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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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16 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Very true.....but quiet, polite protests (even mass ones) don't get you anywhere as politicians can just ignore them.


Look at the every so well behaved march for a second referendum versus Poll Tax riots.

Sure I know that polite protests don't get you far. But that is democracy. I don't feel that a small group can put the larger group hostage. If they don't like the government vote them out next time. This is a minority trying to impose their will. Its ok if they do it by polite protests but not if they hostage people outside their sector.


I understand that if postmen stop working it inconveniences a lot of people but its what they can do to protest. I feel anyone protesting can always stop doing their job. However if they start to prevent others from doing their job they cross a line. Not just doing a job but blockading others that have nothing to do with the conflict. That is just going too far.


If this was a large group, then if large enough the government would listen or face a big loss at elections. Just my views as I been the victim of a few protests. I once could not work because others blocked my work entrance. Also have had problems getting somewhere because of blockades. They only create anger that way.

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4 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Rory Stewart has revealed he was expelled from the Conservative Party “by text” while receiving GQ magazine’s ‘Politician of the Year’ award.


Hell hath no fury like a PM exposed.


   No, the name calling came AFTER Stewart got expelled .

Boris expelled Stewart form the Conservative party  .

Stewart then called Boris a liar etc 

That could be the reason for his outburst against Boris , because Boris dismissed him 

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

Sure I know that polite protests don't get you far. But that is democracy. I don't feel that a small group can put the larger group hostage. If they don't like the government vote them out next time. This is a minority trying to impose their will. Its ok if they do it by polite protests but not if they hostage people outside their sector.


I understand that if postmen stop working it inconveniences a lot of people but its what they can do to protest. I feel anyone protesting can always stop doing their job. However if they start to prevent others from doing their job they cross a line. Not just doing a job but blockading others that have nothing to do with the conflict. That is just going too far.


If this was a large group, then if large enough the government would listen or face a big loss at elections. Just my views as I been the victim of a few protests. I once could not work because others blocked my work entrance. Also have had problems getting somewhere because of blockades. They only create anger that way.

Tell that to the Rotterdam harbor workers .... ( but keep  a distance ...LOL...????)  or  those from Antwerp harbor workers ,( their competition ..) they know they can block a country .....better even are those river & sea guides as they are few only to strike , same as air-controle people ...... every one use the power they have to obtain what they want..... best example of power use are our goverments...????


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3 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


Because you have simply ignored the evidence put before you and have decided that everyone who voted for Brexit did so because they wanted no deal.

They did not. They voted for Brexit based on what Johnson and vote leave said would happen. They both went to great lengths to claim we would be leaving with a deal.


  Johnson wasnt PM at the time , David Cameron was UK PM 

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9 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Liam Fox speaking in 2017? A year after the referendum and at the point where suddenly the Brexit fundamentalists in the Conservative party STARTED talking about no deal. Bit late after the votes are counted eh?

Johnson, Gove, Farage and vote leave were all claiming BEFORE the referendum we would get a deal.

There is no mandate for leaving with no deal. Thats not what the people were promised.


  I do not agree with that , but anyways , what point would you like to make ?

If what you said was correct , what do you think should happen in the future ?

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17 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Politicians should stop lying?


  I dont think that predictions about what will happen in the future , can be considered to be a lie.

I dont want to delve into it though , gets rather tedious talking about whether someone told a lie or not .

What I have found also is that people who regularly call other people liars , are often the biggest liars of them all  

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2 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

It's nearly Christmas, so.....Oh yes it is.


  Like in this instance , people tell a lie misquoting Boris and then go on to call him a liar, when infect, its them who are lying .

  They frequently make up things whilst accursing others of lying  .

Anyway, I dont want to get into a dumb discussion about lying 

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1 hour ago, Surelynot said:

Rory Stewart has revealed he was expelled from the Conservative Party “by text” while receiving GQ magazine’s ‘Politician of the Year’ award.


Hell hath no fury like a PM exposed.

A GQ magazine award.....................:cheesy:   

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:


  Like in this instance , people tell a lie misquoting Boris and then go on to call him a liar, when infect, its them who are lying .

  They frequently make up things whilst accursing others of lying  .

Anyway, I dont want to get into a dumb discussion about lying 

You don't do humor...do you?.....(Oh yes I do)

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2 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Romania fruit pickers with degrees....mmmm?

An asinine, facetious comment. If we need fruit pickers, we shall allow fruit pickers for as long as we need them.


That's the beauty of controlling your own immigration policy, instead of having a free for all for anyone with the right passport.

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4 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Mandatory criteria set out by the Home Office says that migrants will need to have a job offer in Britain from a licensed sponsor (20 points), the job must be or at the above “minimum skill level” (20 points), and the person applying must be able to speak English “to an acceptable standard” (10 points).


How many fruit pickers will meet these mandatory criteria I wonder?

Well it's set by the Home Office, so if they need to adjust it they can.


That's called Sovereignty. 


Starting to get it yet?

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