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Eva Longoria apologizes for calling Latina women 'the real heroines' of the election


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Eva Longoria apologizes for calling Latina women 'the real heroines' of the election




Misunderstood: Eva Longoria has clarified her comments and apologized after being accused of dismissing the impact of Black female voters when she called Latinas 'the real heroines' of the election


Eva Longoria is apologizing for erasing the accomplishments of Black women after saying that Latina women 'were the real heroines' of getting the vote out for President elect Joe Biden. 


The actress/activist, 45, used her Instagram to clarify her comments on Sunday night, telling followers she was 'so sorry and sad to hear' that what she said could 'be perceived as taking credit from Black women.' 


Eva's comments came during an appearance on MSNBC, where she talked about how 'women of color showed up in big ways' for Joe Biden.


'Of course, you saw in Georgia what Black women have done but Latina women were the real heroines here, beating men in turnout in every state and voting for Biden-Harris at an average rate of 3:1,' she told Ari Melber.


Full Story: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8930189/Eva-Longoria-apologizes-calling-Latina-women-real-heroines-election.html

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Whenever some identity/ethnic group is given credit (wrongly) for winning election, I want to holler "bull pucky" (or maybe something a tad stronger).

All votes within each state are worth the same: 1 vote per person. The first vote counted worth as much as the last.

Saying any one group "won" the election for their party negates, diminishes, insults those who don't fit within that group. What am I? Chopped liver?

Consider this analogy: the Titanic hit that iceberg and sank. I wasn't just the tip (and maybe 20' of it below waterline?) that did the damage. It was the mass of that big chunk of ice, the 80-90% unseen that did the ship in. If it was only the tip, Titanic would have easily brushed that aside.

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