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"what's Your Favorite Piece Of Advice From Your Father?"

Bentley 7

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Get out there and hit him back and don't come here crying or I'll give you something to cry about.

Heartless I guess, but effective. I would rather dare take a slap off another kid than risk a slap off of him.

I hated him for it, but at least I learnt to stand on my own two feet.

Edited by Robski
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"What's your favorite piece of advice from your father?"

One of my father's classics was:

Son! Buy as much land as you can and keep it for as long as you can

I wonder if you have been given any pearls of wisdom to say pass on to your kids

Lets hear them

"Before borrowing money from a friend, think what you need the most."

"With the yanks as your friends, you dont need an enemy"

"DONT SMOKE!" (But I did of course)

and for marriage..."Why buy a cow when milk is so cheap" :o

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Without any consideration for the fact that I have been smoking since I was 13 years old, and without any consideration about what the problem was, I was told, am still told:

Why don't you take up jogging?

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"What's your favorite piece of advice from your father?"

One of my father's classics was:

Son! Buy as much land as you can and keep it for as long as you can

I wonder if you have been given any pearls of wisdom to say pass on to your kids

Lets hear them

If its got tits or wheels, its bound to cause problems.

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Never spoke much to him - and wouldn't have taken any advice even if he offered it.

I know where you're coming from here. It was a friend who said 'Never let a woman know how much money you have'

my dad told me it does'nt matter what job you take as long as you enjoy it ,you're gonna do it for a long time :o

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First time he took me hunting geese he told me "Pick a target and stay on it. If you try to shoot at the whole flock you'll end up with nothing"

Years later while trying to pick up women in clubs I realized that advice was also true outside the world of hunting. :o

A better one would be like two Bulls..father and son...

Son Bull:Gee dad,why don't we run down the hill and shag one of those cows?

Dad Bull:Well son,why don't we walk down the hill and shag them all! :D

Edited by chuchok
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First time he took me hunting geese he told me "Pick a target and stay on it. If you try to shoot at the whole flock you'll end up with nothing"

Years later while trying to pick up women in clubs I realized that advice was also true outside the world of hunting. :o

A better one would be like two Bulls..father and son...

Son Bull:Gee dad,why don't we run down the hill and shag one of those cows?

Dad Bull:Well son,why don't we walk down the hill and shag them all! :D

Or in your case mate substitute Kiwi's for Bulls, and sheep for cows :D

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My old man is a good mate and a good bloke, now!!!

I say now because he really had bugger all to do with his two sons when we were younger, same house but no communication.

When I was young he gave little advice and on reflection it was sorely missed. he is a good one for hind sight.

When my wife and I divorced he said "Well that was never going to last", when a business partner ripped me off he said "I always thought there was something dodgy about him" , you get the drift.

However, he did come up with one once regarding a career choice. "Be the best at something mediocre rather than be sh*thouse at something elite"

I am not sure if it is sound advice but it is the only thing I remember.

Khun Andy

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"This is your weapon and this is your gun. This is for killing and this is for fun."

And it was embarrassing one time when I confused the two. The mugger was uninjured but he did laugh until he cried.

"Hands up, muthastickah! This is a <deleted> up!" :o

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"What's your favorite piece of advice from your father?"

One of my father's classics was:

Son! Buy as much land as you can and keep it for as long as you can

I wonder if you have been given any pearls of wisdom to say pass on to your kids

Lets hear them

"Before borrowing money from a friend, think what you need the most."

"With the yanks as your friends, you dont need an enemy"

"DONT SMOKE!" (But I did of course)

and for marriage..."Why buy a cow when milk is so cheap" :o

Hah. My father told me he can't understand why people pay for the milk when they own a cow. Then again when i brought my gf to thailand he told me don't take your candy to the candy store.

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