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New strain of Covid-19 from UK found in four Britons in quarantine


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2 hours ago, Blumpie said:

I'm not afraid for myself, I am afraid for others.  I'm afraid for the people of Thailand who cannot afford these vaccines.  I'm afraid of the person who needs surgery and cannot get it there.  By and large, Thailand has seen literally nothing yet.  This may change.  And I worry about the security of the country if it does.

The numbers won't lie.

Again, I do hope that I'm wrong and would dance for joy if I am.

Take care.  

You  need to worry for yourself also, not only because of the obvious reasons, but because of what you mean to your family. and how they would be without you. 

Dont worry about people in Thailand not being able to afford the vaccine, It was announced that  it will be distributed free of charge, and the government will pay for it. 

"Opas confirmed that vaccination will be provided free of charge by the government. " 


Edited by sirineou
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Its in 33 countries already !!!


And now its in Thailand as well......... Make that 34.



The list of the 33 countries where the new variant of coronavirus has already been discovered

The list of countries that have identified infections with the variant has grown rapidly and since Friday includes: United States, United Kingdom, Turkey, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Holland, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates, as well as Taiwan.






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17 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

the U.K. could not allow closure of the whole country because of the severe damage it can cause to the economy, both the british and the global economy.

U.K. is a hub, an economic superpower, and any delay in the u.k. will be felt much more painfully in the 

provinces, i.e. new zealand and australia. 


Utter nonsense. Why on earth should the UK sacrifice it's own economy and the safety of it's population for the global economy? The cost to the UK economy of another lockdown, far outweighs anything they have gained from the keeping borders opened. When bigger economies like the USA, China, Japan, all closed it's border your argument fails. 


EVEN if they did have to keep the borders open - why not put measures into place to prevent infections, mutations being imported into the country? No testing before departure, no enforced quarantine programmes, nothing. 


Let's face it - they bungled this from day one. Boris Johnson missed 5 Cobra meetings regarding the virus. They went for a misplaced 'herd immunity' trajectory in the first instance, then realised it would be a catastrophe so backtracked. They kept the borders open as the virus was already way too high in the community. They said there was no need for masks. It is said they were averaging some 100,000 infections a day at this point. However, by locking down for 3 months they got the virus numbers down. The economy is wrecked - the largest fall in GDP from any western country. At this stage, with numbers down, they should have closed borders, and had an effective track and trace system. Instead they kept the borders opened and wasted 15 billion dollars on a track and trace system that was nothing more than a call centre. They then encouraged people to get back to work, eat out, go on holidays, and the virus returned. 


The UK's borders are still open. Any new mutations are flowing in freely. 

Edited by AmySeeker
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12 hours ago, stubuzz said:

Why was the virus not found on the pre-flight PCR test?


PCR test will not detect a recent exposure. It takes time for infection to become detectable. The UK people  may have been exposed 1-3 days before test or after test. This is why Thailand asks for multiple  tests.


12 hours ago, Smilermike said:

As usual too little too late over here

Really? Thailand has much better response  than much of the world. You think the response is superior in USA, EU, Canada?


12 hours ago, Ratcher said:

I thought this "Mutant UK strain" was first discovered in South Africa ???


Let us not forget where this whole Pandemic started, CHINA not the UK or anywhere else. The whole world is suffering because of CHINA

 No. South Africa is a different variant.

The virus may have come from China, but it is the UK which has not managed the pandemic well. UK  has   made many, many critical errors. UK people behave like idiots with them going to crowded pubs, partying and breaking no travel rules. In the UK, they  protest outside  hospital filled with sick and dying Covid sick shouting Covid is a hoax. Too many UK people are like the 2500 stupid rave kids in France, and the USA with states like Florida which encourage crowds and no mask.. It is not a surprise these countries have explosion of infections. UK must get its house in order and should be locked out of countries where people take care.

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2 minutes ago, AmySeeker said:


Utter nonsense. Why on earth should the UK sacrifice it's own economy and the safety of it's population for the global economy? The cost to the UK economy of another lockdown, far outweighs anything they have gained from the keeping borders opened. When bigger economies like the USA, China, Japan, all closed it's border your argument fails. 


EVEN if they did have to keep the borders open - why not put measures into place to prevent infections, mutations being imported into the country? No testing before departure, no enforced quarantine programmes, nothing. 


Let's face it - they bungled this from day one. Boris Johnson missed 5 Cobra meetings regarding the virus. They went for a misplaced 'herd immunity' trajectory in the first instance, then realised it would be a catastrophe so backtracked. They kept the borders open as the virus was already way too high in the community. They said there was no need for masks. It is said they were averaging some 100,000 infections a day at this point. However, by locking down for 3 months they got the virus numbers down. The economy is wrecked - the largest fall in GDP from any western country. At this stage, with numbers down, they should have closed borders, and had an effective track and trace system. Instead they kept the borders opened and wasted 15 billion dollars on a track and trace system that was nothing more than a call centre. They then encouraged people to get back to work, eat out, go on holidays, and the virus returned. 


The UK's borders are still open. Any new mutations are flowing in freely. 

Ammy you speak true words of reason. I would be happy to meet you in person for an additional discussion of this very important subject. if you are under 30 and covid-19 negative, please message when available.

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4 minutes ago, Patong2021 said:

K  has   made many, many critical errors. UK people behave like idiots with them going to crowded pubs, partying and breaking no travel rules. In the UK, they  protest outside  hospital filled with sick and dying Covid sick shouting Covid is a hoax.

the U.K. was right all over the way.

the virus is real but the pandemic is not.

you do not close a whole country just because of few dead people, who would die anyway

in this time of the year (in no country there were extra cases of death, means that covid is not execptioanlly deadly).

anyway now the drugs companies are conducting a mass medical experiment on millions of people ,  and soon we will know the result - if this whole covid is over or just the beginning.

i am waiting, anyway, to see what will come out of this vaccinations.

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13 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

It is also a concern as they could have shed the virus while on the flight, while in Suvarnabhumi, and in transit to the ASQ.  Be interesting to see how long since they arrived in the country.  I am sure they are also actively checking out anyone who had contact with them as well.  A mad scramble I am sure.  Yes I agree, once this strain hit the news all flights should have been canceled, but the Thai's are so concerned with getting their own people home and a few tourists/long term stay families as well.


You say it like it's a bad thing that Thailand allows Thai people and their family members into the country.

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Looking at the UK rates - they are averaging some 50,000 covid cases a day !!!!!!!! ????


Surely some form of herd immunity must have set in by now ?! 


Beyond belief these numbers. By population per 100,000 they are doing worst than the USA. 

Edited by AmySeeker
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14 hours ago, Ratcher said:

I thought this "Mutant UK strain" was first discovered in South Africa ???


Let us not forget where this whole Pandemic started, CHINA not the UK or anywhere else. The whole world is suffering because of CHINA

And also suffering because of ignorant leaders like the orange man in the White House, Johnson and Bolsonaro.

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3 minutes ago, Albert Zweistein said:

And also suffering because of ignorant leaders like the orange man in the White House, Johnson and Bolsonaro.


Bolsonaro is insignificant. But Trump and Johnson in charge of the two strongest nations of the free world at this time has been horrendous timing. 

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16 minutes ago, AmySeeker said:

Looking at the UK rates - they are averaging some 50,000 covid cases a day !!!!!!!! ????


Surely some form of herd immunity must have set in by now ?! 


Beyond belief these numbers. By population per 100,000 they are doing worst than the USA. 

Been here since Feb 2020 and still don’t know anyone that’s had it or has it. Or even anyone that knows someone whose had it . I think herd immunity is the obvious answer. People not knowing they have had it. 

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4 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

Close second then . 


The UK has been quick to give approval for vaccines and this must be given credit, but don't underestimate Boris ability to mess things up. Everything else, from testing, PPE, lockdowns has been a mess, don't expect anything less from this. 


The Oxford vaccine was given approval in the UK on Tuesday. They should have had everything in place the minute it was given approval - the vaccine, the nurses, the logistics all prepared and injecting literally a minute after approval. But nah, they all had the week off. 


The UK only has 500,000 vials of the Oxford vaccine next week. Meanwhile India has 50 million, despite the vaccine being produced in the UK, UK governments own money gone into it, and mostly british scientists (not all). 


There are rumours they don't have enough vials to store the vaccine. You know, they've only had a year to prepare for this. 


They are only now planning on getting nurses, army, vets, anyone with some medical knowledge to inject on a mass scale. This should have been prepared months ago ! 


The UK approved the Pfizer vaccines weeks ago, but at it's current rate it would take 3 years to vaccinate the entire country if they kept up that pace. 

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1 hour ago, RR2020 said:



The new B 1.1.7. variant arrived in the UK in Kent.


It was seen before this in Holland and other EU countries but they never said anything.


Kent is where all the migrants arrive illegally from France.


It is quite sure that this variant arrived into the UK from illegal migrants from France who just land on the beach and run into society.  Lots make it through without being picked up at sea.


Thailand has a similar problem with migrants crossing from Myanmar.







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8 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

Been here since Feb 2020 and still don’t know anyone that’s had it or has it. Or even anyone that knows someone whose had it 


BREAKING NEWS - @goldenbrwn1 knows no one who has had covid so it must be fake news. Thanks for clearing this all up for us. We can all now move on. 

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1 hour ago, RR2020 said:



The new B 1.1.7. variant arrived in the UK in Kent.


It was seen before this in Holland and other EU countries but they never said anything.


Kent is where all the migrants arrive illegally from France.


It is quite sure that this variant arrived into the UK from illegal migrants from France who just land on the beach and run into society.  Lots make it through without being picked up at sea.


Thailand has a similar problem with migrants crossing from Myanmar.








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40 minutes ago, AmySeeker said:


BREAKING NEWS - @goldenbrwn1 knows no one who has had covid so it must be fake news. Thanks for clearing this all up for us. We can all now move on. 

Wow wasn’t expecting an attack . Was only agreeing with the herd immunity point . Trust issues yeh? And yes it’s true I don’t . And I also never said it’s not here . Take a chill pill Amy ????

Edited by goldenbrwn1
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