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Whatever happened to ... The Good Farang?

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21 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Just had a search on You Tube for the Irish bloke who goes by the name "The Good Farang", but no trace of him or any of his videos. Does anyone know what happened to him? 


I vaguely remembered this guy and his films. I've got a feeling he may have changed his channel name but not certain.


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I used to watch his videos and then they became irregular because he was spending time in Thailand at his Issan wife’s shoe shop on one of the southern islands, then going back to Ireland to make money, before returning. It was an unusual arrangement and he was trolled a bit by folks suggesting that it wouldn’t last. He was always adamant that it would. I never posted but have to admit I thought his arrangement would be difficult to make work with an Irish girl never mind a foreign one thousands of miles away. 

My suspicion is that Covid might have put paid to both the wife’s business and their relationship. And perhaps that’s why he’s done a disappearing act. I asked because I thought someone in here would know, or live on the same Island. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Virt said:

I hope he is ok. 

Followed him for years on YT and met him and Jenny a few times on Samui at her shop. 


Very friendly bloke and he was posting on instagram not that long ago, but no idea what then happened. 


I hope he is just taking a break from the media and nothing bad happened to him. 


He used to pop up on my YouTube feed but doesn’t now. No surprise given travel restrictions and the devastating impact of the pandemic on places like Samui. Changing the channel to “Money No. 1” seems a bit strange ... it alludes to what most Farang expats say about Thai relationships, and might indicate a split? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
42 minutes ago, Trumpetbum said:

My partner asked Jenny how he was and what happened to his channel and she told him they have split up ???? sad, we really like him. She put a big smiley face after it so hopefully she was just joking or it hasn't ended well ????

Thanks for the update. That kind of makes sense, and what I suspected given the radical change in the channel ... name changed and all videos erased.

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On 3/17/2021 at 4:20 AM, colinneil said:

Absolute rubbish, i have no money, my pension is hardly worth collecting these days, yet my wife is there at my side ready to help me out if needed, there are many thousands of damned good women in Issan, i find your comment offensive.



You come across as a decent bloke who everybody gets along with. Thais have a lot of time for friendly people who are willing to treat them as equals.


A lot of the people who think Thais are money-grabbers are <deleted>. If you're rude and disrespectful to Thai people, you can be sure that your Thai girlfriend will ditch you the moment you run out of money, or someone better comes along.

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I don't know If Jenny is still with Paul but the closure of his Channel is weird but I wish him the best because his a good bloke and his Channel was great,not just for Jenny but the unique way he told his stories. Im only speaking personally, but I would never seek to have a serious relationship with a Thai Woman,Ex Bar girl or not.The sad thing is that the Thai Culture is a beautiful one and the People are beautiful physically and most are good people that wouldn't dare to do bad things for fear of Bad Karma.

The Problem is the modern dysfunctional Thai Ideology,Government and the easy endless Farang walking ATM men that go to Thailand for sex and company because let's face it Western men,Especially White Western world men are made to feel like they are perverts for just wanting to have a good sex life after 50!(Yet all other sexual groups and Ethnic groups are celebrated.)I'm not condoning sex tourists though because that's what is fueling Thai women to be more and more greedy and not wanting to settle down,I mean even an old and very average Thai woman can have a long list of Farang older walking ATM machines and that's why no Farang should ever trust any Thai woman because they are always just one phone call away from another walking ATM Farang.

However the whole world is changing now and it seems that Girls from all over the world are now selling sex via the internet for money either on Cams or via websites as Escorts,the problem is that sex is really and mostly a womans game,it's not a game guys can play unless they really are very handsome indeed,the result will be that girls don't want to settle down because there's always a better guy just a phone call or click away and materialism is like a drug,it's endless and obsessive but it leaves no room for True Love,only Narcissism. 

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On 3/17/2021 at 11:20 AM, colinneil said:

Absolute rubbish, i have no money, my pension is hardly worth collecting these days, yet my wife is there at my side ready to help me out if needed, there are many thousands of damned good women in Issan, i find your comment offensive.

Also many damned good women everywhere in Thailand,my wife is one a treasure, also the wife of a guy i know who is very ill ,his wife is by his side 24/7.

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Have no other facts to offer - i really enjoyed his videos' and as I also had one of the greatest times of my life discovering Samui some 12 years ago it still holds memories. Covid-19 will have been a shovel sized spanner in the balls for the set-up he had going (work a few months in Ireland then go over and spend the cash living a few months in Samui.. rinse and repeat). For me, it's a bit of a precarious existence and a young mans game that would do me in over time but I wish him well. The Money No.1 channel update could mean a variety of things - i.e. that he has just been balls to the wall just focusing on growing his bank so he can blow it all again over in Thailand. Or it may be something more ominous as alluded to above - personally i cant really see that though as no offence but Jenny wasn't really living the glamorous big time with the fella previously so not sure why that would change any, especially if he was working and earning in Ireland.      


Hope he comes back - i enjoy his yarns, he's a great wee story teller and also quite handy banging out some very decent poetry.

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15 hours ago, jasperno said:

Have no other facts to offer - i really enjoyed his videos' and as I also had one of the greatest times of my life discovering Samui some 12 years ago it still holds memories. Covid-19 will have been a shovel sized spanner in the balls for the set-up he had going (work a few months in Ireland then go over and spend the cash living a few months in Samui.. rinse and repeat). For me, it's a bit of a precarious existence and a young mans game that would do me in over time but I wish him well. The Money No.1 channel update could mean a variety of things - i.e. that he has just been balls to the wall just focusing on growing his bank so he can blow it all again over in Thailand. Or it may be something more ominous as alluded to above - personally i cant really see that though as no offence but Jenny wasn't really living the glamorous big time with the fella previously so not sure why that would change any, especially if he was working and earning in Ireland.      


Hope he comes back - i enjoy his yarns, he's a great wee story teller and also quite handy banging out some very decent poetry.

I’d guess what changed was a shop that doesn’t have customers? But still has rental costs. A lot of Thai’s are suffering as a consequence of the economic impact of Covid. That would be my best guess.

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On 2/20/2021 at 2:46 PM, AlexRich said:

Changing the channel to “Money No. 1” seems a bit strange ... it alludes to what most Farang expats say about Thai relationships, and might indicate a split? 


Guess the good farang had a wakeup call

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On 3/17/2021 at 11:20 AM, colinneil said:

Absolute rubbish, i have no money, my pension is hardly worth collecting these days, yet my wife is there at my side ready to help me out if needed, there are many thousands of damned good women in Issan, i find your comment offensive.

I do to Colin and same for me but you must realise that such banter usually come from those most ignorant about Thailand as they build up "their" knowledge of real Thailand sitting on a bar stool in Soi 6 pattaya, more often than not wearing a dirty Tee shirt.

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  • 4 weeks later...

To be honest you could see it a mile off. He was just another Falang who thought he knew everything about Thailand just from a few holidays in Koh Samui. And another Thai woman let down by a Falang who promised them the world. 


As for the idiots talking about “Thai women” and being money grabbers etc etc. The question I would ask is what woman isn’t?


And remember, these women they are talking about are usually prostitutes working in a bar.


Then I would ask these people would you date a English, American, German, Indian prostitute, and do you think they are the same as other women not working in a brothel or have a pimp? The answer is of course, NO! 


So for the morons on here, talking about perceptions of Thai women based on bar girls and working girls. GET A LIFE! 



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