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Enter the May 2021 Thaivisa Photography Competition


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Sorry about last month's hiatus, but the competition is now back! 


The competition will run until 30 May 2021


Please note, there will no longer be a prize issued for the competition winner. 


Please note that by submitting an image in to this photo competition, you are giving your permission for that image to be potentially used in the annual Thaivisa Calendar. If you are not aware of the calendar, here is the 2021 calendar.




Competition Rules


- Contributing members may submit up to four of their own photos per month.

(Members can re-submit an image in a following months competition providing it hasn't been a winner in a previous months competition.)


- Please only one photo per post!


- The photos must be Thailand related and also comply with thaivisa forum rules.



- A title, Basic Exif data, location and date may be added, but no extra comments to try and win more votes will be allowed.


- All entries will be included in a gallery as posted and at the end of the month this gallery will then be sent to the judges who will choose the winner.


- Please note that likes can still be given but will play no part in deciding what is presented for judging.


- All entries will be considered regardless of the time of the month posted.


How to post images


Instructions on how to post images can be found here:



Please keep dropping by and give your support (likes) to the new images being posted.


Those images gaining 10 likes or more will be added to the "Best Shots Gallery " for the month in question.

This gallery is not part of the monthly competition and will also include images from across all the general photographic threads that accumulate 10 likes or more.


Note.......We will drop by the thread every day or so to remove the posts not containing images, so please don't be annoyed if you see one of your posts is missing, thanks for your understanding.


Please add your best shots, and contribute to the rest of the photo forum 


Other parts of the photo forum here:


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