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Watching the nightly pictures of English football hooligans creating mayhem in Portugal (admittedly only a few hundred in one town, confined to one bar strip) raises this question:

Do the bar strips of Bangkok, Pattaya etc. get their share of drink-fuelled violence and general macho posturing? Or do those sorts of people not go to Thailand?

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They're here, in full force. They start acting like louts on the plane, before they even touch down. Ever tried the Biman or Emirates flights between London and BKK? Full of 'em.

Where do they all go??

i havent been lucky enough to come across them yet.

can you tell me where they congregate so i can avoid...i mean go and have a pleasant and intellectual conversation.

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You'd think that people of that sort of mentality wouldn't have an open enough mind to go anywhere further than Southend On Sea for a holiday.

Unfortunatly enough I too have seen them on Sukhamvit Rd all too often, going in packs to Nana Plaza, urinating in alleyways and shouting abuse at bargirls, katoeys and taxi drivers.

I can only hope they do it more to the extent that overstep the level of Thai tolerance and fall foul to something nasty.

Makes me ashamed to be English. :o

Disrespectful thick skulled c***s.

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Makes me ashamed to be English. :o

I'll join you on that one, I'm afraid to say.

Cringeworthy reports of football related violence really do give our country such a global negative image.

Look at how Brazil does it - get a female stunner, naked, with only bodypaint to cover. Couldn't we follow their example?

Then again, no, we're talking about English birds here. Wouldn't get a good photoshot recruiting from the pie-shop queue. Maybe that's why they're so wound up?

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Makes me ashamed to be English.  :o

I'll join you on that one, I'm afraid to say.

Cringeworthy reports of football related violence really do give our country such a global negative image.

Look at how Brazil does it - get a female stunner, naked, with only bodypaint to cover. Couldn't we follow their example?

Then again, no, we're talking about English birds here. Wouldn't get a good photoshot recruiting from the pie-shop queue. Maybe that's why they're so wound up?

Christ no, and I mean no offence to English girls by that but let's face it, you do have very fat white <deleted>.

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:o I disagree. Ok, us Brits are the worst yobs, especially after plenty of booze, but after 5 years in this city I feel that it's safe from both pissed idiots and other nationalities. (not including Israleis and Ladybys)

Any capital city's going to have drunken tourists and locals causing problems. I could count on one hand the prblems I've encountered and still have enough fingers to play with myself. I regularly drink in Khao Sarn, Cowboy and Nana so it's not as if I hide in my apartment. :D

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I used to go in 'The Dogs <deleted>' bar in Pattaya, its well known as a football bar, with Ardent Chelsea boys Running the show, well it used to be anyway, i ain't been in there for a long time.

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It's a sad situation, but i blame the changing UK society myself.

When i was a lad (cue hovis bread advert music) it was not uncommon to have some lad receive a clip round the ear for acting out of order.

back then, you'd get a slap on the back, now you get slapped with a court order.

I'm horrified of the reports of teenage (12/23 etc) crimes that occure in the UK (and yes, my mothers house was broken into by some of these louts) that to be honest, i have no plans to return.

But what you have now is this generation of kiddies getting passports and entry to pubs - they know no different cos they was not penalised hard enough in their child years.

bloody idiots - all english are not like that, honest!

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All countries have their stereotypes; the English for hooliganism, the Aussies for drinking beer, the Italians for being ladies men and the French for passing stools in the shower and pushing them through the plughole with their big toe.

As for poor Thailand, if there's one country that suffers from negative stereotyping then this is it.

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All countries have their stereotypes;

......and the French for passing stools in the shower and pushing them through the plughole with their big toe.


Thanks so much for clearing that one up for me, I had always had visions of the stereotypical French fellow wearing a striped shirt, a beret, twirling his moustache, and drinking red wine whilst munching on a big stick of bread.

I stand corrected.


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I remember ( cue violins... :D ) about 11/12 years ago when I was on a 2 year jaunt in Los , funnily enough I found myself in Pattaya ( Shock! Horror! :D )

Myself and a mix of friends , some of them German, a Belgian, and a few Brits,

There was a friendly tournament in the USA , featuring England,Germany,Usa and some other team. Anyway we were in the Big English style Pub at the end of Walking St , before it was called that, there was a large bunch of skinhead-type Londoners , who were apparently Millwall gentlemen, who were also watching the game ( England v Germany) Germany scored, a few of our group cheered , much to the chagrin of these chaps from East London. They surrounded us and started kicking the backs of our chairs, this was uncomfortable, we left the pub swiftly ( outnumbered by a fair amount).

They seemd uniniterested in the fact that a few of us were English..

I saw them later that night , 2 of them had large cuts on their necks , applied by broken bottles , when asked what had happened, they replied "some fucqing Thais came out of nowhere and did this for no reason!"

I believed there may have been a reason.

btw we lost 3-1 if one recalls correctly.... :o

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there s a few of them kickin around in thailand.

the dogs <deleted> as mentioned,

some millwall on samui. there used to be a bar on samui, closed years back called tom s GB bar, run by west ham skinhead. he was a nice guy, think he moved back to england with his thai gf but while he MAY, i forget now, have had a past, he was quite mellow whenever i met him...

i do cringe tho when i see them around but cant complain too much having followed england in europe and on the ashes...but always behaved myself me

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btw we lost 3-1 if one recalls correctly.... :o

I am not asoccer fan, don't remember the result, but do remember the night of the game. I took the hint beforehand and thought it wiser not to show my face in the streets of Sheffiled and ask for directions in my German accent.

And they are over here, so are organised bikers' 'clubs' such as the banditos. Gives me a chill when I spot the guys in Nana area.

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Its interesting how much the British press are to blame for this negative press and "stereotypical" British football fan (read Thug). The Portuguese police have stated that there have been several incidents involving Brits. The first was when half a dozen were arrested the night after (!) England lost to France. There were something like 200 arrests, for throwing glasses at police and abusive behavior – very few of those involved were Brits. The second major incident happened a long distance from the football and

Portuguese police think it was general thuggery (larger louts) rather than football violence and again involved people from many countries – the FA are not taking any action based on this.

However, if you read the British rags, you would see pictures and editorials giving the impression that the Brit fans are rioting and causing mayhem.

British football hooliganism is well past its heyday – I would feel much safer with British fans on the p!ss nearby than Turkish for example.

As far as LOS. I have not seen much loutish behaviour - I don't frequent the red light areas though so that may be the reason. I think the louts are often from the lower echalons of society, and find it more within their budget to hop on a ferry to Amsterdam for some window shopping, dope, boose and punch up than coming all the way to LOS. They are more likely to meet football fans and footballing nations in which to attempt to pulp in Europe, and less likely to be shot by the old bill.

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"I think the louts are often from the lower echalons of society, and find it more within their budget to hop on a ferry to Amsterdam for some window shopping, dope, boose and punch up than coming all the way to LOS. They are more likely to meet football fans and footballing nations in which to attempt to pulp in Europe, and less likely to be shot by the old bill."

Unfortunately, in this age of global travelling, Thailand is one of the more affordable options. But hopefully word will get around that Thais don't react to such provocations by hiding in their houses.

I am talking about yobs in general.

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Saw one in Nana Plaza the other night, wearing nothing but a pair of football shorts. No shirt, no socks, no shoes. Shaved head, carrying a large Chang around like a teddy bear and drooling on himself. I have no proof he was British, but I'd bet the nest egg on it.

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LOS 3 years and have not seen any physical abuse from uk here, been only Pattaya once but we travel Bangkok maybe every 3 months or so for a few days,but yes i have witnessed many times loutish behaviour in general and makes me feel ashamed when we witness such behaviour from fellow countrymen.


I hold my head in shame :o

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Chaweng beach road, Samui, 1am, outside the green Mango. Probably the worst place for trouble in Thailand. Ozzys, Brits, Krauts, French, Dutch, Danes etc, all on the street at the same time. Powder keg.

Sit outside the 7-11 for a ringside seat. :o

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Saw one in Nana Plaza the other night, wearing nothing but a pair of football shorts. No shirt, no socks, no shoes. Shaved head, carrying a large Chang around like a teddy bear and drooling on himself. I have no proof he was British, but I'd bet the nest egg on it.

You should have said hello , I would have let you have some of the chang.. :o

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Terrible bunch

I was on samui at lamai new years eve and a whole bunch of the overly tatooed morons were throwing bottles.

The Thai police were just looking on....shame they didnt arrest and beat the shit out of a few of them.

I also remember being in pattaya last year and a whole crowd on a St georges day pub crawl starting fighting each other in the bar of hussygalore,then spilled out on to the street.

The thais thought it was a great laugh.

I feel sorry for the BGS that are desperate enough to go with them.

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I started the thread and i'm sure getting a depressing if not unexpected picture.

I hope I manage to avoid these vermin - not 'cos I'm scared but because I don't want to be in any way associated with such low-life.

But about snoophound's last point - to be serious here, how do these idiots tend to treat the girls and how do the girls handle the yobbos? [coming over all protective for a minute] :-)

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I have read that there is a bar in Pattaya (dog <deleted>?) that is owned by a self professed football hooligan that won a large court settlement in the UK for some sort infringement of his rights.

Could be just a rumour though.


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well further to the how do the girls get treated point.

I got into a major argument with a bar owner who did not support his girls who did not get paid by these morons for two nights,he basicly supported the louts...they are his livelihood as its that kind of bar.

Its not an uncommon story,I mean these guys cant get a half decent looking woman at home ....so how do they know how to treat one in thailand.

That said ,thats the bad side some can be human and very kind to the girls.

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