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Where to get medical certificate for mask exemption?


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If I were a doctor in Thailand there is no way I would write such a letter for you or for anyone. There is no legal support for doing so. So, if it happened that you got infected and in turn infected others, I would be guilty of negligent homicide. 

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2 minutes ago, mahjongguy said:

If I were a doctor in Thailand there is no way I would write such a letter for you or for anyone.

You would be the only doctor in Thailand to turn down a quick thousand.


2 minutes ago, mahjongguy said:

I would be guilty of negligent homicide.

Luckily, you would still have some of your fee left after paying the fine of 500 baht and a wai.

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14 minutes ago, Poet said:

It appears that you wanted only one particular type of response. That is not how forums work. Stop taking it personally and consider the actual value you are getting here. If you had posted before visiting in person and getting refused by six different medical centers, you might have been pre-warned that they would be alarmed and unwilling to accept your narrative.

This year has been difficult for everyone. Things are not as they were before, and all we can do as individuals is to accept that we must conform to a new reality. We do not wear masks because we believe they will be particularly effective, we wear them out of respect for the fears of other people. If, as a foreigner with respiratory difficulties, you wander around public indoor spaces without a mask, you absolutely will distress people and bring to the surface all their own anxieties that have accumulated over the past eight months. It does not matter one jot that you have a lovely letter from a doctor in your pocket. The mask is just a symbol, but an important one. It is a symbol of cooperation, respect, and solidarity.

The main reason you got a somewhat spiky response here is that we all know, just as you know, that very few people capable of walking have a genuine medical reason that prevents them from wearing a mask.

No one likes wearing masks, they are horrible, but we all know that the people allowing themselves to become hysterical about them are not fully sane. They have responded poorly to a tough situation. We know that the exemption letters are both meaningless and do nothing to prevent the people around you from becoming distressed. If you are so sick that you cannot wear a mask for ten minutes, you should get someone else to do your shopping for you.

If you still think that an exemption letter will be of use to you, simply email a bunch of medical clinics, find one that will accept payment over the phone and post it to you.

But, again, you are allowing your understandable upset about this whole dreadful situation to cloud your judgement and prevent you from empathizing with the fears of other people.



So you admit wearing masks make no sense? And you just do it, because you accept that as a foreigner you have no rights?

And you just do it, becuase you "empathize" with people who do not have any common sense?


If everyone's sane persons decisions will be made by people without any common sense, we will all have a very big problem very soon.

I am not selfish at all, I think about us humans as a collective. I think about my kids. And I do not want them or anyone to grow up in a world like this, where sane people decide to change their whole lifes because of the irrational anxiety of insane people.


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