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Bird flu outbreak kills 1,300 chickens

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An outbreak of avian influenza (bird flu) in Battambang province’s Ek Phnom district has killed around 1,300 chickens from one location, officials said. Director of the provincial Department of Agriculture’s veterinary office Pen Setha said that he inspected the farm in Prek Tachreng village and found 1,300 chickens that had died between January 5 and 7.


Test results released on Monday confirmed that the poultry had bird flu, Setha said. Agriculture officials cooperated with the owner to bury the dead birds while disinfectant was sprayed across the area. The Ministry of Agriculture called on the National Institute of Animal Health and Production to test and identify any further bird flu areas in Battambang province.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50803077/bird-flu-outbreak-kills-1300-chickens/

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