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Moderna vaccination at Private Hospitals

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I went to my "usual" private hospital (Kasemrad Sriburin Hospital in Chiang Rai) to register and pre-pay for Moderna vaccine, which pre-payment scheme was reported to be starting today, 1st July. 


I was told that registation and pre-payment CLOSED on 30th June, and they cannot accept any more pre-payments. They suggest I watch their FaceBook page to check when they might re-open pre-payments for Moderna vaccine sometime later this year.

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Contacted last night. Have been waiting on phone queue for 4 hours. Been on 'wait time 3 minutes' for 45 minutes. A while ago it took me back out to wait time 16 minutes.

Incompetence + b.s. + face saving + corruption = fatal f*** ups

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 I think I finally booked myself for Moderna on Kasemrad site. but ....


Could NOT work out how to pay. Very unclear.  'Manage booking/payment' not clear what to do. . Any ideas about how I pay for this. There did not seem to be a credit card or any other pay in format on the site.


Tried to contact the hospital but no answer

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I'm also with Kasemrad Sriburin in Chiang Rai.  I have beed registered since early June.  Been trying since 9:00 this morning.  Several hours to finally get through the queue but am unable to get the booking/payment to let me in.  Keeps sayng cannot do the transaction at this time and try later.  My suspicious mind thinks that unless the programming is a mess, then perhaps there are some "priority people" ahead of we expats.


One thing makes me suspicious is that this hospital group will give the vaccinations in the order payment was made.  So "higher priority people" might being allowed to pay first so the are assured of early vaccinations in case vaccines run out.

Edited by mojaco
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The link to pay was not working all day so the hospital let walk-ins come pay.  Then about 6:30 PM or so my friend was able to use the link to pay.  3,300 Baht "mut-jam" (initial payment) for two shots.

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17 minutes ago, papersource said:

My wife paid deposit and reserved moderna for me at Chularat hospital


May I ask if she paid on line  or in person at the hospital? If on line did that involve scanning whatever payment slip/receipt into their system before proceeding with really making the reservation? I'm asking because I am at the stage where it is asking for scanned proof of payment, however I don't want to face with an "all sold out" reply after uploading the payment receipt. So I'm still hesitating to make payment and curious to know if that was how you/your wife proceeded with making reservation, thanks.

Edited by watthong
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