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Also different from all the small tremors I felt before it which were very short up-down things, IF I felt them at all. This was more prolonged and side-to-side. Weird woozy feeling, though nothing I don't experience just about every Friday night out.

Precisely, I have also been in a number of earthquakes, however this one was definately a very different sensation. Myself and others in my office first complained of feeling woozy and faint, didn't know what was goin on until we saw the blinds rattling against the windows.

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I thought I was about to faint from exhaustion. When I realized it must be an earthquake I was desperately trying to recall what to do... and didn't of course. :o

But for the benefit of all, you should seek out a so called triangle of life. This means, huddle up *near* an object such as a table or chair - this means, if the roof caves in, the object will take the main impact of the fall, and you will be sitting relatively unharmed in the triangular air pocket that forms around the object.

This is based on earth quake rescue team observations of that people who were near, but not directly under, such objects, were often alive whereas others in other locations had died. We had a longer text about this posted in Thaivisa before, which was translated into Thai as well.

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apparently casulaties in bangkok are much higher than earlier anticipated, though not as a direct cause of the tremor.

The unexpected evacuation of office buildings in bangkok's central business districts has resulted in a shortfall in avialable seats at nearby noodle stands.

As a result, anxious and hungry office workers have been rioting in an attempt to secure any remaining portions.

Edited by t.s
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<BR>Definitely felt it in Chiang Mai.<BR><BR>(Hmm ... this is the BKK forum)<BR>
I have been sitting, watching tv, and I did not feel anything in chiang mai...

This was for sure the biggest quake I ever felt in Chiang Mai. Also different from all the small tremors I felt before it which were very short up-down things, IF I felt them at all. This was more prolonged and side-to-side. Weird woozy feeling, though nothing I don't experience just about every Friday night out. :o

Chiangmai really felt this one. We emptied 700 people out of our factory and it was still going, 45 second atleast. Helps that we have 30 plus fire exits!! Agreed that this was a very strong side to side motion, have never experienced anything like this before. Noted that Chiangrai and Phayao people are not talking about the same strenght we felt in Chiangmai, which is strange that they are close to the centre. The wave motion rocked the old computer monitor until I had to look away from it dizzy. 6.1 is a biggy, hope folks in remote Laos center are all OK...

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Thanks, meadish.

Could not remember either ! Was trying to recall if the doorway was good or bad.

hope folks in remote Laos center are all OK...

Yes. If anyone hears anything about that, please post here.

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Myself and others in my office first complained of feeling woozy and faint, didn't know what was goin on until we saw the blinds rattling against the windows.

EXACTLY what happened here. you been snooping into my mind ash cat hmmmm

what i dont understand is....why arent WE evacuated!!! could do with an early break.....plus someone made me hungry with all their food talk!!!

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But for the benefit of all, you should seek out a so called triangle of life. This means, huddle up *near* an object such as a table or chair - this means, if the roof caves in, the object will take the main impact of the fall, and you will be sitting relatively unharmed in the triangular air pocket that forms around the object.

You're greatly overestimating the quality of the furniture around me. :o

Think the situation in Laos wouldn't be too bad.. There's few skyscrapers or really any concrete multi storey buildings in that area are there?

Edited by chanchao
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Just sitting in our office and the building starting shaking! Can anyone else feel this?

Nope, I'm on Sukhumvit 3 but didn't felt a thing though people at Pacific Plaza went running? I'm wondering what happened ti Thai Visa breaking news? Didn't received any email alert on this until my wife called from Chiang Mai and told me there was an earthquake about 15 mins ago.

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But for the benefit of all, you should seek out a so called triangle of life. This means, huddle up *near* an object such as a table or chair - this means, if the roof caves in, the object will take the main impact of the fall, and you will be sitting relatively unharmed in the triangular air pocket that forms around the object.

You're greatly overestimating the quality of the furniture around me. :o

Think the situation in Laos wouldn't be too bad.. There's few skyscrapers or really any concrete multi storey buildings in that area are there?

What better excuse than 'our safety' to treat yourself to a massive teak table? :D

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Apparently casulaties in bangkok are much higher than earlier anticipated, though not as a direct cause of the tremor.

The unexpected evacuation of office buildings in bangkok's central business districts has resulted in a shortfall in avialable seats at nearby noodle stands.

As a result, anxious and hungry office workers have been rioting in an attempt to secure any remaining portions.

:o:D :D

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Definitely felt it in Chiang Mai.

(Hmm ... this is the BKK forum)

yup me too. felt in cm. seemed to go on for quite a while too.

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Damnit, feel left out. I guess I _might_ have feelt something, or I was just slight dizzy from spinning and playing with my son...but if I hadn't read this post I surely wouldn't have known [for some time] about the eartquake anyway, even though I'm in Bangkok.

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i have a creeping suspicion Thaksin was behind this.

think about it, he's just been summoned to appear in court, and he's about to buy a football team....and...

i'm sure SJ or someone would be along soon to provide the logical link and the irrefutable facts.

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i have a creeping suspicion Thaksin was behind this.

think about it, he's just been summoned to appear in court, and he's about to buy a football team....and...

i'm sure SJ or someone would be along soon to provide the logical link and the irrefutable facts.

You're on to it.Thaksin,the dirty little $hit.We all should have seen it coming.Mind you,he probably put the sons butlers wife up to it.He's sneaky like that.

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i have a creeping suspicion Thaksin was behind this.

think about it, he's just been summoned to appear in court, and he's about to buy a football team....and...

i'm sure SJ or someone would be along soon to provide the logical link and the irrefutable facts.


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I lived in Northern California for many years and I felt nothing in downtown Chiang Mai.

I am sitting in a bookshop full of customers and no one seems to have noticed anything. :o

Having experienced every major quake in both Northrern and Southern California in the past 30 years and the '64 Alaska quake I find I can't even feel an earthquake anymore unless it's at least 5.5. I felt this one near Hang Dong for 5-10 secs. Not strong at all, but it was a roller, so you know it was deep, and likely doing damage somewhere far away at the epicenter, assuming it's inhabited there..

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bbc news

Laos hit by powerful earthquake

Buildings in Bangkok were evacuated but no damage reported

A powerful earthquake has hit western Laos, with tremors felt as far as away as Thailand and Vietnam.

The quake measured magnitude 6.1 and struck not far from the northern city of Luang Prabang, the US Geological Survey reported.

Buildings swayed in both the Thai and Vietnamese capitals. People reportedly fled shopping centres and buildings were evacuated in Bangkok.

However, there were no reports of damage or injuries.

The earthquake struck 155km (97 miles) west-north-west of Luang Prabang at just before 1600 local time (0900GMT), the USGS reported.

The epicentre is believed to be in a fairly remote area of western Laos.

But it was little felt in Luang Prabang. One resident spoke of feeling "disorientated" for a couple of minutes, while others said they felt little or no shaking.

An official in the Laos capital Vientiane said the quake lasted around 10 seconds, and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage from the area.

Checking buildings

But there were scenes of panic in the Thai capital, Bangkok, some 800km (500 miles) south of the quake zone.

Many office blocks were swiftly evacuated after the earthquake shook the city, with its occupants gathering in the streets outside.

"I have not seen a strong earthquake like this before, my head felt like it was spinning," Nattaya Limngern, a 40-year-old office worker, told the AFP news agency.

The quake was also felt strongly in the area of northern Thailand bordering Laos. Some people were evacuated in the city of Chiang Mai.

Officials said they were still checking buildings but had no reports of damage or injuries.

Hundreds of kilometres to the east, in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, the quake was felt mostly on the upper floors of high rises.

Around 700 people fled Vincom Tower, one of the tallest buildings in the city, when it started to sway, a company spokeswoman told the Associated Press.

"It was shaking for about three minutes, and I think this was the strongest shaking we have ever felt," Nguyen Thu Lan said.

"After the shaking stopped, many people who ran out wouldn't dare to return."

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Might be the difference between ground floor and second floor UG. I am upstairs. And it was very obvious here.

I'm downstairs meadish, and our house swayed like a sailor on port leave.

Was downstairs too & certainly felt it.

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