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Philippines oxygen makers urged to assist Indonesia in it's current crisis


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MANILA – As Indonesia faces a shortage of medical oxygen due to the surge of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Ramon Lopez said at least two Philippine oxygen manufacturers can export to the neighboring country.


During a press conference Monday, Lopez said the country ramped up its supply of medical oxygen when an increase in Covid-19 cases happened last March.


The DTI has told local oxygen producers to double their capacity to prepare for the possible surge in demand for medical oxygen.


The good thing is we have enough oxygen supply, and as far as I remember, that was about four months ago. We still have an excess of about 20 percent or 30 percent,” he said.




He added the Philippines can help Indonesia by allowing local manufacturers to export medical oxygen.


Now, we also talked to them (suppliers), who have the extra capacity now that can supply Indonesia. So far, we got two possible suppliers. So that is how we can help Indonesia. We told them, if you have extra supply and you are still sure that you can supply locally, you can supply to Indonesia. So, we encourage oxygen manufacturers,” the trade chief said.


On Sunday, Indonesia’s health ministry reported that their Covid-19 cases increased by 36,197 and 1,007 Covid-19 related deaths within 24 hours.


Indonesia has the highest number of covid cases across SE Asia.


The Delta variant is said to be the cause of the sudden surge in infection and fatality in the neighboring country.



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