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Two Thais test positive for COVID-19 in Mae Sot


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On 10/16/2020 at 7:48 PM, snoop1130 said:

Two Thais, a husband and wife, have tested positive for COVID-19 in Mae Sot, Tak province.

This story is not true. 
The thai language link does not say they are a thai couple. 
They are from Burma, they are definitely not Thai. 
Reported everywhere that they are Burmese. 

Somebody should correct this. The economy is at breaking point, it isn’t helpful having fake reports.









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20 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

despite the apparent rain, there is a huge drought still 


so he probably drove the truck across the dry areas of the Mekong

If he drove across the Mekhong, he would have needed to drive across northern Thailand to get to Tak... which is on the Ping river.

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On 10/17/2020 at 8:42 AM, Xonax said:

If you are not testing people, you won´t find any cases of Covid 19, as most cases are free of symptoms. Thailand is definitely not testing in large scale like the western countries.

Yeah these people are full of ????

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6 hours ago, Blumpie said:

There is no doubt that people are sneaking in the border regions and it's only a matter of time until breakouts like this happens. 


I would not call 2 positive cases found after testing some 5,000 people much of an outbreak.

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14 hours ago, fastcat said:

In March I was in Thailand and met a guy. In April his grandfather dies in hospital due to Covid19. 2 months later I opened my facebook, first time in 1,5 years. First thing I saw: one of my 'friends' on there shared a picture of his dead grandfather attached to an oxygen machine. It must be an amazing coïncedence that I am somehow connected to 2 out of the 60 deaths? By the way, I don't think those 2 guys understood it was covid19. They said lung problems. And that might explain when you ask around you won't find anyone....



Far, far more likely that it was indeed a pulmonary problem unrelated to COVID-19. What makes you assume it was COVID?


People die of "lung problems" (COPD, cancer, pneumonia) all the time and did long before the arrival of COVID. 



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On 10/17/2020 at 5:51 PM, DavisH said:

How many European countries had over a million health volunteers tracking and tracing positives cases in the early days of the pandemic? How many countries hospitalised (and still hospitalise all positive cases?) Note how all those returing to Thailand now are hospitalised if they return a positive swab. This is regardless of whether they show symptoms or not. I would say those are the two main factors that have kept positive cases low. There is no mass testing here but without the occurrence of symptomatic cases, it is not an efficient use of resourses to randomly test the population. When there has been mass testing - as after the case of the infected Egyptian soldier, not one other positive case could be found. 

I'm not really sure why you ask me these questions. Is English your 5th language maybe? The guy I talked about wasn't even aware that his grandfather dies of covid19 so there was no tracking and tracing. I have no idea how many European countries are so stupid to leave an important job like that to volunteers, you should ask them. In my country we pay professionals to do tha tI'm very curious how you can train 1 in every 60 people in a country to do that. But then again, I already gave the answer. By the way: the middle of March was in the middle of the pandemic, Bangkok was full of Chinese people and there were zero measures taken. Hospitalising all positive cases sounds to me like just another way to make money. Most people that are infected never know they were.

I didn't say there should be mass testing. All over Europe there's mass testing being done and all it does is create mass panic. European governments in general are the same as governments everywhere: completely incompetent and useless. But I am saying that it is perfectly logical that Thailand has a factor 10 or 20 less cases, purely based on statistics. Also I'm saying that the cases there are in Thailand (and there are many I'm sure) won't be found because there is no testing. Maybe you missed the part that many Thai that travel abroad are tested positive there?

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12 hours ago, Sheryl said:


Far, far more likely that it was indeed a pulmonary problem unrelated to COVID-19. What makes you assume it was COVID?


People die of "lung problems" (COPD, cancer, pneumonia) all the time and did long before the arrival of COVID. 



Ah good, thanx, you cracked the case! Can you please call my government now and explain to them all those people in hospitals just have COPD? Then I can finally go back to clubbing and traveling.

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12 hours ago, SidJames said:

A fair few brand new posters popping up on this thread.

In case you mean me (since I'm the one with the least posts in my name) : no, I'm certainly not new. I guess I've been a member since probably 2006 when I sort of lived in Thailand for a year. Normally I only read, never write. I just wanted to point out all the <deleted> about governments being so fantastic saviours of human kind. Whatever government in whatever country, they are abusing the statistics. Unfortunately, not many people can see this. But I don't think people are open to the truth anymore. All there's left is mass panic everywhere. Hate. Violence. I'm pretty sure things will escalate soon in Europe. You can't keep people locked up forever, certainly now more and more people realise there's hardly any risk when you're under 55 and healthy.

Also, I'm bored out of my mind. All I can do is earn money without any way to spend it.

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On 10/17/2020 at 2:58 PM, Russell17au said:

I think that some of the road borders are open for trucks to Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia for trade only because not everything can go by rail but are supposed to be very restricted

I rode up to the Thai/Laos border at Phu Sang last week and Thai registered trucks were definitely crossing. 

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On 10/18/2020 at 10:01 AM, teacherclaire said:

Wouldn't be Breaking News in the US, innit?


And you teach English?

innit= isn't it


should be would it in this kinda tag question


If you wanna walk the walk you oughta talk the talk ... the right way at least...



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On 10/16/2020 at 4:58 PM, NanLaew said:

The conspiracy theorists are stirring again. These Covid-19 Myanmar truck drivers popped up late last week before these protests. Even if they were going to make things up to control the Bangkok situation, why on earth chose Tak when they could have the coronavirus slip in unnoticed via the international airport or any one of the ASQ's in the city?

"Before these protests."??

You do realize everyone knew there would be protests weeks ago right? Also the actual start of these protests was early 2020. This is just a continuation. 

Using the international airport as the entry of covid would ruin their tourism fantasies. 

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