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Severe side effects to COVID-19 Vaccination cases very rare


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Severe side effects to COVID-19 Vaccination cases very rare




BANGKOK (NNT) - Chualongkorn University’s Center of Excellence in Vaccine Research and Development has reported a marked decline in patients worldwide who suffered severe side effects after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination.


Center’s Director, Dr. Kiat Rakrungtham, today disclosed that current statistics show that roughly one out of a million patients worldwide reported severe side effects to a COVID-19 vaccination, such as allergic shock associated with reddening of the skin and shortness of breath.


The director assured the public that given the rapid pace of development, leading to fear of possible side effects from vaccination, Thais can rest assured of its safety by the time the country receives the doses. However, current vaccines have already been found to be safe and have been approved by health authorities in many countries.


Recipients can however expect mild reactions, such as chills, fatigue, headaches, arm soreness, muscle aches and fever, especially after the second dose. Side effects usually kick in about 12 hours after the shot but should subside after one to three days. The reaction helps to guarantee the vaccine’s effectiveness, as it stimulates the immune system allowing the body to form antibodies against the infection.


Meanwhile, concerns over delayed COVID-19 vaccines, due to current ultra-high demand persist, as delivery to countries with lower severity are affected. In a related move, the government of Thailand has announced that it will make COVID-19 vaccination free to all Thais. However, those who don’t want to queue for the free option, can choose to get vaccinated at private hospitals. The Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in early January allowed all private hospitals to purchase their allocation of vaccines, given that the consignment passes the FDA’s safety requirements.


Concerning future foreign travels, those who wish to visit foreign countries are to hold a ‘Vaccine Passport’, or a certificate in which they have received COVID-19 vaccination. Currently, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports has tasked the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) to find ways to welcome foreigners holding Vaccine Passports. The TAT will discuss the issue with the ASEAN National Tourism Organization (NTO) to enable the issuance of a mutually recognized passport, to enable people to travel around ASEAN without having to quarantine.


The Vaccine Passport idea is now being considered. However, no further details have been given at this stage.



-- © Copyright NNT 2021-02-03
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I did forgot to add a very close member of my family, who died after moderna within 36h after shot. She was almost 100 years old, in pampers but mobile, in a reasonable physical state for that age.

there was no autopsy, because refusal/resistance from the retirement home and from part of family, who wanted fast burial (on religious grounds), so vax was not mentioned on her death certificate and once buried there is no chance for any medical investigation 

Edited by internationalism
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sorry, I haven't quoted any source, except from my very closest family.

that's because I do realise there is a lot misinformation coming from everywhere. There use to be Trump, now maybe china. Boris Johnson and president of Brasil are another politicians playing disinformation, whatever you fancy to point finger at.

Certainly, there is more than one in 1mln with serious side effects.

Certainly there are also deaths.

Thousands of articles to read every day. No, I don't have time even to quote them. The great majority are from domains in each country, it's possible to filter it


Edited by internationalism
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2 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Didn't the Norwegians come out and say the deaths were unrelated to the vaccine? 


They said they're investigating, just like anything in Norway is investigated. Later, data and comments has come out that there's nothing out of the ordinary, but the investigation is still ongoing.

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11 hours ago, internationalism said:

I think it's overoptimistic statistics, that only one in million has serious side effects.

in norway 23 died, in sweden 28.

in india 11 medics.

some middle size european country with over 1mln vax has some 14 suspected cases (including 48 years old).

most of dead are seniors, also with medical conditions.

But those 11 india medics are working age, so with no serious conditions.

Links to those facts are easily to google, so I won't post them.

I would think in each country, which does vax, there would be some deaths and 10-20x more of those with serious side effects.

I do know personally a medic, some 65 years old, but still active professionally (doing part time private clinic), who fell ill just few h after vax.


As a comparison to covid vax, the denvaxia vax for dengue was worked on for almost 20 years, and still is not perfect (needs 3 doses over a year, lasts only 5 years, not great efficacy)


If  11 healthy medics in a single country, one small cohort, all died from the vaccine then I suspect other forces were at work. These deaths are not typical random side effects of vaccination. Unless they vaccinated millions of health workers, then you need to determine normal death rates in that cohort, etc.


Edited by rabas
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37 minutes ago, Rancid said:

As posted the other day there have been almost 10,000 cases of side effects officially reported to the CDC with about 400 deaths from the mRNA vaccines (link to CDC previously given). These are low numbers assuming all effects are being reported which historically does not happen. Larry King by pure coincidence was vaccinated 2 weeks before dying but was not regarded as being anything to do with the vaccine, as such was not part of the statistics.


Interesting too is these new strains of covid. The Astra Zeneca vaccine was tested in Brazil, UK and Sth Africa, by pure coincidence these new strains have emerged from Brazil, UK and Sth Africa. 


Shame on you for promoting false and misleading information.


Larry King did not die 2 weeks are being vaccinated. He in fact died of sepsis although he had been hospitalized with COVID-19 in early January. 



Your other point on 400 deaths and 10,000 cases of side effects is also false and misleading, you will not find any statement on the CDC website stating that hence why you fail to provide a link. This scare mongering headline was promoted by the conspiracy website The Defender and then went viral on numerous other conspiracy sites.


It refers to the reporting website Vaers


VAERS reports can be submitted voluntarily by anyone, including healthcare providers, patients, or family members. Reports vary in quality and completeness. They often lack details and sometimes can have information that contains errors. https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/dataguide.html


Antivaxxers are now weaponizing the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database to try to blame all manner of adverse events on vaccines, whether there is evidence of causation or not.



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Update on the AstraZeneca vaccine from Norway today.


Not only did this vaccine NOT cause deaths among the elderly as falsely claimed in media (also in a previous post on the first page), it may turn out it has very little effect on people over 55 at all.



Årsaken til aldersanbefalingen er at AstraZenecas vaksine har lite dokumentasjon for virkning og effekt hos personer over 55 år.

Translation: The reason for the recommendation of age restriction is that the AstraZeneca vaccine has little documented effect on persons over 55 years.


Further reading


- Graden av beskyttelsen for personer over 65 år er usikker, og det var ikke mulig å beregne effekt for personer over 55. Når det er sagt, betyr det ikke at vaksinen ikke har effekt på personer over 55 år, men det var så få i studien, så man vet ikke nøyaktig beskyttelsen i eldre aldersgrupper

Translation: The degree of protection for people over 65 years is unknown/unsure, and it was not possible to calculate the effects for persons over 55. When that is said, it does not mean the vaccine do not have an effect on people over 55 years, it was too few (participants) in the studies, so we don`t know exactly (to) what (degree of) protection (people in this) age group (has).


Also said in the article is that the interval of the first shot is between 3-12 weeks, meaning it takes up to 12 weeks between the two shots required by AstraZeneca, (which is longer than most vaccine candidates). 12 weeks also means the studies so far in Norway are too short and minimal to make any definite conclusion, but as of today the AstraZeneca vaccine is not recommended to people over 65 years and people with severe underlying illnesses and risk of severe Covid-19 infections.


AstraZeneca-vaksinen: - Får øvre aldersgrense (dagbladet.no) (Norwegian language)


-Norwegian Health Institute (Folkehelseinstituttet).


Note: As I mentioned yesterday, the AstraZeneca vaccine was not approved in Switzerland due to lack of data.

Note II: It`s current data (transparency) and honesty we`re talking about here, not definite conclusions or food for conspiracies. While not great news for us here in Thailand, no need to spread disinformation as if it`s complete studies and scientific conclusions. It`s not. Conclusions of these sort of data tend to change a lot, and often drastically.

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Another "news", or information, from Norwegian Health Institute (Folkehelseinstituttet) today on side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine.


Most common side effects during the following few days after the shot:

- Pain in the region where the vaccine was shot.

- Fatigue

- Headache

- Fever

- Muscle and joint pain

- Nausea and vomiting

- Diarrhea


Less common side effects (less common than the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, among some other less known)):

- Enlarged lymph nodes

- Rash, itchiness

- Sweating


Second dose of AstraZeneca also has less side effects overall than second dose of mRNA vaccines.



EDIT: Source: Dette er bivirkningene (dagbladet.no) (Norwegian language, press conference, Norwegian Health Institute)

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I am in the UK, I had the Phizer vaccine 2 weeks ago, and had a slight ache which lasted 12 hours. My golfing friends have all had theirs, most the Oxford jab. Not one has reported anything beyond what I had. Our golf society is reporting back to the NHS so as to provide them with feedback. We are talking 50+ members.

Beware peddlers of doom and gloom, including Dr's who want to get themselves in print.

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4 minutes ago, greenhornfarang said:

If they want to jab me they can jab my dead corpse as I will die for my rights to be jabbed.

All right, Start over. Do you want to be vaccinated or do you no? I am dying to know. ????

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On 2/4/2021 at 9:54 PM, Partenavia said:

I am in the UK, I had the Phizer vaccine 2 weeks ago, and had a slight ache which lasted 12 hours. My golfing friends have all had theirs, most the Oxford jab. Not one has reported anything beyond what I had. Our golf society is reporting back to the NHS so as to provide them with feedback. We are talking 50+ members.

Beware peddlers of doom and gloom, including Dr's who want to get themselves in print.

I'd be more worried about cancer or sterility or producing malformed babies or senility etc. after 10 years, than sudden death a day or two later.

(That was if I were still young enough to have another 10 years)

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