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Thailand eyes 50,000 foreign tourists in second-quarter, down 99.5% - industry


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The requirement is clear...an alternative to tourism until tourism is deemed safe again, and that will not be any time soon. The solution is not so clear...there is no single solution for an alternative revenue generating business that can be plugged in to replace the loss of tourism, otherwise why wouldn't that business already exist. Economic stimulus will occur, but the benefits of that are medium to long term. It should be done anyway for the future, but for the immediate scenario Thailand is totally dependent on other countries managing their infections, many of which seem totally incapable of doing.

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11 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Good questions.


Here is some color on how the vaccines are developed (the article is about US companies, but it's likely to be similar elsewhere):



Other countries are using different methods. India and China are developing vaccines based on how other vaccines were developed in the past. In the USA, we are trying new approaches that MAY allow quicker development.. But require 2 shots and make distribution and storage more difficult as some have to be kept frozen at minus 96 degrees. 

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The problem with closing down has always been how to open up. How do you start small and scale up? I think they should start with packaged flights. Mainly direct to Phuket. Maybe flying in to Phuket and from there to Koh Samui as well. Incoming passengers get a stamp in their passports saying they are restricted to their chosen province. Something that will block them from leaving on a domestic flight. But I’m not saying they should be controlled to the extent of making sure they don’t leave by boat. 

There are several reasons why package tourists are a good idea. They’re usually couples or families. They have decent spending power. They often spend a lot of the time at the chosen hotel and the surrounding area. The companies can make sure that most guests stay at only a few hotels, making sure those hotels get good enough occupancy levels to make it worth opening. Package tourists have company representatives. They usually have good insurance. They come in on chartered flights flying directly. 

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2 hours ago, DPKANKAN said:

Tourism down 99.5%  but revenue only 99%.

So all tourists are going to spend twice what they have before............ duh.... or is it the rip off quarantine costs???????????????????????????????????

I don't think so.

Expecting 50000 Tourists spending $142 Million in the 4th quarter amounts to $2840 per Tourist spent on average. With regard to the current conditions in place (2 week quarantine, minimum stay 30 days), this paltry sum hardly pays for Phuket's cheapest quarantine option.

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56 minutes ago, Dukeleto said:

Meanwhile in the rest of the modern world where the virus has spread relatively unchecked with September showing far higher Infection numbers than at the height of it in April but with very very little deaths by comparison which clearly indicates the medical community in those countries can Now effectively cure those infected reducing the danger of the virus.


It is laudable that you do not only mention the 'number of cases' and compare them with the 'number of deaths'. 

But two observations:

1 - There are now far more reported cases, than in the beginning of the covid-crisis. But obviously  that is due to the increased number of covid-tests that are being conducted.

So just stating the number of cases without relating it to the number of tests conducted, and differentiating between cases that require hospitalization or just a 'positive' test, is misleading (see further).

2 - Attributing the very low number of deaths to 'better medical treatment' is only part of the story. 


The main factors that are behind this low death/case ratio are:

a) From 'case' side the figures are hugely inflated

  • the inaccuracy of the tests > many false positives
  • positive tests not distinguishing between 'have been infected in the past' (debris detected) and 'being infectuous' (possibility of spreading the Virus)
  • tests not making the distinction between those being tested positive but have no symptoms and feel 100% OK, and those tested because they have symptoms requiring hospitalization

b) Also from 'death' side the already low figures are inflated

  • winter season approaching in Western Europe, which will result in a small spike in deaths (especially because of older people having been locked up during the summer season instead of getting healthy sunshine/exercise)
  • a death as a result from common flu will be counted as a covid-19 death

But after the hysteria created by the media and the often draconian measures taken by some governments, it is difficult to admit that what seemed appropriate at the height of the pandemic and has been continued since should be loosened as the situation in many countries is already 'normal' for quite some time.  This has been recognized by many medical professionals who are increasingly urging governments to get back to normal as the anti-covid measures are doing more harm than good.

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1 hour ago, vandeventer said:

So if they have a Russian or Chinese vaccine than there is no quarantine? But do they work? If they have the vaccine will they all test positive?

My chinese soldering iron doesnt even work...

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17 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:


Pick a quarter, please, just one.


That's what I thought!  Did TV make a type?  Between this and their article on Visa Amnesty, they are printing a lot of nonesense.  Someone needs to take on the role of Editor or Proof Reader to eliminate some of these fundamental mistakes, in my opinion.

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35 minutes ago, Sean60 said:

Lies, Lies and lies.

You will not have 50000 tourists.

The October thing will not work. There is no vaccine in the picture.

6.5 Months of Travel ban. This country is but for high tourism. People have made big investments. Its time to open up!!!!!

We have to learn to live with the virus.

Look at Sweden and learn from them.!!!!

Enough is enough.

You can do much more to bring in people that what you have done until now.

You are killing us here.

Perhaps TH could not handle a wave here like other countries..

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2 hours ago, DGS1244 said:

Heads in the Sand again. Why doesn't someone just accept that there will be no mass tourist recovery until they have a workable vaccine. Middle of next year? maybe.

need to justify their jobs...

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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

Good questions.


Here is some color on how the vaccines are developed (the article is about US companies, but it's likely to be similar elsewhere):



Well, better they all test fake pos than fake neg and breath on us in 7/11

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I don't suppose that the mental giants in Bangkok keep abreast of current news or maybe if they do, they are simply too much in China's pocket to care. The latest from China is that there are outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague in both Northern China and Southern China and the Chinese government has initiated a level 4 disease protocol.


But, why should the Chinese and Thai/Chinese money that controls Thailand care about the fate of the common Thai citizens who will come in contact with the tourists? They have a long record of showing that they care more about their huge bank accounts than their mother country, Thailand. 

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Not long stay.

But certainly SPECIAL tourist. 

Phuket hotels didn't know that they were coming next week. 

And unlike the advertised conditions, these are SPECIAL conditions. 

Not 90 days.

Maybe not even 15 days quarantine. 

And possibly no GPS tracking device fitted.


Pretty shabby. 

Could stuff it up for hundreds of thousands of others. 

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2 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Only the feeble minded and petty talk about things all the time they cannot change.   Instead of moaning about the loss of tourism to the point of absurdity, how about overhauling the silly visa laws and allow for great foreign investment?



They have created more tourist visa types. 

Plus you cannot return on a non O retirement Visa. 

Pretty much useless now.

Embassy says forget about and get OA Visa. 

New applications and CoE required. 

Plus money, plus insurance cover. 

Quarantine? Of course. 


Ka ching  Ka ching 

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