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Chip Your Child


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As a father of three daughters I find it heart wrenching every time I here on the news that another child has been abducted. Thankfully mine have all made it into their teens safely without constant supervision, they were lucky to be brought up in the country (Scotland)

I would be against the chipping of a child along the same lines as englishoak but, god forbid, if I lost a child and the technology was available and had not been implanted would one spend the rest of their life regreting not doing it. Sure I would.

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I would love to live in a world where children were not at risk but the reality is that they are and we have to take reasonable measures to stop them coming into harms way.
I agree in principle but I would consider a chip to be a bit extreme. There is far more chance of them having a serious accident/illness than being abducted. There are reasonable measures you can take but again I do not wish to lock them away in an over protective environment at the expense of experiencing normal life and that incurrs risk,period.
We should pay more attention to preventing our children going missing rather than chipping them. Safety starts with basic education given to everyone who has custody of our children for any time at all (schools/relatives/friends/domestic helpers etc)

This is far more relevent and is the best way to reduce the risk IMO. Chips as another poster said could be scrambled. And I'm sure the professionals would be on it immediately.

Besides if it is such a concern then may be the answer is to move to a place where security is higher or abduction is not such a risk. ATM I live in the UK and do not feel under constant threat of child abduction. Would I feel any different in Thailand ? No but I would probably taylor my actions according to where I lived. I take as many precautions for my daughter as possible within reason and get on with life without worrying if every day something could happen. The fact is it could ! but thats life and I accept that.

Edited by englishoak
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I want to do everything possible to protect my 2 daughters but not chipping them.

Make sure that they are in your sights at all times - simple.

What about putting them on a leash?

When my daughter was 2, we got reins for her. Many Thai people stopped us in the supermarket and said, "what a good idea". A few people said "what a horrible thing to do".

Take responsibility buy teaching your kids what is wrong and right, never to speak to strangers, always stay very close to mummy or daddy etc.

Another thing - if you have cute "look krung" girls, don't let people in public make them feel like superstars. Put a stop to total strangers coming up in the supermarket and touching them. Maybe very difficult - don't encourage it though.

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Some people misunderstood what an implantable chip is able to do. It is just for identification, it's not a GPS locater beacon.

My mistake :o Anyhow, I would still use the technology if it was available and within my finances.

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What about putting them on a leash?

When my daughter was 2, we got reins for her. Many Thai people stopped us in the supermarket and said, "what a good idea". A few people said "what a horrible thing to do".

This is what started my thought, my partner suggested we buy some reins/harness for our boy - the first time she saw one she couldn't believe the parents could do something like that!

I would consider them as our son is an absolute handful!

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What a pathetic thread. Anybody who thinks that a chip will stop their children being abducted must be in cuckoo land. It may help the police to track them, or God forbid, their bodies, but it will not stop their abduction. What do you propose to do - get a big tattoo done on their foreheads " I am chipped so be warned" ? As I said pathetic and it is a shame that parents don't look after and protect their children better so as to avoid such nonsense as the OP is proposing. If you don't want the responsibility don't have them, don't attempt to blame others for your own shortcomings.

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What a pathetic thread. Anybody who thinks that a chip will stop their children being abducted must be in cuckoo land. It may help the police to track them, or God forbid, their bodies, but it will not stop their abduction. What do you propose to do - get a big tattoo done on their foreheads " I am chipped so be warned" ? As I said pathetic and it is a shame that parents don't look after and protect their children better so as to avoid such nonsense as the OP is proposing. If you don't want the responsibility don't have them, don't attempt to blame others for your own shortcomings.
QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2007-05-06 22:24:01)

What about putting them on a leash?

When my daughter was 2, we got reins for her. Many Thai people stopped us in the supermarket and said, "what a good idea". A few people said "what a horrible thing to do".

This is what started my thought, my partner suggested we buy some reins/harness for our boy - the first time she saw one she couldn't believe the parents could do something like that!

I would consider them as our son is an absolute handful!

I highly recommend them, especially if they're around roads with all those crazy motorcyclists. Just make sure when home you give them plenty of skin to skin bonding.

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What a pathetic thread. Anybody who thinks that a chip will stop their children being abducted must be in cuckoo land. It may help the police to track them, or God forbid, their bodies, but it will not stop their abduction. What do you propose to do - get a big tattoo done on their foreheads " I am chipped so be warned" ? As I said pathetic and it is a shame that parents don't look after and protect their children better so as to avoid such nonsense as the OP is proposing. If you don't want the responsibility don't have them, don't attempt to blame others for your own shortcomings.

A bit harsh I feel.

You are judging me before you know me, I am just a careful father of a young boy.

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What a pathetic thread. Anybody who thinks that a chip will stop their children being abducted must be in cuckoo land. It may help the police to track them, or God forbid, their bodies, but it will not stop their abduction. What do you propose to do - get a big tattoo done on their foreheads " I am chipped so be warned" ? As I said pathetic and it is a shame that parents don't look after and protect their children better so as to avoid such nonsense as the OP is proposing. If you don't want the responsibility don't have them, don't attempt to blame others for your own shortcomings.

Who suggested a chip would stop somebody taking a child?? You've gone way over the top there :o

Everything about your post stinks of someone who has had a bad day and is reacting to something they personally don't like, there was no need to suggest that me or any other parent has a lack of responsibility or is blaming others for our 'shortcomings' - whatever you have judged they may be :D

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What a pathetic thread. Anybody who thinks that a chip will stop their children being abducted must be in cuckoo land. It may help the police to track them, or God forbid, their bodies, but it will not stop their abduction. What do you propose to do - get a big tattoo done on their foreheads " I am chipped so be warned" ? As I said pathetic and it is a shame that parents don't look after and protect their children better so as to avoid such nonsense as the OP is proposing. If you don't want the responsibility don't have them, don't attempt to blame others for your own shortcomings.

Who suggested a chip would stop somebody taking a child?? You've gone way over the top there :o

Everything about your post stinks of someone who has had a bad day and is reacting to something they personally don't like, there was no need to suggest that me or any other parent has a lack of responsibility or is blaming others for our 'shortcomings' - whatever you have judged they may be :D

Way over the top yet you are talking about putting a chip in child the same as what is done for dogs in many countries !!! Me over the top ? As I said don't attempt to rely on technology to overcome your shortcomings and frankly if you want to put your child in the same leaque as a domestic pet then go ahead and get him chipped, just do not be surprised to be ridiculed by other responsible and caring parents. I think it must be you who has had the bad day to consider the option in the first place, mind you I suppose it would be cheaper to go to a vet for it rather than a local GP or Doctor. Any other extreme ideas you would like to share with us in protecting your children ?

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What a pathetic thread. Anybody who thinks that a chip will stop their children being abducted must be in cuckoo land. It may help the police to track them, or God forbid, their bodies, but it will not stop their abduction. What do you propose to do - get a big tattoo done on their foreheads " I am chipped so be warned" ? As I said pathetic and it is a shame that parents don't look after and protect their children better so as to avoid such nonsense as the OP is proposing. If you don't want the responsibility don't have them, don't attempt to blame others for your own shortcomings.

Who suggested a chip would stop somebody taking a child?? You've gone way over the top there :D

Everything about your post stinks of someone who has had a bad day and is reacting to something they personally don't like, there was no need to suggest that me or any other parent has a lack of responsibility or is blaming others for our 'shortcomings' - whatever you have judged they may be :D

Way over the top yet you are talking about putting a chip in child the same as what is done for dogs in many countries !!! Me over the top ? As I said don't attempt to rely on technology to overcome your shortcomings and frankly if you want to put your child in the same leaque as a domestic pet then go ahead and get him chipped, just do not be surprised to be ridiculed by other responsible and caring parents. I think it must be you who has had the bad day to consider the option in the first place, mind you I suppose it would be cheaper to go to a vet for it rather than a local GP or Doctor. Any other extreme ideas you would like to share with us in protecting your children ?

Again, way over the top, I have been thinking about the case of the little 3 year old girl who's been abducted in Portugal(must I repeat myself?) and how this type of technology would have found the girl by now.

Again, I'm not trying to overcome my shortcomings, how on earth are you suggesting I am, every parent knows that their children wander off at times and every parents heart strings are tugging at the news of this missing girl.

One other extreme idea I have about protecting my child - keeping him away from people like you mate :o

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I can't stand posters like :o

All I came on here to do was get peoples views of it, I didn't post here to get slated for not being responsible or for having shortcomings - who doesn't have them?? - but I'm certainly not blaming anybody else for them! :D

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Anyhow, I would still use the technology if it was available and within my finances.

What do say to this idea, Nikkijah: we close this topic and if and when this technology does become available you start a new topic.



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