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Brexit brinkmanship: Johnson says prepare for no-deal, cancels trade talks


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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

Your answer to onshore fishing is notable by it's absence.

Scotland needs to sell it's seafood to France and surprise surprise, when you try and sell it is normal to negotiate with the buyer.

Of course the mekon lurking in No 10 has no intention of supporting Scotland's interests and probably takes the view that decimating the onshore fishing industry would be a strategic move in taking back control, of Scotland.

No other English colony has been controlled by the natives, why should Scotland be any different.

Please change the record.....????

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1 hour ago, Hi from France said:

As I understand it, this report is by the Scottish parliament,so I suppose you can find elements of answer there. 


As far as fetching other specific documents for you, I'm sorry I have to encourage you to do these research yourself and share them with us. 


This thread probably looks a bit like Brexit negotiations. The UK team is making demands to the UE team. If you want to enter constructive dialog, you can't just drop demands and complaints without any effort on your part. 


Have you not realised that any Scotch report on the matter means nothing? It's UK fish that Wee Burney has no control over. That's why your Auld Alliance plotting has to be held in secret.


Here's me thinking you were making your assertions on fish property based on some sort of factual basis. The same goes with your 'sale' of fishing quotas, which you are happy to parrot off, but don't really know exactly what is the sale or loan agreement. Did the UK government allocate quotas for ever and were the UK fishermen entitled to sell them forever, or are they only lent?


If you had some supporting documentation it might make your post look as if you had some idea of what you a trying to talk about.

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Boris Johnson WARNED: Farage promises he'll RESURRECT Brexit Party if UK caves to EU

NIGEL FARAGE has warned Boris Johnson he is ready to resurrect the Brexit Party if the UK compromises on a trade deal with the European Union.



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'EU nations queuing up to QUIT Brussels bloc!' Finnish MEP predicts Netherlands next to go

COUNTRIES are "queuing up" to quit the EU, with the Netherlands at the front and Finland not far behind, a Finnish MEP has claimed, suggesting there is "no future" for the bloc in its current guise.

PUBLISHED: 10:43, Thu, Oct 22, 2020 | UPDATED: 14:16, Thu, Oct 22, 2020
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1 hour ago, Surelynot said:

More project Fear from the leftwing Times

Screen Shot 2020-10-22 at 13.24.35.png


Not a lot to fear in there, mostly looking good for the UK actually.

They managed to slip in a “Almost certainly price rises..” but that’s Remainers writing for you.  

Roll on January 1.

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6 hours ago, sandyf said:

Obviously you are not on a frozen pension.


Ian Blackford criticised the lack of consistency of treatment of overseas British pensioners. Pointing out anomalies arising from historic bilateral deals and pointing out that there was no need for new bilateral agreements for the government to take action. He also raised the possible danger for the 400,000 UK pensioners living in the EU, who may find themselves with a frozen pension if Britain votes to leave the European Union in June.


I'm not drawing a pension, yet! But when I do, living in Thailand, it will be frozen, irrespective of what happens with Brexit.

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3 minutes ago, dimitriv said:


You are quoting populist newspaper spreading false rumours. Honestly even calling this "newspaper" a newspaper is already a joke.


18% of Dutch people favour leaving the EU. A couple of % has no opinion, and the other ones are against.





The UK remain lot use links from UK rags.....????

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1 minute ago, transam said:

The UK remain lot use links from UK rags.....????


It is alarming that people who read this "newspaper" have the right to vote.


In fact, they should put people like this on an island and not let them go for the rest of their lives.


Brexit is not such a bad idea at all.



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5 hours ago, sandyf said:

And it will remain frozen unless other MP's like Ian Blackford stand against the injustice.

Of course to some, loss of income will take second place to bigotry.

I applaud his speech. Pity it took Brexit to recognise the injustices, otherwise he would likely have never come out of the closet. He had to use examples of the likes of us in Thailand, so that he could raise / emphasise the subject, to ultimately substantiate his concerns about Brexit, and the Brits living in the EU. Never heard a peep out him prior to Brexit.


However, you have used this link completely out of context with my comment being about his backdoor negotiations colluding with the EU, to frustrate Brexit.

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3 minutes ago, Tofer said:

I applaud his speech. Pity it took Brexit to recognise the injustices, otherwise he would likely have never come out of the closet. He had to use examples of the likes of us in Thailand, so that he could raise / emphasise the subject, to ultimately substantiate his concerns about Brexit, and the Brits living in the EU. Never heard a peep out him prior to Brexit.


However, you have used this link completely out of context with my comment being about his backdoor negotiations colluding with the EU, to frustrate Brexit.

"Never heard a peep out him prior to Brexit."


You obviously never bothered to read the link, dated March 2016, and not the first time he spoke on the matter.

Ian Blackford along with 58 others were elected to speak in Westminster on behalf of the Scottish constituencies, the SNP has 47 of the 59 seats. MP's have a responsibility to those that elected them but It obviously escaped your notice that the people of Scotland voted against brexit.


There have only ever been 3 national referendums, 1975 - 67.23% in favour, 2011 - 67.9%  against, and 2016 - 51.89% leave.

The 2016 result was borderline and as such the decision will be an albatross around the neck of the UK for years. Make no mistake, for the UK it is the beginning of the end.

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7 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

A populist Mickey Mouse paper quoting a rightwing populist and all those Brexiteers who don’t read past the clickbait headline get wet between their legs ???? 



Whatever you say.....????.................:coffee1:

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2 minutes ago, sandyf said:

"Never heard a peep out him prior to Brexit."


You obviously never bothered to read the link, dated March 2016, and not the first time he spoke on the matter.

Ian Blackford along with 58 others were elected to speak in Westminster on behalf of the Scottish constituencies, the SNP has 47 of the 59 seats. MP's have a responsibility to those that elected them but It obviously escaped your notice that the people of Scotland voted against brexit.


There have only ever been 3 national referendums, 1975 - 67.23% in favour, 2011 - 67.9%  against, and 2016 - 51.89% leave.

The 2016 result was borderline and as such the decision will be an albatross around the neck of the UK for years. Make no mistake, for the UK it is the beginning of the end.

No, it's the end of the beginning.....????

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