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Study Shows Both Sinovac and AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccines Are Effective


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Indonesia tracked 25,374 health workers in capital city Jakarta for 28 days after they received their second dose and found that the vaccine protected 100% of them from death and 96% from hospitalization as soon as seven days after, said Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin in an interview on Tuesday. The workers were tracked until late February.



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1 hour ago, CharlieH said:

33,000 is population.

I was there a few years ago.  The big attraction is the mountain top castle.  Down from the castle are some neighborhoods, you wind through them as you go up and down.  But yeah, not many live there.  Smallest country unless you count Vatican City as one. LOL

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1 hour ago, Brierley said:

Indonesia tracked 25,374 health workers in capital city Jakarta for 28 days after they received their second dose and found that the vaccine protected 100% of them from death and 96% from hospitalization as soon as seven days after, said Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin in an interview on Tuesday. The workers were tracked until late February.



It appears that China has managed to bring infections to zero while vaccinating only 20% of its population...go figure...

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Just now, Brunolem said:

It appears that China has managed to bring infections to zero while vaccinating only 20% of its population...go figure...

Yeah, they've done a great job.  Lock downs, masks, social distancing, testing, contact tracing and very strict border controls.  If other countries had done this, we might be out of this mess by now.

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13 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

It appears that China has managed to bring infections to zero while vaccinating only 20% of its population...go figure...


The article doesn't say that, it doesn't even hint at that, yours seems to be a troll post which should probably be removed since it is not even a little bit relevant.

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1 minute ago, Brierley said:


The article doesn't say that, it doesn't even hint at that, yours seems to be a troll post which should probably be removed since it is not even a little bit relevant.

Ummm....his reply was about vaccinations.  Which is what this topic is about.  Hardly a troll post.

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18 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

It appears that China has managed to bring infections to zero while vaccinating only 20% of its population...go figure...

Well, when you've got a police state enjoying the advantage of the latest mass surveillance technology, close to 0 percent is possible.

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1 minute ago, Jeffr2 said:

Ummm....his reply was about vaccinations.  Which is what this topic is about.  Hardly a troll post.

Except the posted link and article refer to the Indonesian study which the poster then copied whilst making false claims about Chinese levels of contagion....that's trolling.

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2 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Well, when you've got a police state enjoying the advantage of the latest mass surveillance technology, close to 0 percent is possible.

So all what's missing in Thailand then is the introduction of mass surveillance technology ?

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Just now, Brierley said:

Except the posted link and article refer to the Indonesian study which the poster then copied whilst making false claims about Chinese levels of contagion....that's trolling.


No I think you are trolling. At least it's a job. 


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The government has used the virus to politically control people and have manipulated laws and situations for their own benefit for years. They have a very low credibility rating in the eyes of the Thai people so the people are more likely to believe conspiracies  than anything the government tells them. They won't take Chinese vaccine because the Chinese have been selling stuff that breaks immediately for years so why would their vaccine be safe? The government and 'its supporters' will benefit financially from Astrazeneca so why would they obey  if they are told to take it. My brother and sister in law and my wife were laughing last night at the government telling people to register. They won't take it.

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6 minutes ago, Brierley said:

Except the posted link and article refer to the Indonesian study which the poster then copied whilst making false claims about Chinese levels of contagion....that's trolling.

What false claims?  I suggest you do some research...on credible sites.

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15 hours ago, placeholder said:

No, it's comments like yours that are trash. We have many many studies done outside of China that show that Sinovac is very effective at preventing symptoms serious enough to require hospitalization and at preventing death. Stop with the falsehoods already if for no other reason than you're committing a crime.

What is wrong with you? You really need help      Tell your twisted story to these 9 nurses how great Sinivav is         https://www.thaipbsworld.com/nine-student-nurses-suffer-side-effects-after-sinovac-vaccination/

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3 hours ago, Excel said:

So all what's missing in Thailand then is the introduction of mass surveillance technology ?

Si you think that mass surveillance is more efficient than vaccines when it comes to fight a virus?

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3 hours ago, Brierley said:

Except the posted link and article refer to the Indonesian study which the poster then copied whilst making false claims about Chinese levels of contagion....that's trolling.

What false claims?


This data is published on worldometer and many other sources...just have a look, it's everywhere...

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7 minutes ago, club said:

What is wrong with you? You really need help      Tell your twisted story to these 9 nurses how great Sinivav is         https://www.thaipbsworld.com/nine-student-nurses-suffer-side-effects-after-sinovac-vaccination/

A mathematician named John Paulos coined the term "innumeracy". It means for math what illiteracy means for reading.

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6 minutes ago, placeholder said:

A mathematician named John Paulos coined the term "innumeracy". It means for math what illiteracy means for reading.

Does this mean you cant read the article I sent you?

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12 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Si you think that mass surveillance is more efficient than vaccines when it comes to fight a virus?

Said no such thing but find it odd that your imagination tends to be negative.

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18 minutes ago, club said:

Does this mean you cant read the article I sent you?

It means you don't understand statisitcs and probability. Hundreds of thousands of people have been treated with this vaccine. How many adverse incidents have been reported. . It also means that you're letting your prejudices determine what that incident with the nurses was really about. Was it caused by the vaccine? There haven't been any reports of similar incidents. But there is this:

Mass psychogenic illness

Mass psychogenic illness (MPI), also called mass sociogenic illness, mass psychogenic disorder, epidemic hysteria, or mass hysteria, is the rapid spread of illness signs and symptoms affecting members of a cohesive group, originating from a nervous system disturbance involving excitation, loss, or alteration of function, whereby physical complaints that are exhibited unconsciously have no corresponding organic aetiology.[


And how severe were her symptoms? Apparently so severe that they had to be treated with pillows,. Lucky she was in a health care facility when it happened. Pretty high-tech stuff.




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2 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Anecdotal reports of people claiming side effects are nto proof of anything.


Over 1 million doses of Sinovac have been given in Thailand, almost 2 million in Cambodia, and more elsewhere.


Reports like this involve small numbers of people clustered together and knowing one another (and, I regret to say this being a woman myself - but all young women, the  demographic  usually involved in mass hysteria phenomena) . Detailed medical investigations have consistently failed to find any physical cause for the symptoms subjectively reported.


it is certainly true that once a vaccine (or any other drug) is administered on a mass scale there will be rare side effects that come to light that were not found in clinical trials, clinical trials can only identify side effects that occur at a magnitude of at least  1 in 10,000.


But these will be found in scattered cases, here and there (as happened with blood clots & AZ vaccine). They will not occur in clusters like this. Having 9 people all of whom know each other reporting symptoms not reported by any of the  hundreds of thousands of people elsewhere in the country vaccinated with the same batch of vaccine is extremely suggestive of a psychosomatic response. In addition there is no known mechanism through which Sinovac would cause these particular effects.

People clustered together? What are you talking about? These are side effects from taking Sinovac not symptoms of exposure to Covid 19 Because these woman were clustered together as you say . Let this be a warning . Do not cluster together when being vaccinated for Covid. You might start sharing side effects. WOW!!  You must work for the Chinese

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2 minutes ago, club said:

People clustered together? What are you talking about? These are side effects from taking Sinovac not symptoms of exposure to Covid 19 Because these woman were clustered together as you say . Let this be a warning . Do not cluster together when being vaccinated for Covid. You might start sharing side effects. WOW!!  You must work for the Chinese

They were vaccinated in a group. That would be a cluster.

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27 minutes ago, club said:

People clustered together? What are you talking about? These are side effects from taking Sinovac not symptoms of exposure to Covid 19 Because these woman were clustered together as you say . Let this be a warning . Do not cluster together when being vaccinated for Covid. You might start sharing side effects. WOW!!  You must work for the Chinese

What we are dealing with here are women who had heard, probably on the social web grapewine, about the blood clots stories regarding the AZ vaccine.


Unable to make a difference between AZ and Sinovac, they self diagnosed similar symptoms, even though it is impossible because Sinovac doesn't affect the vascular system.


If they had come up with totally different symptoms, they might have been credible, but not in this case.

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20 minutes ago, friendofthai said:

It is the N2 most vaccinated country in the world (N1 is Seychelles).

Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 3.48.59 PM.png

Which in and of itself, doesn't mean much.  Especially since San Marino is just a speck inside Italy, with NO borders.  Means nothing.

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