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Cambodia to deport foreigners for COVID-19 quarantine rules violation


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PHNOM PENH, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen has approved the deportation of any foreigners who violate the COVID-19 quarantine rules, escape treatment and refuse cooperation with authorities.


"For foreigners, they will be deported from Cambodia and banned from re-entering the country," said a letter signed by Hun Sen on Monday. "For Cambodians, they will face the country's law." The letter said any companies which ignore cooperation with the authorities in tracing suspicious cases will see their licenses revoked and their businesses shut down.


The move was to strengthen efficiency in containing the spread of the COVID-19 in the community, it added. As of Tuesday morning, the Southeast Asian nation has registered a total of 593 confirmed COVID-19 cases, with zero deaths and 475 recoveries, according to the Ministry of Health.


read more http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/asiapacific/2021-02/23/c_139760837.htm

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