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Just had my first ever Immigration 'Home Visit' this morning.......

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47 minutes ago, wilkis333 said:

No witness need ?

my visit was suppose to be today, immigration man phoned about 10 and told me i needed Poo Yai Baan and his deputy to be present as witness's, of course no thought was into telling me this last week when at immigration office signing a million forms!!


Needless to say this never happened, everyone will converge at mine 1400 tomorrow, exciting times!

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3 hours ago, overherebc said:

It does seem a strange request to expats but maybe  the reasons could be the IO is not familiar with the layout of the village or many sois are not numbered

( recently added ).

Not sure if it's still done but for a long time the plots were given a house number as they were sold. The house next door to ours has a number at least 20 more than ours. All start with xxx/ but 21 is not not next door to 20.

Maybe it's done under a more logical system now.

I think they like the google map here maybe because  it  has a Marker on the map exactly where one lives.So easy  to find If they can read the map.????

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On 11/30/2020 at 6:58 AM, UncleMhee said:

While the quote is a fair enough question from the Senior IO; it prompts me to ask this, "Why are you getting house visits on a retirement extension?"

Genuinely interested as it's not something I've heard of before. TIA

Indeed. Why? Anyone else on a retirement extension had a home visit?

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On 11/30/2020 at 12:58 PM, UncleMhee said:

While the quote is a fair enough question from the Senior IO; it prompts me to ask this, "Why are you getting house visits on a retirement extension?"

Genuinely interested as it's not something I've heard of before. TIA

I had one about 18 months ago, met the IO at a later local event and asked same. He said just checking on address as well. Easy in rural areas, near impossible in Bangkok or Patts I would think. No hassles, pleasant enough, just slightly uncomfortable at the size of the sidearm he was carrying.

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My saga continues.


Call from immigration 0900 this morning, sorry can't make 1400 today, can we come at 10-1100?


Me - no, Poo Yai Baan not available.


Him - Can you find 2 more people?


Me - With one hours notice, no chance


Him - Ok, we come tomorrow 10-1100......


Me - You arranged a time yesterday and never came, i have things to do and don't want to waste my days waiting for you to turn up.


Him - Tomorrow ching ching


Let's see...

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On 11/30/2020 at 10:16 PM, DrPhibes said:

Put in the paperwork for my first extension based on marriage and was told by Chiang Mai immigration at that time not to go anywhere for 15 days due to home visit and that I should have 2 witnesses present.  That was 2 weeks ago, no call yet.

Follow up,


Well, the Immigration Police visit did happen.  Wife got the call at 7:30am this morning that they would be at our house at 1:30pm. Luckily, we had a couple we do walks with and such that were available as witnesses.  Immigration acted surprised on the phone when we told them most of the people we know work and today is a work day.  Anyway, the witnesses and Immigration Police showed on time, were very cordial, brought their own printer so all docs about our witnesses could be printed out and signed on the spot.  They asked a few Q's, took a couple of pics of us, but did not look around the house (surprised).  They did not ask for a visit fee.  Total time about 30min.  Made the comment that I will be getting the extension no problem given our submission and such.  Overall non-eventful.

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On 12/2/2020 at 12:47 PM, HashBrownHarry said:

My saga continues.


Call from immigration 0900 this morning, sorry can't make 1400 today, can we come at 10-1100?


Me - no, Poo Yai Baan not available.


Him - Can you find 2 more people?


Me - With one hours notice, no chance


Him - Ok, we come tomorrow 10-1100......


Me - You arranged a time yesterday and never came, i have things to do and don't want to waste my days waiting for you to turn up.


Him - Tomorrow ching ching


Let's see...

Follow up -


2 x immigration officers called at 0900 and said they'd be at my house at 1030 as arranged.


Turned up about 15 minutes early, both very polite, no issues at all, had a new with them until PYB and i think his 'deputy' turned about 20 minutes later.


They took copies of PYB ( and deputy's ) tabian baan and ID cards, all signed etc.


Then one photo of me / wife / 1 IO / both PYB at the front door and off they went.


They asked for 2K baht, i asked what for and they said just to make things go smoothly ( in other words a night out ) which i paid no problem. I've learnt long ago that's the way it works here and there's no benifit making an issue out of it.


All done, go to IO on 19/1.

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On 11/30/2020 at 11:05 AM, Liverpoolfan said:

.......and what an absolute breeze that was!

3 charming young  gentlemen visited myself and my family this morning.

Asked a few questions, signed a few documents and off they went.

They also had us pose for the same photographs that we handed to them when we applied for the visa extension.


All in all the visit lasted 10 minutes followed by a few wai's and a goodbye.

I offered them each a cup of coffee but they politely declined, stating they had already had their daily caffeine fix.


Keep up the fine work, Nonthaburi immigration :thumbsup:

been here 11 yrs NEVER had any visits from any Imm  Officers.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/30/2020 at 10:27 PM, DrJack54 said:

Incorrect. Be very aware that even helpful "helping/volunteering" requires a work permit. A common error is farang helping out at perhaps school of their child. 


who cares what is required ?! so ridiculous to even notice it.



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