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Hi there, yes I am a newbie and need some help. My partner and myself are in the process of relocating to Phuket. We have contacted the Embasy and informed them that we will be using Phuket as a base and buting a property to use as a holiday home (not strictly true as it will be permanent). The lady was very helpful and told us we would get a 60 day then extend by 30 day vise. i have read on the internet that it is now very difficult to re enter Thailand after the third attempt. Is this true?

We are giving up everything in the UK and moving lock, stock and barrell and I would hate to think that after 270 days that would be it all over.

Can someone please help with advice on how to get around this. Surely there must be a way??????

We are desperate to move and will be bringing adequate resources to live etc.

Look forward to your replys, advice and knowledge :o

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You can do 30 day visa runs and stay a tourist.. The easist / cheapest run is to Ranong but its a bit of a PITA due to being on a longtail in the midday sun for a while.. Also while on a tourist status you cannot put a car in your name, get a driving licence, have great difficulty getting a phone line, even technically your not supposed to get a bank account (though many banks will)... in short you are a very second class citizen.

Other options include a non imm-o visa (if you are married to a Thai or over 50 and have adequate money) which is highly desirable. If your partner is Thai marriage would allow you to remain in the kingdom indefinately.

Currently there seems to be some dramtic changes in the 'B' visas which until the beggining of June you could obtain one of these even if not really working. You then had to do a visa run every 90 days instead of every 30.

As long as you prove you are bringing money into Thailand you are allowed to stay doing many many 30 day visa runs and living as a second class citizen.

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