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Sex Education Program Developed For Schools Nationwide

Jai Dee

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OBEC develops sex-ed program for schools nationwide

The Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) is expediting sex education curriculum for more than 5000 schools nationwide.

The OBEC Secretary-General, Khunying Kasama Worawan Na Ayutthaya (กษมา วรวรรณ ณ อยุธยา), says she has been notified of the incident where a grade eight student in an Ayutthaya province school suffered a miscarriage during morning assembly. Khunying Kasama says teenage pregnancy may be the result of low self esteem, lack of social support, and loneliness, therefore parents, teachers, and friends are encouraged to provide aid to troubled youths.

School administrators have been urged to provide compassion and assistance to pregnant students and allow them to continue their education if they choose to. Khunying Kasama says her agency is well aware of the problems of teenage pregnancy and will be addressing the issue with plans to develop sex education and interpersonal development curriculum for more than 5,000 schools throughout the nation.

The curriculum plans are expected to be completed by the end of this year.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 18 May 2007

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From what my son tells me the students are way ahead of the Office of the Basic Education Commission.

They have the practical side of the curriculum in hand already. :o

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But isn't this a worldwide problem? Mother nature says, "here you go, girl, you're now fertile!" The law says, "don't do it!"

My daughter-in-law is 11, looks 16, is beautiful, is fertile... and I expect will be pregnant within the year :-( she just wants to be like everyone else.

In the UK I think many agencies have rather given up on the law as it stands and supply contraceptives to under-age girls just to control the tide of teenage pregnancies.

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My daughter-in-law is 11, looks 16, is beautiful, is fertile... and I expect will be pregnant within the year :-( she just wants to be like everyone else.

Are you sure about that??

Your daughter in law is your son's wife!!!

Marriage at 11 is illegal.

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That is extremely sad. And the poster who put a :o face behind the statement saying his step daughter would probably be pregnant next year, I do hope was joking. I appreciate that children explore their sexuality and indulge in sexual practices, but I wish that more contracetpion was available. Saying don't do it won't work (who takes notice of their parents or schools?), but an open society where pregnancy is discussed - let alone STD's would benefit everyone. Particularly as termination is *not* available. Prevent pregnancy and the attendant risks that accompany it in children. I know that a lot of parents are embaressed about discussing the birds and bees but it is essential. This applies to boys (more so #) than girls I will probably encounter a sh1t storm now, but I do think that the urges of a boy are much more strong than those of a girl. The young women possibly just go along with these encounters due to pressure from their boyfriends

Sorry just re read the post and it says daughter in law? I read it as step daughter.

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But isn't this a worldwide problem? Mother nature says, "here you go, girl, you're now fertile!" The law says, "don't do it!"

I think in not so ancient times girls had to have a husband prepared by the age they reach fertility. The law is relatively recent invention.

Also the OP is about sex-education, not about sex-prevention.

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But isn't this a worldwide problem? Mother nature says, "here you go, girl, you're now fertile!" The law says, "don't do it!"

I think in not so ancient times girls had to have a husband prepared by the age they reach fertility. The law is relatively recent invention.

Also the OP is about sex-education, not about sex-prevention.

will they edit all there text books and diagrams in there leaflets etc as they do there tv :o

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Somehow, I suspect that more pregnancy results from the sperm cell reaching the egg cell than anything else.

I seriously doubt that this program will really address the social problems of young Thais. Dealing with pressures from friends, patrons, and even family members to give into sex, especially when they perceive themselves as helpless dependents or "lower" status clients- it's too much to fix, especially since the education system is within the larger system of status differences.

It will either tell them "just say no"- in which case it will be a big waste of time- or it will educate them thoroughly about sex and human physiology, with a focus on condoms- in which case, for a few lucky girls, it could make a difference.


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A step in the right direction. I hope they are realistic about the program and not like the half-wits the the USA who think the are going to sell the concept of abstinance to the majority of teenagers. I hope students are taught safe & responsible sex practices & eventually will have all options available to them to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

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I think I am right in saying that Holland has the lowest rate of teen pregnancy (and TOPs) in the world. Sex needs to be brought out into the open and acknowledged. Obviously I don't want my daughters doing it :o , but I would much rather they were presented with all the facts than picked up bits of gossip and half truths and ended up in the club.

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My experience, as the father of three girls and three boys, is that 21 year old virgins are almost unheard of now, in the West. Thailand, I would not know. But I also remember it happened to 13 year olds in year 1955, in the West, so maybe it happens here, too.

There is some sex education now for 12-13 year old students in matayom one of the government schools, complete with cutaway diagrams of a man penetrating a woman in the most obvious way. Of course, any child who wishes to educate themselves on the internet about how it's done, will find more information in twenty minutes than the teenagers of 1955 could ever find.

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From what my son tells me the students are way ahead of the Office of the Basic Education Commission.

They have the practical side of the curriculum in hand already. :o

I heard some of the teachers give extra classes on this.

I met one teacher who introduced me to his 11 year old son and his 26 year old wife who was the mother of the boy. And he the teacher didn't adopt him. He was his real son.

Do the math.

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That sucks. sexual education for children.

Next subject to come - sexual rituals of the ppl of the world

Another one - alternative sexual education

And goes on...


Basic pupil of new age - metrosexual with loaded cell phone, piercing, makeup, comic book, eyes of retard.

Now lets teach them how to shag each other most efficently.

It's not a sick post, its a walk at noon at Petchaburi - Pratunam area

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I think I am right in saying that Holland has the lowest rate of teen pregnancy (and TOPs) in the world. Sex needs to be brought out into the open and acknowledged. Obviously I don't want my daughters doing it :o , but I would much rather they were presented with all the facts than picked up bits of gossip and half truths and ended up in the club.

so so true...

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Also, sex education should be given as early as possible. Certainly before puberty, once a girl begins to menstruate she is able to have a baby. Most girls in the west (can't say for Thailand) experience menarche around 11-12 and it's getting younger. When I was at school, many moons ago- a common saying was old enough to bleed old enough to breed. Worth thinking about Thai Govt. if you are reading this.

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A step in the right direction. I hope they are realistic about the program and not like the half-wits the the USA who think the are going to sell the concept of abstinance to the majority of teenagers. I hope students are taught safe & responsible sex practices & eventually will have all options available to them to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Agreed. Sex education books in the USA focus only on STI, Rape, Pregnancy, Religion, etc...

What are the educators thinking? Sex is pleasure and not a horror story.

I mean if you are 13 or 14, you just want to know how to use a condom or where you can buy the pill.

Somehow I am afraid that this Thai Program will look a lot like the American one and will teachthe kids zipp!

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When you teach 3rd grade and you hear "Hey so and so, do you want to F$%# so and so?" you see the need.

Back in the states we had Sex ED in 4th grade, general info about babies and disease. Then 6th grade girls and boys are separated and learn about the differences (sucks for the girls who already hit puberty in 4th and 5th grade and thought they were dying eh?) in 9th we then get further information about contraception and disease.

The funny thing is that for my BA I was required to take human sexuality. I went to a Christian Uni, I was amazed at all the clueless people in the class, especially the girls...

In America 1 in 4 sexually active people have an STD, Herpes and HPV are at the top, yet people still believe in abstinence based programs and waiting until the kids are already having sex to tell them about this.

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When you teach 3rd grade and you hear "Hey so and so, do you want to F$%# so and so?" you see the need.

Back in the states we had Sex ED in 4th grade, general info about babies and disease. Then 6th grade girls and boys are separated and learn about the differences (sucks for the girls who already hit puberty in 4th and 5th grade and thought they were dying eh?) in 9th we then get further information about contraception and disease.

The funny thing is that for my BA I was required to take human sexuality. I went to a Christian Uni, I was amazed at all the clueless people in the class, especially the girls...

In America 1 in 4 sexually active people have an STD, Herpes and HPV are at the top, yet people still believe in abstinence based programs and waiting until the kids are already having sex to tell them about this.

The Dutch model seems to be a pretty progressive one to follow? In England when I was at school there was no sex education, even when we had reached the Secondary school level, fortunately I took Human Biology as an option.

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Khunying Kasama says teenage pregnancy may be the result of low self esteem, lack of social support, and loneliness,

Thats right, blame the girl. Not one word about ignorance. Human beings are curious - if you don't tell them the real skinny then they are going to make something up to explain it. And thats the real reason for sex ed.

If you don't teach your daughter, she'll learn everything she knows about sex from her 14 year old boyfriend!

Guns are the same way. Teach children how to use them properly and you will lower the amount of gun use - accidental and otherwise!!!!

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