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Source of British Variant Still Unknown


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I wonder what they will do when it mutates inside Thailand, will they announce a new 'Thai variant'?


Based on what happened in the UK I doubt they would say anything and I wouldn't blame them either.

Edited by ukrules
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7 hours ago, robblok said:

Because if you can't blame one country you can't blame the  other. You cant say because of unsanitary practices in the UK the virus mutated. But at the same hand they like to do that with China.


Talk about double standards.

Well in fact zoonotic viruses have quite a history of originating in China, due to the particular animal husbandry practices there. Not so in the UK.


Whether the variant arose in the UK or came across the English Channel a/k/a la Manche is not as significant. These mutations occur in humans, not animals.

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5 minutes ago, placnx said:

Well in fact zoonotic viruses have quite a history of originating in China, due to the particular animal husbandry practices there. Not so in the UK.


Whether the variant arose in the UK or came across the English Channel a/k/a la Manche is not as significant. These mutations occur in humans, not animals.

Yes but like the mutation its not something you can influence it just happens. So blaming is useless. Its not as if the Chinese wanted this to happen just like the UK did not plan on breeding a more infectious type. These things happen. 


Now if the virus in China came from a lab or was man made, then its a different story. 

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23 minutes ago, ukrules said:

I wonder what they will do when it mutates inside Thailand, will they announce a new 'Thai variant'?


Based on what happened in the UK I doubt they would say anything and I wouldn't blame them either.

If a new more dangerous strain is found then you just have to report it. The UK did that correct. Then other countries trying to keep it out is also correct. But nobody not even Marcon (you said he did i looked it up) blames people from the UK. He blamed the more contagious UK variant. There is a huge difference between the two.

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21 hours ago, JamieM said:

British variant" ? Interesting that the Thai media has never, ever before mentioned the origins of coronavirus (China) in fact if you ask a Thai in the street where it came originally throughout this pandemic a vast majority of them haven't a clue.



21 hours ago, JamieM said:


Finally looks like Thailand has found what it has wanted all along which is a western country to point the finger at...




The whole world is calling it the UK strain. Because it is from the UK.

Do you think the Thais should call it something else?

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The UK has undertaken more than 50% of the DNA sequencing tests (that establish the covid variant) performed globally. By comparison Europe (and the US) has undertaken a much smaller number of sequencing tests. For historical reasons DNA sequencing is a big thing in the UK (for example, see the news about the forthcoming IPO of Oxford Nanopore). That is the most likely reason the Kent variant was first identified in Kent. Kent is the gateway county for continental Europe and where two of the UK's largest ports are located, through which much of the cross channel transport to/from Europe occurs. . Gatwick Airport, one of the large air gateways to Europe is also located nearby. So it is possible that the Kent variant could have developed in the UK or been brought in from Europe, or elsewhere. UK air borders were and remain rather open. So it is not possible to say definitively that the UK/Kent variant is from UK. It might be but that is not known. 

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Where was the first place in the world that reported this new corona virus, or as it is known now as covid 19.

  I believe it was in Wuhan China. I do know that China would like all to believe something else, but there are

doctors and other people in Wuhan who died of this virus.  The variants were not in existence until later, so it really

does not matter what name is associated with them. The big fact is that the original and variants of this virus are

all killers and humans really do not want to get sick with any kind of this virus. I just hope that in 2 years most people will

have been vaccinated against the virus, and that we all have a better chance of surviving this pandemic, that has killed off so many 

around the world so far.


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23 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes but like the mutation its not something you can influence it just happens. So blaming is useless. Its not as if the Chinese wanted this to happen just like the UK did not plan on breeding a more infectious type. These things happen. 


Now if the virus in China came from a lab or was man made, then its a different story. 

After SARS in 2003, the wet markets were supposed to be closed. Maybe that worked for six months. In spite of efforts for total control, accidents and epidemics cannot be abolished.


The raising of various species together where they can contact/ingest droppings of wild birds has been happening for long years in China, and so have epidemics and pandemics.


As for the lab leak theory and gain-of-function research, we will only know of something incriminating if someone inside spills the beans.

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13 minutes ago, placnx said:

After SARS in 2003, the wet markets were supposed to be closed. Maybe that worked for six months. In spite of efforts for total control, accidents and epidemics cannot be abolished.


The raising of various species together where they can contact/ingest droppings of wild birds has been happening for long years in China, and so have epidemics and pandemics.


As for the lab leak theory and gain-of-function research, we will only know of something incriminating if someone inside spills the beans.

Yes it can.... but that is just part of life just like the Brits did not purposely made the virus more potent. As long as its not man made or escaped from a lab its just part of life. But that is my opinion others might see it differently. 



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4 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yes it can.... but that is just part of life just like the Brits did not purposely made the virus more potent. As long as its not man made or escaped from a lab its just part of life. But that is my opinion others might see it differently. 



I meant that the situation in China is naturally conducive to flu virus, maybe others, more so than UK, for example. The way ordinary Chinese farmers do things would have change a lot to change this fact of life.

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Yes, very true. Unfortunate, but kind of funny actually.  

I bet if it was called the U.S. variant all the UK/British folks would be cheering and not making excuses that it is actually something China created.  Tough to deal with I suppose but sorry, it came from the UK.

On 4/9/2021 at 6:38 PM, RobMuir said:

No. Not the UK variant which is much worse.

It came out of the UK and has now spread all over the world as a result of the millions infected in UK because of the incompetent way they handled it, similar to Brazil, which also has particular strain.


There are no Thai variants, or New Zealand variants because they took measures to stop it getting out of control. The UK didn't and the highly contagious UK mutant strain is the result.


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