unpleasant.


The pool was merely 50 cm deep and the guests were very loud Indians.


I do not think that I'd be thrown in jail for my review as all was true and I didn't add something as a kind of revenge.


  And I believe that the American must have added stuff that wasn't true. 


    But I could be wrong. 





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Hey, come on now, he thinks the way he thinks as they think the way they think both think there right and no doubt they both are somewhat just as we think  that he the customer is right and other would say that the establishment are right. We all know that one should be allowed to and indeed be entitled to say what they want both parties that is, but the only way to find the exact happenings is CCTV which most likely doesn't confirm word for word so perhaps an agreement to apologise to each other and move on, simple I know but a good starting place. 

Take good care out there people. 

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7 minutes ago, steven100 said:

disagree ....  people reading any review will see right through this. He made a problem because he didn't want to pay the corkage,  not because of bad service or food or bad quality.

Folks will go with the good reviews as corkage has nothing to do with the product provided.

Get banged up for writing a bad review online or kill a cop whist drunk and coked up and spend not one second in jail. 

Yea, this seems fair in the broader context.  

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4 minutes ago, teacherclaire said:

One bad review, or multiple bad reviews on various websites doesn't seem to be the same.


  In times of COVID where customers have many choices, it hurts when somebody's upset that he wasn't allowed to drink his alcohol that wasn't from this place.


I wrote a negative review about a hotel in Bangkok, where many things were not as described online.


The service was non existent, the computer system didn't have my name and many other issues that made my stay very unpleasant.


The pool was merely 50 cm deep and the guests were very loud Indians.


I do not think that I'd be thrown in jail for my review as all was true and I didn't add something as a kind of revenge.


  And I believe that the American must have added stuff that wasn't true. 


    But I could be wrong. 





Even if the American added some bs to his review still you don't let paying customers end up in prison for a bad review.If people stop reviewing because they are afraid to end up in prison trip advisor can shut down.Trip advisor should help the American and take the hotel from their review list or better all Thai hotels

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14 hours ago, madmitch said:

The criminal defamation laws in Thailand are an absolute joke.



Writing in a public review in this hotel the way they treat their staff is like modern slavery is an absolute joke and logically may be considered defamation in most countries!

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14 hours ago, EricTh said:

I just went to Tripadvisor and looked at recent comments, it's all negative, did he have a few friends who created multiple accounts just to bad-mouthed that resort?



I just clicked on the link you gave. Almost all the recent reviews were highly positive (4's or 5's). I could only find two bad ones within the last year or so, one of which is obviously from the guy who is the subject of this thread.


Based on the comment at the top of the Tripadvisor page about reviews that were not based on personal experience, I think they may have removed some of the negative reviews as not meeting their criteria for being genuine reviews.

Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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9 minutes ago, steven100 said:

yes ..... he was probably half cut to begin with and refused the corkage charge, then puts misrepresentative reviews on websites because he was cheezed off.

He deserves the defamation suit.

Hang on there Steven I think you might have meant that just about everybody deserves a defamation suit as just about everybody is misrepresents stuff at one time or another and it's something we are taught to do from an early age and it's called lying.Imagine if everyone was hit with defamation suit,deserved or otherwise,every time they lied?Poor old judge would never rest.Imagine if Khun What's his name was arrested for all those unfulfilled promises he made the gaols would be full of politicians.

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Meh, I'm on the hotel's side on this one. You don't bring outside beverages to a restaurant without expressively asking for it beforehand, and if they deny you, you accept it without arguing. I doubt he would've been taken to court if he had posted a 1-star review with his actual experience rather than acting like a drama queen..

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1 minute ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Imagine if Khun What's his name was arrested for all those unfulfilled promises he made the gaols would be full of politicians.

And bar girls. If I had a baht for every time one sent me a Line message, "I love you long time". Yep, about 5 minutes until the next customer walks through the door.

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3 minutes ago, Myran said:

Meh, I'm on the hotel's side on this one. You don't bring outside beverages to a restaurant without expressively asking for it beforehand, and if they deny you, you accept it without arguing. I doubt he would've been taken to court if he had posted a 1-star review with his actual experience rather than acting like a drama queen..

I doubt he would have been taken to court in any other country in the world, especially not by the police. Beggars belief.

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