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30 day visa extension for 45 day exemption tourist (explained)

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In the taxi right now so I’ll keep it short but here’s a breakdown of how to get the initial 30 day visa extension for tourism purposes, when you have a 45 visa exemption currently, which is what I did. 


Documents required:

  • Passport photo copy (picture page + visa stamp + TM6 departure card)
  • 1900 baht 
  • TM7 page filled out 




  • Acknowledgement form of terms and conditions of stay in Thailand




  • Passport picture (only one was required but I read you needed two) 6x4cm 


First, you have to fill out all the forms, then get your passport photo, and photo copies of the passport. There was a place doing them when I first walked into the Muang Thong Thani building, but I did them ahead of time, so I can’t help with how that works. 


I went to immigration division 1 at first, HUGE mistake, they don’t do extensions for 45 day visa exemptions there. I thought I had to go there since I was also bringing a TM30 form. 


They told me to go to Muang Thong Thani immigration, I read online you can register online to skip the line, but I just went without as I wasn’t aware. 

Here’s the link explaining that 




I got to division 1 immigration around 8:30 and was at Muang Thong Thani around 9:30 and was number 136. I think they only accept 300 people a day (don’t quote me on that). If that is indeed the case, going earlier would be better. 


So once you’re at Muang Thong Thani immigration, you walk in, you’ll see a line of people getting photocopies, if you already have your photocopies of your passport, skip the line and go to the stairs. 

Go to the second floor, there’s a line of people waiting in chairs, you move up the line in the chairs. 

You will see DESK 1, here you give your documents /passport and they have you glue your picture to the TM7 form. 

I gave my TM30 to this desk and they handed it back to me. They give you a number if they accept your forms. 


Then you will be told to enter a room filled with chairs, on the right half of the room you wait for your number to be called and you’ll go to DESK 2, here you pay and have your photo taken. 

  • they seemed to be more strict about being timely/paying attention more than about how correctly you filled your forms, they asked for people to have the money ready in their passports, and were not happy with those not going to the desk when their number was called 
  • Try to remember who went in the room before you as the numbers are called in the order you got them in so you can be ready, they called my number in Thai and I dot know Thai but I heard the number get called before me in English and was able to assume it was my number called next. 


After this is done you’ll go to the other half of the room filled with chairs, this is where you get your passport back with the stamp once it’s ready, I’ll call this DESK 3 

  • the numbers are not called in order here, so listen to your number being called carefully, this is because they hand the passports back to this table in a basket and they’re randomly placed in. 
  • I’d recommend sitting at the front as they have huge fans in the room and it’s a bit hard to hear. I’m assuming they call your number in English if you have a foreign passport in this area, as they can see it unlike the area prior to this so you won’t have to worry about your number being called in Thai if you don’t know it 
  • one note, someone was called back from this area to DESK 2 as they had overstayed their visa, they went briefly and came back to the DESK 3 area, so I am assuming they just paid the fine and that was it, in case anyone was wondering 


Everyone was nice and laid back for the most part, I guess it’s one of those things you have to get through once and then it’s like clockwork. 


I’m pretty much fresh off the plane and if I can do it anyone can 

Edited by dj230
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18 minutes ago, Zabbaskeema said:

Anyone would know if I have to go all the way back to Bangkok to get the extension if I am to go down to Satun the whole time fixing my boat?


Eg. Can I get this extension in Satun instead?


Many thanks

I think you just go to your local immigration that does visa extension for your type of visa 

Edited by dj230
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9 hours ago, Zabbaskeema said:

Can I get this extension in Satun instead?

You can apply for the extension at the immigration office there after a TM30 report is submitted for where you are staying there.

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8 hours ago, dj230 said:

I think you just go to your local immigration that does visa extension for your type of visa 

All immigration normal offices can do the extension. Only the special offices for BOI companies and etc would not do it.

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