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Bangkok Hospital Pattaya Watch


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This topic is a follow on from the 'Where is the care' theme regarding the tragic case of Matt Hayes who died in the back of an ambulance being transferred from Bangkok Hospital Pattaya to another hospital after a serious road accident.

This case opens up many questions about the standards of care at BHP, how they behaved and their motives for moving Matt in his serious condition and raises questions about emergency services in Pattaya which apparently are paid to take farang victims of accidents to the emergency department at BHP. If they could not cope with Matt's injuries for whatever reason then how about other victims of RTA's which happen frequently in Pattaya?

I for one would not want to be taken to this hospital for emergency treatment after this incident with Matt.

This topic has been introduced for all the people who want to comment on the care and services of BHP without clouding the issues surrounding Matt's death which has many unanswered questions which family and friends wish to have answered and will continue to pursue.

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"Dumping" of patients, for whatever reason, is practiced in the west as well as in Thailand. Government hospitals don't do it, either in the west or in Thailand, as they are mandated by law to treat all.

Likewise, regional trauma centers, so designated and partially funded by the government in the west, can't "dump" by law.

However, unless you are talking about a moral issue, it would seem to me that a private does have a right to refuse treatment to a patient for whatever reason. One would hope they would stabilize the patient before "dumping" the patient.

I don't have the "facts" regarding the OP's cited case, do we now what the diagnosis of the injuries suffered in the accident were and whether the death in the ambulance was caused by delayed treatment or not?

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I don't have the "facts" regarding the OP's cited case, do we now what the diagnosis of the injuries suffered in the accident were and whether the death in the ambulance was caused by delayed treatment or not?

All the details of Matt's case are in 11 pages (so far) of 'Where is the Care' this case has caused such a fuss in the farang community that BHP has issued two statements so far, both far from satisfactory. Regarding details of why they moved Matt in a critical condition to another hospital which is 1 hours drive away, their reason for doing so is because they did not have enough blood of Matt's type but as you can imagine we are questioning this because surely it would have been better to bring the blood to the hospital not move a critically injured patient.

Also it raises the question of BHP's blood supply as they are the main emergency admissions hospital and clearly advertise this everywhere then surely they should have a large blood supply and be able to supply adequate blood for trauma patients.

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Maybe a card that says Do not take me to BPH would be a good idea? some one could design one and it coulkd be downloaded and printed at home and then laminated.

Great idea!

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Thanks for the update. I was recently in Rama Hospital and in need of three units of blood. They did not have my type but evidently called in blood donors and were able to give me the blood some hours later. They got enough units so they could proceed with the surgery and then later called in additional donors to tide me over until recovered.

I agree, moving the patient rather than the blood, makes no sense. Could there be a financial motive involved? Patient had no insurance or ability to pay? Procedures required not profitable?

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It would be good if healthy farangs living in Pattaya area would register as emergency blood donors at the hospitals here in Pattaya and Banglamung.

If someone from BHP is following this thread perhaps you can get it organised?

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I agree, moving the patient rather than the blood, makes no sense. Could there be a financial motive involved? Patient had no insurance or ability to pay? Procedures required not profitable?

We (friends of Matt in Pattaya) believe this to be reason as we can see no other credible excuse for BHP moving him. Matt did have insurance, he worked as a teacher at BEST school and had been in Thailand for some time but maybe the extent of his injuries or something else prompted BHP to move him out of their hospital but we strongly suspect the reasons were financial and obviously not with the interests of the patient at heart.

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It would be good if healthy farangs living in Pattaya area would register as emergency blood donors at the hospitals here in Pattaya and Banglamung.

If someone from BHP is following this thread perhaps you can get it organised?

Good suggestion Tammi, I would be up for registering and giving blood if something like this was organized.

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It would be good if healthy farangs living in Pattaya area would register as emergency blood donors at the hospitals here in Pattaya and Banglamung.

If someone from BHP is following this thread perhaps you can get it organised?

Good suggestion Tammi, I would be up for registering and giving blood if something like this was organized.

and what should the unhealthy ones do ?? check into hospital for a blood change ? :o

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I take issue with the costs on 2 levels.

1) They are rather high

2) They are not transparent

On 1) I am sometimes amazed at the cost compared to other Hospitals or the general cost of living in Thailand. Clearly foreign focused and foreign priced, so I go elsewhere when I am taken advantage of.

On 2). I had a lung function tests at BP Hospital and aware of high costs, I asked for the full total price. I was given a full breakdown, only because I insisted to know. I confirmed that this was to be the total amount, including any VAT and that nothing more would be added.

As you can guess the doctor's fee, which I think was told to me as 500 Baht, was 500 Baht for the pre test chat and a further 300 Baht (not mentioned at all) for the post test chat. They also forgot to mention the Nursing charge to take my blood pressure and weigh me.

So even when I was told a full and complete figure they managed to add a total of some 600+ Baht extra, followed by being completely ripped off at their pharmacy counter on the cost of my prescribed inhaler(s)!!

This is on top of already more expensive costs than anywhere else in Pattaya.

By the way, the lung function test machine was not working properly on the day I went and the nurses had a problem with it, having to repeat the test 3 times. Personally, I couldn't even trust the data.

Edited by twix38
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Jon Baxter says:

At the Pattaya Expat Club last Sunday it was stated that the Sawang Ambulence volunteers are paid a bounty for every patient they deliver to BHP. Does this mean that if someone were involved in an accident if front of Tops on 2nd Road they would be taken to BPH and not to either of the two nearer hospitals--Memorial or Pattaya international? Given the state that traffic can get itself into on crowded Pattaya streets, does this make any sense? Where is the moral justification for this, or am I just being Naive?

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Good that we have this new thread and can collect the relevant information. Is it possible to include those posts from the "Where is the care?"-thread that include experiences connected to BPH? I trust they should be here as well.

A simple suggestion: If anyone still has bills, would it be possible to give prices for some general items (in an anonymous fashion of course)? This kind of transparency would give us an indicator, this the more so as I will add my check up bills from other places once I got them. So we could get a precise idea about the overcharging.

Perhaps the expats club could get those pricelists from the 3 hospitals and post them on the web. Worthwhile effort after BPH has been promoted so much by local tv stations.

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If someone has the time, they should do a search on all the Bagkok Pattaya threads going back over the past 2 years or so - there are loads, and there are literally dozens of posts about over charging, dual pricing, even treble pricing (Thais, farang residents, and farang tourists), bad treatment, wrong treatment, unnecessary treatment,and last but no means least, no treatment (if they thought you couldn't afford it).

The late and dear Noel Thomas had many a run in with them on over charging, and posted countless emails and letters from them issuing denials and other statements to confuse the unwary. Sadly he was still investigating this matter and hadn't brought it to a conclusion when he died. It is also note worthy that the doctors at BP wanted to operate immediately they diagnosed his cancer, whereas Bumrungrad gave him 3 more months of life while they tried to get the tumours under control; with radio and chemo therapy. I know for a fact that Noel was extremely grateful for those extra 3 months.

The trouble is, that people post details of such events when they happen, but as time goes on, they forget some of the details, and frankly life moves on, and they know there's nothing they can do about it so they lose interest.

I think you should copy stuff from the other thread, and from all the old threads about Pattaya hospitals, if you can find them. You will be very surprised how much there is.

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Also it raises the question of BHP's blood supply as they are the main emergency admissions hospital and clearly advertise this everywhere then surely they should have a large blood supply and be able to supply adequate blood for trauma patients.

Where did you get that idea from?

BPH is a private hospital and does handle emergencies,

but the Main Emergency Admissions Hospital is the government establishment in Chonburi.

IMHO you should only move patients who have been stabilised.

The blood should have come to the patient, not the otherway round. :o

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May I respectfully suggest that the mods merge this thread with the...

'Bangkok Pattaya - where is the care ' thread,

...as that one has now turned into a catalogue of posts about the dreaded hospital..

I have said many times, that if you were to put all the accounts about that place on one thread it would make your hair curl, and shame all who seek to defend.

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May I respectfully suggest that the mods merge this thread with the...

'Bangkok Pattaya - where is the care ' thread,

...as that one has now turned into a catalogue of posts about the dreaded hospital..

I have said many times, that if you were to put all the accounts about that place on one thread it would make your hair curl, and shame all who seek to defend.


Can you please give Mobi his wish so that he can have a one-stop-shopping place for the BPH horror stories and then people could drop by for hair curling on the way home. Possibly give it a separate category like libya's repository of Pattaya death, catastrophe, doom & gloom news?

Then we can move on with our lives.



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Can you please give Mobi his wish so that he can have a one-stop-shopping place for the BPH horror stories and then people could drop by for hair curling on the way home. Possibly give it a separate category like libya's repository of Pattaya death, catastrophe, doom & gloom news?

Then we can move on with our lives.



Dear Nan,

I am so sorry and distressed to hear that you cannot carry on with your life, due to the BHP Horror stories you keep tripping over on your way to the Pattaya forum.

Indeed you could probably recount your experiences in an anecdote entitled: " An unfunny thing happened to me on my way to the forum."

May I respectfully suggest that every time you see a reference to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, that you immediately turn off your computer, and thus afford yourself the protection you crave from the harmful exposure to said horror stories.

Respectfully yours


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Can you please give Mobi his wish so that he can have a one-stop-shopping place for the BPH horror stories and then people could drop by for hair curling on the way home. Possibly give it a separate category like libya's repository of Pattaya death, catastrophe, doom & gloom news?

Then we can move on with our lives.



Dear Nan,

I am so sorry and distressed to hear that you cannot carry on with your life, due to the BHP Horror stories you keep tripping over on your way to the Pattaya forum.

Indeed you could probably recount your experiences in an anecdote entitled: " An unfunny thing happened to me on my way to the forum."

May I respectfully suggest that every time you see a reference to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, that you immediately turn off your computer, and thus afford yourself the protection you crave from the harmful exposure to said horror stories.

Respectfully yours


Well said. :o some people eh....

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Can you please give Mobi his wish so that he can have a one-stop-shopping place for the BPH horror stories and then people could drop by for hair curling on the way home. Possibly give it a separate category like libya's repository of Pattaya death, catastrophe, doom & gloom news?

Then we can move on with our lives.



Dear Nan,

I am so sorry and distressed to hear that you cannot carry on with your life, due to the BHP Horror stories you keep tripping over on your way to the Pattaya forum.

Indeed you could probably recount your experiences in an anecdote entitled: " An unfunny thing happened to me on my way to the forum."

May I respectfully suggest that every time you see a reference to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, that you immediately turn off your computer, and thus afford yourself the protection you crave from the harmful exposure to said horror stories.

Respectfully yours



You have more buttons than my TV remote and I am hitting every one.

But, I am momentarily bored again with this thread so will leave you to it. However, I will check back in another week or so and see how many more petty complaints have amassed regarding price gouging, beach umbrellas and black-listing.

If there is progress and there is some realistic progress towards correcting the BPH of it's allegedly poor service then I will stop pushing the buttons. However, I expect a growing boring litany of personal gripes from the 'senior and respected' members of this forum that you claim as proof positive of malpractice.

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Bangkok Hospital Pattaya - 'Where is the Care' topic is still going strong so we will leave this for now and go on with that thread instead as commented it is difficult having the two threads simulatiously.

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It's noy only this hospital. Their are really no real emergency services as we know it in thailand. Some asian countries such as japan has what we would call in the west as emergency services. Such is life living in Thailand. The best thing we can do is register with the bankok hospital Pattaya with information on who to notify and how they are to get paid in case of emergency. Then instruct your next of kin or whoever you elect to make decisions if you are unable what your wishes might be concerning care.



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One week no Lanlaew = we must be doing something right....

Is there any chance to merge the two threads as suggested. This seems to me a good idea. easier for all users. The amount of corrupt dealing at that hospital is incredible.

Let me see....

Nope, nothing yet.

Maybe NEXT week?

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