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Covid insurance

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1 minute ago, Peter Denis said:

I checked but in my situation (Belgian citizen) it would be twice as expensive as the SafetyWing policy, which provides twice the amount of coverage of the Thai insurance.

It provides the $100,000 coverage required. Why get more than you need.

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5 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

It provides the $100,000 coverage required. Why get more than you need.

That's correct, a higher coverage (in this case it would be $ US 200K) is not needed.

But the main point is that I can subscribe to that insurance for HALF the premium the Thai company charges.

Edited by Peter Denis
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19 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

How long is it valid for? The Thai one is valid for a year.

Thai one is also available for 30, 60, 90 and 180 days. I think the main point for me is that the thai one covers asymptomatic hospital stays. I'd hate to be Thailand hospital while feeling fine and find my expensive western insurance doesn't cover it

Edited by aussiexpat
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For the benefit of the ThaiVisa Forum members I made a comparison between the SafetyWing travel-insurance package (which includes 250.000 US $ health-insurance coverage, ALSO covering covid-19) and the TGIA covid-19 only insurance.  And there can be no doubt that SafetyWing provides infinitely more value at a lower cost for the customer.


The point is that you get the 250.000 US $ coverage for Covid-19 as a BONUS on top of the full travel-insurance package and benefits the SafetyWings policy provides. 


The premiums for that SafetyWings policy work like a subscription for 4 week periods and differ per age category (premiums for a US citizen, slight differences for other nationalities)

10-39 years > 40.04 US $
40-49 years > 64.68 US $
50-59 years > 101.64 US $
60-64 year > 137.76 US $


Now compare this with the TGIA covid-19 ONLY insurance, which has a fixed premium depending on the period of coverage

30 days - 4800 THB
60 dys - 8640 THB
90 dys - 12160 THB
180 days - 23040 THB
360 days - 43200 THB


So if you are a US citizen of 55 years of age and buy a full year SafetyWings travel-insurance policy (which includes the covid-19 coverage), you would pay approx 1.300 US $ (for the 13 four-weeks periods).  Buying the TGIA covid-19 insurance it would cost you approx 1.400 US $.


BUT, the SafetyWings travel-insurance does not only cover covid-19 (and not even capped to 100.000 US $, but providing 250.000 US $ coverage), but is a FULL travel-insurance policy that also covers accidents and illnesses you might encounter, including repatriation and things like lost luggage, dental, ambulance costs, etc...

It does come however with a (quite reasonable) 250 US $ deductible.


Comparing the two options, I can only conclude that TGIA is charging a ridiculous fee for their covid-19 only insurance, when SafetyWings provides a higher coverage as a simple BONUS to their full travel-insurance offer.

Never was the Caveat Emptor principle more applicable...



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1 hour ago, aussiexpat said:

Thai one is also available for 30, 60, 90 and 180 days. I think the main point for me is that the thai one covers asymptomatic hospital stays. I'd hate to be Thailand hospital while feeling fine and find my expensive western insurance doesn't cover it

When in Thailand you can buy a one-year 100.000 THB covid-19 insurance from SCB Insurance for a premium of 850 THB, which will cover ALL covid-19 relates costs (including hospitalization when asymptomatic but having tested positive).

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