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6 hours ago, theoldgit said:

@RequiemIt might be helful if you confirmed which country within the EU you're looking for advice on, as has been pointed out each Member State has their own rules for your scenario, which may or may not apply to you.


You seem to be posting from Lithuania.


Yes, I am. I assume no one is here from Lithuania so I don’t expect anyone to know.


I actually got a reply from authorities that we can get married while she’s on a Schengen visa and she can then apply for a temporary stay permit and get a national visa while waiting for the decision.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In Denmark... Ewen if you can fulfill all the things you have to, it still might be refused.
As you say, they can not refuse you to stay together, but they will say nothing is stopping living together in Thailand insted of in Denmark.

Many other countrys like Germany or Sveden are a lot eaysere. 

On 6/14/2021 at 8:10 PM, Crossy said:

As above, check the regulations in your home country, for example in the UK you can no longer marry on a Tourist Visa (we just scraped in).


Also, from personal experience, if you intend living in your home country get married there, if you intend living in Thailand get married in Thailand.


I got married in Thailand in 1978.  Came back to the USA in 1980.  I'm stuck with her.  ????

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On 6/16/2021 at 12:37 AM, soi3eddie said:

Surely after 5 years she would have been eligible for German citizenship? Then she could travel freely and live in the UK (before brexit last year). If she was in UK as a German before Brexit then she could have stayed like many other European citizens do.



Wer seit acht Jahren dauerhaft und rechtmäßig in Deutschland lebt, hat unter folgenden Voraussetzungen einen Anspruch auf Einbürgerung:

unbefristetes oder auf Dauer angelegtes Aufenthaltsrecht zum Zeitpunkt der Einbürgerung
geklärte Identität und Staatsangehörigkeit
Bekenntnis zur freiheitlichen demokratischen Grundordnung des Grundgesetzes
grundsätzlich Aufgabe der bisherigen Staatsangehörigkeit
mündliche und schriftliche deutsche Sprachkenntnisse auf dem Niveau B 1 des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen
Nachweis über Kenntnisse der Rechts- und Gesellschaftsordnung und der Lebensverhältnisse in Deutschland (Einbürgerungstest)
eigenständige Sicherung des Lebensunterhalts für sich und die unterhaltsberechtigten Angehörigen
Gewährleistung der Einordnung in die deutschen Lebensverhältnisse, insbesondere keine Verheiratung gleichzeitig mit mehreren Ehegatten
keine Verurteilung wegen einer Straftat




Naturalization Requirements
Anyone who has lived legally and permanently in Germany for eight years is entitled to naturalization under the following conditions:

Unlimited or permanent right of residence at the time of naturalization
Vetted identity and nationality
Commitment to the free democratic basic order of the Constitution
Surrender of previous citizenship
Oral and written German language skills at level B1 of the Common European Framework of reference for languages
Proof of knowledge of the legal and social order and living conditions in Germany (naturalization test)
Independent livelihood security for yourself and your dependents
Guarantee of integration in the German living conditions, in particular no marriage with several spouses at the same time
No criminal conviction


Fee: EUR 255 (plus EUR 51 for each child joining the naturalization process) 


She will need to get some papers and get them translated and stamped.


Birth certificate

Proof of being single


She can send a written permit to some one in her home village to get these papers for her and send them by mail. This can even being done from abroad.




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