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Thai public fully in favor of going 120 kmph - previous limit was just too slow

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My lady was driving 70mph and not even staying inside the lines with her lights off at night.............and they want to increase the speed limit? Holy smokes......Focus on basic driving skills first.

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What i have seen is obnoxious aggressive pushy dangerous a.hole drivers  it will increase the deaths on the hwy till thai is number one .. and its not only thais that drive like idiots  .. farangs are at fault also 




They need to focus on other traffic violation like making a left turn on to the motorbike lane and merging over without looking, like they are the only person on the road. I had this happen to me and the driver took off the passenger side mirror and dinged up the side of my truck, good thing I have a car camera. Then you have these stupid young people on motorbikes, good lord they scare the hell out of me. I find not all but some...no most...Thai drivers are inconsiderate and that is putting it mildly. They need more police out patrolling not manning traffic check points. Oh! and they already drive 120 klph, plus.

On 3/14/2021 at 6:10 AM, meechai said:

Of course they are in favor & this is why they kill 60 or so of their fellow countrymen per day????

Truth is they should not only lower speed limits they should force installation of speed governors on all motorized

vehicles in Thailand....ALL of them period. Limit the ability for the vehicle to get up over 60KPH


Lets face it for what ever reason Thai's cannot handle speed...alcohol either & these are in fact many times intertwined ????

But...They have not a clue of what is closure speed means...They have not a clue when pulling out in front of something what the distance is

or the rate of closure...not a clue

Lastly for what I admit to be seemingly a very nice & caring race of people... Thai's  in the drivers seat of any motor vehicle  instantly turn into

the most selfish mean spirited folks you can imagine with the Biggest ME FIRST attitude I have ever seen. They can be passing thru an accident zone with

bodies & car parts on the road..think they touch the brakes? Quite the opposite they hit the accelerator...same as when they see anyone crossing the street or trying to merge into the flow of traffic


Yeah great idea this increase the risk speed limit

The most important thing about driving and riding is common sense. That is a thing that most Thai people do not have, and not just on the roads, they can have all the speed limits and driving rules they want, it will not make an ounce of difference.

The only thing that will cut road fatalities is hitting the drivers and riders in the pocket, and the confiscating of vehicles and motorcycles.

That is something that will never happen as it would need the police to do their jobs.

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I take it non in power have ever attempted to manoeuvre one of these "farm trucks" with suspension from a horse and cart and so top heavy that they roll over at 60, never mind 120. Good luck to all you "truck" drivers. Unless for real work, never understood why anyone would drive such a dangerous vehicle by choice.  

13 hours ago, koratkarlos said:

Nothing will change with this new law.  People already drive fast.  I hate driving here in Thailand.  People do not yield, go too close when passing and have a "must be first" attitude that I do not understand.  What is needed is driver education starting on the motorbikes then enforcement.

Sorry, but you cannot educate stupid.

10 hours ago, ross163103 said:

5555555, that's funny! Why would they start now?

Was it the unelected "PM" and his Military Academy educated soldiers who passed this rule increasing the speed limit? That says it all.

On 3/13/2021 at 8:48 PM, tomazbodner said:

Good news. And if this doesn't make Thailand Number 1 in the World for road deaths, then just remove all the speed limits altogether. Thailand, The HUB of Road kills.

The good news is is that there will be more Covid-19 vaccine for the rest of us ????

  • Haha 1

I enjoyed the 120km limits when I last travelled in America on an interstate, of course in the USA it is in MPH, but

  I did get to my destination quicker.  In Thailand there are some areas where 120 KMH could be okay, and it will

give the sport car owners a chance to travel a bit faster without worry of a speeding ticket. 555.

   The highway carnage will continue, and of course brake failure, wet road conditions, dodging animals,  etc,  will still 

  be some of the reasons stated for such carnage. Good luck to all of you, stay safe.


  • Like 1

Normally I would be opposed to raising the speed limit too much, we have too many accidents with the current one, but I have just returned from Phuket: a nightmare, wherever the speed limit is between 60 and 80 Km, there is talk of roads that could quietly have a limit of 90 (as a minimum), CCTV everywhere, I believe that after the tourism business, unfortunately, sunk by the covid, fines for the violation of speed limit are an alternative money source in Phuket

On 3/14/2021 at 6:10 AM, meechai said:

Of course they are in favor & this is why they kill 60 or so of their fellow countrymen per day????

Truth is they should not only lower speed limits they should force installation of speed governors on all motorized

vehicles in Thailand....ALL of them period. Limit the ability for the vehicle to get up over 60KPH


Lets face it for what ever reason Thai's cannot handle speed...alcohol either & these are in fact many times intertwined ????

But...They have not a clue of what is closure speed means...They have not a clue when pulling out in front of something what the distance is

or the rate of closure...not a clue

Lastly for what I admit to be seemingly a very nice & caring race of people... Thai's  in the drivers seat of any motor vehicle  instantly turn into

the most selfish mean spirited folks you can imagine with the Biggest ME FIRST attitude I have ever seen. They can be passing thru an accident zone with

bodies & car parts on the road..think they touch the brakes? Quite the opposite they hit the accelerator...same as when they see anyone crossing the street or trying to merge into the flow of traffic


Yeah great idea this increase the risk speed limit

Population control 

On 3/14/2021 at 3:42 PM, Brickbat said:

The Undertakers are rejoicing!
In Australia we have billboards “ Don’t be a bloody idiot. Speed Kills” 

I disagree. Going fast isn't particularly dangerous. It just requires a larger margin for error.

Driving without a margin for error id what Kills.

Sometimes a big 4 laner opens up ahead.of you and you can gun it without fear.

Here's what I go by:

- presume your vehicle is invisible

- presume any other driver can do anything at any time and leave room for it.

- don't tailgate, presume the car in front will jam on the brakes any time

- know your stopping distances

- presume anything on a truck will fall off it and get the he'll away. Could be in front or behind

- don't put your vehicle directly in front of a large truck/coach that can squash you like a bug if the driver falls asleep

- give way to maniacs

- if you see particularly dangerous driving - like a souped up pick up weaving in and out of lanes, slow down considerably and get over to the left. 

The last one might have saved my life on foggy morning on the UK M6. The fig was thick  cars were zooming past, I took it very slow and then suddenly a huge wreck ahead an cars to my right going too fast to not hit it. I managed to slip past and 50 vehicles were involved.

But I still think that if you have a big open road, have a little fun.

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