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Biden, Trump squabble over coronavirus response in dueling town halls

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43 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Poor dear. The most powerful "man" in the world is such a victim.

Actually as Carl Bernstein said, he's homicidal. 

I can’t say how I really feel about trump playing the victim I’ll get suspended but let’s suffice to say he started out his term with the majority in the house as well as the senate a growing economy what has he done with this most advantageous of a start?yea he squandered it he’s proven time and time again he is incapable of governing within the confines of the constitution it’s like we fell off a cliff at home and abroad let’s just get rid of this (blank) learn from it address what it has revealed and be the better for it god bless all of you and VOTE!!!

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11 hours ago, Silurian said:

Well, seems some people actually want to watch a town hall that centers on policy rather than showmanship. 



Frank Bruni (Score: 2) For the first half-hour, I struggled to retain consciousness. By the last half-hour, I had plunged into a state of political somnambulism I last visited when Steve Forbes ran for president two decades ago. In other words, Joe Biden had an excellent night.



Myself, I'm waiting for DT to snap.  Not Howard Beal style, he's been there all along.  I mean really losing it.  Donald Duck style.  I think if that supposed-to-be-debate of a few weeks ago went on for another half hour it may have happened.  He started to slip when Joe began saying things like "shut up" and goading him on denouncing white supremacy: "say it!"  



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9 hours ago, Silurian said:

What happened with Brad Parscale anyway? Does he have to give back that Ferrari?


This has been so under-reported as to be suspicious.



My guess is he realized he was being set up as the fall guy for laundering campaign donations into DT's private accounts.  Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project called this one months before the above incident.

I suspect K. Guilfoyle is another useful idiot in the Trump crime family money laundering operation.  I also suspect Don Jr's ex-wife might be their safe haven.



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Yeah, the Biden show was boring.  Thankfully so.

DT's show bordered on Jerry Springer.  He should man up, his whining and complaining about being a victim makes him look weak, as well as a fool when he is the one throwing around personal insults.  Hasn't anybody in his orbit ever gotten that through to him?  Obviously not.



4 hours ago, Silurian said:

If you want to even add the cable networks of MSNBC and CNBC that simulcasted the Donald Town hall

Regardless of what is being reported, in that hour MSNBC was broadcasting the ABC Biden show.  I don't know the backstory, but that's what they did, and that's what I saw.



23 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Trump is not the problem. He is an idiot. There are many of them in this world.

The problem are all the people who enable him. There must be many people in the GOP with a clear enough mind who know that Trump is constantly bull<deleted>ting. Why don't they go public and denounce Trump? What else does Trump have to do before they decide enough is enough? Is power really so important for them? Is it more important than America and more important than democracy?

Trump is not an idiot. He is a high-functioning sociopath. He ticks all the boxes for that category.

The Republicans don't call him out because they are scared of him. He hijacked the GOP, and in the process removed their spine. He neutered any opposition with his usual tactic of bullying, name-calling, and lies. Remember Lying Ted Cruz and Little Marco Rubio? AFAIK Mitt Romney is the only Republican to stand up to him.

It's going to be ironic if Trump gets back in, but in the process the GOP loses its majority in the Senate. They will have prostituted themselves for nothing, and Trump will be calling them losers. IMO that's when Trump will make his move to become a Dear Leader.

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