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"what's Your Favorite Piece Of Advice From Your Father?"

Bentley 7

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"What's your favorite piece of advice from your father?"

One of my father's classics was:

Son! Buy as much land as you can and keep it for as long as you can

I wonder if you have been given any pearls of wisdom to say pass on to your kids

Lets hear them

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When you plan to marry a girl, look at her mother, as that is she will look like in in 20-30 years time...................

I have found it to be very reliable advice. :o

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"What's your favorite piece of advice from your father?"

One of my father's classics was:

Son! Buy as much land as you can and keep it for as long as you can

I wonder if you have been given any pearls of wisdom to say pass on to your kids

Lets hear them

'Get as much c**t as you can before you're fifty!'

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This wasn't given to me by father but by a Scotsman I play golf with:

An old bull and a young bull stood on a hill, looking down on the glen.

In that glen a lot of fine young cows grazed on the fine grass.

So the young bull said to the old bull; "let's run down and ###### one".

The old bull looked at his young friend and said; "no let's walk down

and ###### them all".

Has nothing to do with sex. But with thinking your actions through, having patience and getting the maximum results. I believe old age has some advantages -wisdom

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"son, you can forget to return a mans 100 pound drill and he won't hold it against you. forget to give back a pound you borrowed and he will never trust you again"

I think it holds true...........or i could say "well at least i have a good drill"...........but i won't.

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Simple but useful stuff...

1) Be your Self, never try to be someone your not to impress chicks..(never had a problem with this one)

2) SAVE MONEY even when your not making allot (True but still difficult)

3) As long as you know you did your best, don't regret shit (My hearts Motto)

4) Wear a condom (No Comment)

5) Exercise, and learn how to box...every man should know how to Box. (I can box but I need to exercise more)

6) Don't rush into commitment with women. (Learned that one the hard way but I'm feeling much better now)

7) own your own, land, business, cars, ext (On it)

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First time he took me hunting geese he told me "Pick a target and stay on it. If you try to shoot at the whole flock you'll end up with nothing"

Years later while trying to pick up women in clubs I realized that advice was also true outside the world of hunting. :o

Edited by cdnvic
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When you have done your very best, there is always another 10% you could have done. :o

If you think long enough and hard enough you can solve any problem. :D

Measure twice and cut once. :D

Listen to every one even a fool, then make your own mind up. :D

If it doesn’t look right or sound right it won’t be right, don’t let anyone try to persuade you that it is right. :D

My father was the smartest guy I ever knew and the best father any one could wish for. :bah::bah::o

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