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When will governments discuss methods to ackowledge entry to their country with certification of Vaccines


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When will various Governments start of not all ready on how people will be allowed into their countries with verification of receiving the Vaccines. 

As we have seen, already various countries have not accpeted certain vaccines for their own people. If someone shows up from another country and has used that vaccine will they be allowed in?


Or will be continue on the path of ASQ's regardless of the people being vaccinated?



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Australia for one is already in discussions with other Western countries on how a vax p/p might work. But there are many unknowns at this time, including the efficacy & duration of various different vaxs for variant viruses.


There are also human rights issues re refusal of entry, refusal of service or refusal of work to those not vaccinated. The relevant authority in Oz has already indicated that employers might refuse employment to those who refuse vaccination, but those who have been vaccinated cannot refuse to work alongside those who haven't been ...


It all gets very complicated but will no doubt get sorted out gradually with the increasing scientific knowledge of the virus & its variants, and with everyone on a long learning curve.

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13 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

It all gets very complicated but will no doubt get sorted out gradually with the increasing scientific knowledge of the virus & its variants, and with everyone on a long learning curve.

There was an argument on UK tv yesterday that compulsory vaccines could be seen as compulsory surgical procedures, which 'could' end up in all sorts of future issues.

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Poland has exempted the vaccinated from quarantine since 28th December.

Hawaii is now talking about doing it for international tourists.

The CDC has said that the vaccinated should not require quarantine as long as they are asymptomatic.


It's all getting closer, but the wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly...

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